/ Espanhol → Inglês / Teniá
Teniá tradutor Inglês
11,243 parallel translation
Esme tenia un trabajo para su nueva escuela.
Esme has an assignment from her new school.
Tenia que crear un documental que sirva como un autorretrato.
She has to create a video documentary that serves as a self-portrait.
¿ Tenia una foto mía en su teléfono?
Y-you have a picture of me on your phone?
Memorice las tablas de multiplicar en hexadecimal cuando tenia 14 escribiendo codigo!
I memorized the hexadecimal times tables when I was 14 writing machine code!
Mira, solo tenia curiosidad sobre Savi.
Look, I was just curious about Savi.
Murió cuando tenia 11.
She died when I was 11. Oh. I'm sorry.
Primera ofensa cuando tenia diez años.
First offence when he was ten.
Cuando yo tenia tu edad, Kyle,
Back when I was your age, Kyle,
- Pero... Ah, cierto, tenia que usar sopa.
- But... oh, right, I'm supposed to use soup.
La violencia grave, pero aun tenia la presencia de animo para limpiar el arma homicida y saquear los efectos personales de la victima.
Serious violence, but he still had the presence of mind to clean the murder weapon and ransack the victim's personal effects.
el y el otro tipo tenia un argumento de la derecha.
Him and the other guy had a right argument.
Segun el gerente de la cafeteria que fue a, usted y su hijo tenia una fila.
According to the manager at the coffee shop you went to, you and your son had a row.
Tenia un alto nivel y cuando la gente no cumplian con la altura de esas normas... se. ¿ Y crees que es una buena y hombre decente.
He had high standards and when people didn't meet up to those standards... I know. And you think he's a good and decent man.
Me gusto lo que tenia, con la salsa.
I liked what you had, with the sauce.
Si, bueno, alguien tenia un problema con ellos.
Yeah well, someone had a problem with them.
Mama tenia una crisis nerviosa y pobre Adrian, terminado en cuidado de crianza.
Mom had a nervous breakdown and poor little Adrian, ended up in Foster care.
Tenia sangre por todas las manos.
He had blood all over his hands.
Aunque, a juzgar por su apetito, Martin sospechaba que aquel bebé era, de hecho algún tipo de tenia gigante...
Although, judging by her appetite, Martin suspected that this baby was, in fact some kind of giant tapeworm...
¿ Se ha ido la gran tenia?
Is the big tapeworm gone?
Mi padre tenia razón.
My father was right.
La mujer que ingirió las llamadas pastillas de tenia saginata para estar más esbelta.
She's the woman who ingested the so-called sanitized tapeworm in order to slim her figure.
- Tenia curiosidad.
Just wondering.
Tenia que ver si el canto funcionaria para mí.
I had to see if singing would work out for me.
Perdí a mis dos padres cuando tenia 11 años, así que sé un poco sobre lo que es necesitar familia.
I lost both of my parents when I was 11 years old, so I know a little something about needing family.
No tenia ni idea de que te iba a poner de titular
I had no idea he was gonna make you the headline.
La sangre del Señor Langston tenia niveles elevados de troponina
Mr. Langston's blood had elevated levels of troponin.
El ni siquiera sabia que tenia flequillo.
He didn't even know I had bangs.
Tenia que escaparme de esa rueda de hámster.
I had to get off that hamster wheel.
No tenia seguro su chochito, así que fue necesaria una acción dramatica vale, ¿ cuando vas ha contarle que era una patraña?
He wasn't locking down his poontash, so drastic action was required. Okay, so when are you gonna tell him it was all a setup?
Tenia que improvisar.
I had to improvise.
Resulta que mi mamá tenia razón en una cosa.
Turns out, my Mom was right about one thing...
No tenia miedo de saber que escondía, aunque no esconda nada.
And she wasn't afraid to get down and dirty to find out what was going on even when nothing was going on.
Falleció cuando tenia más o menos tu edad.
She passed away when she was about your age.
Sin ella, sentí que no tenia más razón para vivir, así que...
Without her, I felt like I had nothing else to live for, so...
No tenia suficiente con matarlo.
Wasn't enough to kill him.
Entonces Cruz tenia el dinero de hoy de toda nuestra puta organización, Tommy.
So Cruz is carrying today's cash from our whole fucking organization, Tommy.
Asi que tenia un sobre con todos mis cupones de Bed, Bath, and Beyond.
So I had an envelope up here with all of my Bed, Bath Beyond coupons.
Tenia que contestar.
I had to take that.
Vinieron aqui, y luego no estaba, y luego tuve que ir a una isla a recogerlo y había una mujer que se estaba comiendo este yogurt y no me daba el paquete porque no tenia tu DNI.
They came here and then I wasn't here and then I had to go to the island to get it and there was this woman there and she was eating all this yogurt and she wouldn't give it to me'cause I didn't have your ID.
No tenia tu dni.
I don't have an ID of yours.
Vamos a descubrir quien era ese predicador... que tenía para ganar de la maldición y como tenia el poder para realizarla.
We're going to find out who this preacher was... what he had to gain from this curse and how he had the power to enforce it.
Bueno, dijiste que si tenia alguna pregunta podia venir a ti.
Well, you said if I ever had a question I should come to you.
Eres el único en el sector que sabía... que tenia esos explosivos.
You're the only one in the Sector who knew I had those explosives.
- Tenia 12 - abuela.
- Grandma.
Oh, tenia 12
I was 12th
Yo tenia 12
I was 12th
Tenia la esperanza verte aquí.
I was hoping to see you here.
dijo que solo tenia que venir
He said all I have to do is be here.
Le dije que no tenia por que estar celoso, pero insistió en que había algo entre nosotros.
I told him he had no cause for jealousy, but he insisted there was something between us.
Mis padres me echaron de casa cuando tenia 16.
My parents kicked me out when I was 16.
Recuerdo cuando ella tenia nueve, vistió a Brenna de...
I remember when she was nine, she dressed up Brenna as...