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Translate.vc / Espanhol → Inglês / Ted

Ted tradutor Inglês

13,416 parallel translation
Es Ted.
It is Ted.
- Hey. ¿ Eres Ted?
- Hey. Are you Ted?
Es tan bueno verte Ted.
It's so good to see you Ted.
Tengo algunos grandes planes para ti, Ted.
I have some big plans for you, Ted.
Ted ¿ dónde estás?
Ted where are you?
- Ted, hola?
- Ted, hello?
Hey Ted!
Hey Ted!
- Ah roca sobre Ted!
- Ah, rock on Ted!
Hey, sólo corrimos a su amigo Ted.
Hey, we just ran into your friend Ted.
Secuestro sólo se aplica a las personas, y Ted, eres propiedad.
Kidnapping only applies to people, and you Ted, you're property.
Sam esto es realmente un mal momento, derecha, algo le sucedió a Ted.
Sam this is really a bad time, right, something happened to Ted.
No se trata de que Ted.
This isn't about you Ted.
Te veré en el cielo, Ted.
I'll see you in heaven, Ted.
- Ted!
- Ted!
- Ted se ou amigo ¿ vale?
- Ted are ou okay buddy?
Gracias Ted, significa mucho.
Thanks Ted, it means a lot.
Hey, si ustedes quieren bang, mí y Ted puedo abandonar totalmente la habitación.
Hey, if you guys wanna bang, me and Ted can totally leave the room.
Ted es real, y que puede ir a la mierda.
Ted is real, and you can go fuck yourself.
Y tan pronto como he terminado follando mí me gustaría llevar su caso Ted.
And as soon as I'm done fucking myself I'd like to take your case Ted.
Y estamos todos de acuerdo que Ted es consciente de sí mismo.
And we are all in agreement that Ted is self aware.
- Ted Clubberlang.
- Ted Clubberlang.
En cuanto a las emociones complejas y la capacidad de empatía, todos vimos las imágenes sobrecogedoras de los Ted agonizando sobre su amigo caído
As for the complex emotions and the capacity for empathy, we all saw the distressing images of Ted agonizing over his fallen friend
En esas imágenes, Ted exhibe todos las cualidades restantes de la personalidad.
In those images, Ted exhibits all of the remaining qualities of personhood.
Felicitaciones Ted.
Congratulations Ted.
Ted y Tami-Lynn fueron casaron una vez más, y poco después de que adoptaron un niño joven bien.
Ted and Tami-Lynn were married once again, and soon afterward they adopted a fine young baby boy.
Oye, Ted. ¿ Qué haces aquí?
Hey, Ted. What are you doing here?
- No, Ted debe estar por llegar.
- No. Ted really should be here soon.
Llegó Ted.
That's Ted.
No era Ted.
It's not Ted.
Cada momento que pasé con ella star-ted tejiendo las páginas de mi historia.
Every moment I spent with her star-ted weaving the pages of my story.
Yo Star-ted trabajar con usted..
I star-ted working with you..
Historia en estrella-ted de la misma manera.
Out story star-ted in the same way.
Fue la madre de Ted.
It was Ted's mom.
Ted, Ted, Ted!
Ted, Ted, Ted!
Mi amigo Ted.
My friend Ted.
Bien sabes que no tiene para jugar ese juego con Ted Si usted no desea.
Well you know you don't have to play that game with Ted if you don't want to.
¿ Este Ted?
Is this Ted?
Gato de Ted no se encuentra.
Ted's cat is missing.
Gato de Ted murió por el león de montaña.
Ted's cat was killed by the mountain lion.
Eso es lo que va a hacer con Ted.
That's what he'll do with Ted.
Ted Barret.
Ted Barret.
Niños, saluden al Sr. Ted Barret.
Kids, say hello to Mr. Ted Barret.
¿ Ted Barret?
Ted Barret?
El mánager Billy Martin lideró el ataque.
Manager Billy Martin ted the charge.
- Sí, es como Ted Bundy.
- Yeah, it's Like Ted Bundy.
Ted quiere verte.
Ted wants to see you.
y Kurt se cansó de eso. Y... luego fuimos "Ted ed Fred".
And Kurt tired of that, so we're Ted Ed Fred.
Ted Kitty.
Ted Kitty.
- ¡ Ted!
- Ted!

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