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Took tradutor Inglês

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Se llevó mi teléfono.
You took my phone.
¡ Agarró mi teléfono y no tiene ningún derecho!
He took my phone, and he had no right!
Esta persona que se llevó a mi amiga, ¿ creen que intentará... deshacerse de ella?
This person who took my friend, do you think he'll try to... to get rid of her?
Quien se la llevó, lo hizo entonces.
Whoever took her, took her then.
Antes de llevarla a la playa y cortarle la garganta.
Before he took her to the beach and cut her throat.
No sabemos si es la primera mujer que raptó.
We don't know it's the first woman he took.
O quizá lo llevó a otra parte.
Or maybe they took him someplace else.
También es posible que Kellerman viera que eran un par de novatos, y se aprovechó.
Just consider the possibility that Kellerman saw you for the rookie you were and took advantage.
- ¿ Quién te ha llevado a la ciudad?
- Who took you downtown?
¿ Olvidas quién te albergó?
You forget who took you under his wing...
Oí que aceptaste el trabajo porque intentas encontrar a tu novia.
I was told you took this job because you are looking for your girlfriend.
Vimos la oportunidad y escapamos.
We took our chance and ran.
Luego de una hora, recogió sus ganancias, se levantó sin decir nada y dejó el casino por la puerta del frente.
After an hour, he took his winnings, quietly stood up, and left the casino through the main entrance.
Pero Arman ni siquiera me dejó esa alternativa.
But arman took away even that option.
Eras sólo un niño cuando hicimos ese viaje hace muchos años atrás.
You were only a little boy when we took that trip many years ago.
Cuando se le acercaron, él se marchó, yéndose en línea recta por este bosque.
When they approached him, he took off, made a beeline for these woods.
Y tú caíste en la trampa.
And you took the bait.
Espere, ¿ se turnaban para vestirse como payasos y asustar en Mount Pleasant, pero no eran amigos?
Wait, you took turns dressing up like a clown and creeping around Mount Pleasant, but you weren't buddies?
Supuestamente el asesino se lo llevó junto a su billetera.
Presumably the killer took it along with his wallet.
El tema es que encontramos mucha evidencia de que estaba interesada en un ataque como este, pero ninguna prueba de que realmente emprendiera acciones.
Thing is, we found a ton of evidence that she was interested in an attack like this, but no evidence that she actually took action.
Estuviste en el trabajo solo por diez años y después te jubilaste anticipadamente por un reclamo de incapacidad, ¿ cierto?
You were on the job for just ten years, and then you took early retirement on a disability claim, right?
¿ Aceptaste una jubilación del 75 por ciento?
Took a three-quarter pension?
Le han llevado a un lugar donde pudiese estar más cómodo.
They just took him somewhere where he would be more comfortable.
# Ya tomé el cuarto de Evan #
♪ I already took Evan's room ♪
Y, usted sabe, él era apenas un muchacho cuando ella murió, y para Wheeler fue muy duro.
And, you know, he was just a boy when she passed, and Wheeler took it real hard.
Así que tomó la pizarra.
So he took the board.
Lo tomó como un hombre.
Took it like a man.
Acabamos de dar un paseo en coche.
We just took a drive.
Yo nunca habia estado en Nashville y vine con algunos amigos míos y tomé el tour, un poco de turismo.
I... I've never been to Nashville and came with some buddies of mine and took the tour, a little tourism.
Tomó dos pistolas y disparó contra él.
Took two pistols and fired'em right at him.
En vivo... no he tenido tanta experiencia con eso, esa fue una de las razones de venir aquí, no era sólo ver Nashville, pero... tocar en algunos micrófonos abiertos, mire dónde me trajo.
Live... haven't had as much experience with that, but that was one of the reasons to come here, was to not only see Nashville, but... To play some open-mics, see where that took me.
Le llevó mucho tiempo llegar aquí, pero por Dios, si que hizo un gran trabajo.
Took him a long time to get here, but by gosh, he did a great job.
Eso lo llevó a otro nivel.
That took it to another level.
Y sabes, la abrumadora sensación que he tenido aquí, solo la experiencia de esto, estaría bien si todo el mundo lo hicieran a un lado y regresara a casa, a la granja.
And, you know, the overwhelmin'feelin'that I've had here, just the experience of this, I'd be fine if everybody took it all away now and i went home back to the farm.
No disfruté al engañarte. Quería asegurarme antes de decírtelo.
I took no joy in deceiving youl wanted to be sure before I told you.
Siempre es cuesta arriba enfrentarse a grandes negocios, pero iniciamos una lucha que nadie más tuvo el coraje de asumir.
It's always an uphill battle when you take on "big business," but we took on a fight no one else was brave enough to.
Y empecé a montar bicicleta.
Then I took up the bike.
Salvo un bastardo.
Except the bastard who took off with all the money.
Por eso elegí yo Sexualidad Humana en la Universidad de Florida.
That's exactly why I took that human sexuality class at Florida State.
Convertiste un garito destartalado en el mejor bar de Garrison.
You took a rundown honky-tonk and turned it into the best bar in Garrison.
Sabía que estabas embarazada cuando acepté de nuevo a Colt.
I knew you were pregnant... when I took Colt back.
Una noche, él dijo que era su turno, yo dije que era el mío y me apretó los ojos con los pulgares para arrancármelos.
One night, he said it was his turn, I said it was mine... and he took both of his thumbs and pressed them against my eyes, trying to gouge them out.
Lo puse ahí el día que abrí el bar.
I put that here the day I took over this bar.
Aquí tienes lo que me llevé, con intereses.
Here's everything I took, plus interest.
Donde ocurrieron los asesinatos.
Where the murders took place.
¡ Mick, Harvey se acaba de ir!
Mick, Harvey just took off!
No tienen idea del monumental esfuerzo que eso llevó.
You have no idea the monumental effort that that took.
¡ Preferí irme elegantemente y me sentí hecha una mierda!
I took the high road, and it felt like crap!
He sacado la idea después de ver Desmadre a la americana, la película de Aquellas juergas universitarias...
I took the idea from watching "The Animal House," "The Old School" movie...
Supongo que Brian me invitó por ese verano que le acogimos.
Yeah! I guess Brian invited me because of that summer we took him in.
- ¿ Quién te ha llevado a la ciudad?
Who took you downtown?

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