/ Espanhol → Inglês / Ándale
Ándale tradutor Inglês
581 parallel translation
Come on.
Take this.
¡ Ándale!
Move it!
Ándale tranquilo oyendo el olor de ha precioso
- The children are his. - That's not true!
Ándale, saca un papelito.
Come on, pick a piece of paper.
- "No estorbar". - Ándale pues.
- "Thou shalt not meddle".
Ándale, viejo.
Come on man.
Sí, ándale, ándale.
Yeah, go ahead.
Pues ya lo sabes. Ándale.
- You know it now, andale.
A darle. ¡ Ándale, hombre!
Go ahead. Come on, man.
- ¿ Nos dejamos? Ándale.
- Do we let him?
No, ahora te tomas una conmigo, ándale.
Play! - Bye, Pepe. - Have a drink with us.
Ándale vete pa'tu casa a tratar de remediar todo el garrerío que has hecho en tu hogar.
Come on go on home and fix the mess you've made.
Ándale. Levántate tú para que te vean.
- Get up so they see you.
Voy a traer una torta con mucho picante. Ándale Pirulin.
I'll bring you a sandwich with hot peppers.
Come on!
A dormir. Ándale.
You have to go to sleep.
¡ Ándale!
Ándale viejita, ahí te llevo. Vamos.
Come on, I'll take you.
Ándale, juímonos.
Come on, let's.
Ándale, ándale, ándale
Come on, come on, come on
Ándale Don Jorgito.
Bye Jorgito.
Ándale vámonos bara su hotel, lo liquida su cuenta y nos vamos bara la casa.
Let's go to you hotel to check out and we'll go home.
¿ Entonces qué? ¿ Sí? Ándale dime que sí Chayito.
Then what, please say yes, Chayito, please.
- Ándale Chayito dame ese gusto ¿ Eh? - ¿ Sí?
- Come on Chayito, please me.
Yo mientras saco las chivas ¡ Ándale!
- I'm taking out our stuff.
¡ Ándale, éntrale!
Come on, fight!
¡ Listos, al baño, ándale!
Ready, to the bathroom, go ahead!
¡ Ándale, flojo, vámonos al baño!
Come on, lazy, let's go to the bathroom!
Ándale, vamos a buscar a los cuates.
Come on, let's go find the guys.
¡ Ándale criminal!
Hasta luego, Patron.
Vuélvete contra el muro.
Vaquero, back against the wall. Ándale!
¡ Ándale, ea, tonta, si lo hace cualquiera!
Go ahead, silly, anyone can do it!
Ándale mujer que es curado de apio.
Come on, it's celery spirits.
Ándale pues.
Go ahead.
Ándale, que nos vamos.
Hurry, we're leaving.
Ándale, ¿ qué esperas?
What are you waiting for?
Ándale, dale tu comunión.
Go on, give your Communion.
Ándale, dale su comunión.
Go on, give him his communion.
Ándale, levántate.
Come on, get up.
- Ándale, si a Esteban le va a gustar.
~ Come on, Estéban's going to like it, for sure.
Anda, levántate.
Ándale, levántate.
Ándale, camina.
Come on, walk.
- Ándale.
~ See you.
Ándale, Anselmo, ya no sigas pensando, nos mantendremos con lo que ganas, que ya bastante has trabajado por nosotros toda tu vida.
Go on, Anselmo, quit worrying,... we'll get by on what you earn,... it's enough already that you've worked your whole life for us.
¡ Ándale, hijo!
Come on, son!
¡ Ándale, pues!
Ándale, güera que no vamos a llegar ni al evangelio, apúrale.
Come on, or we won't make it to the sermon, hurry.
¡ Ándale!
Come on!
Ándale, Andreita.
- Ándale.
The Three Musketeers are here!