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Everyone tradutor Turco

70 parallel translation
Disfruten durante mi ausencia.
- ¿ Para que todos piensen que vamos?
- So everyone thinks we're going there?
Y nosotros resolvemos con un viejo Bambú y todos aplauden
# # But we make do with an old bamboo and everyone applauds
Pero lo que hacemos con un viejo bambú A todos enloquece
# # But what we do with an old bamboo makes everyone go daft # # And, one, two
Al acercarse a Mithra... todos tiemblan porque los van a rediseñar.
The closer we get to Mithra... the more everyone gets to thinking about being redesigned.
Todos dijeron : California es el lugar donde deberías estar
# Now, everyone said Californie Is the place that you oughta be
Ajustense los cinturones, tomense de las manos
[Announcer] Fasten your seat belts and hold onto your hats, everyone.
Sister, does everyone wear such clothes in this country?
- Babam sevimli bir kız getirmiş. - Ama o dominant birine benziyor. - Niye?
Sí, pasé el primer año evitando que se inclinaran ante mí.
Evet, I spent the first year having to stop everyone I saw from bowing all the time.
It only took 20 minutes with the brass before everyone agreed.
Üst kademedekilerin bunu kabul etmesi 20 dakika sürdü.
- I'll make coffee for everyone.
- herkese kahve yapayım ben.
Everyone knows they treat Spaniards like dogs.
onların ispanyollara köpek gibi davrandıklarını herkes bilir.
Everyone wants to come here.
herkes buraya gelmek ister.
y "Everyone Poops".
Ve herkes kakasını yapar.
"There's Another Girl For Everyone Hay otra chica para todo el mundo"
Herkes için bir kız var.
"There's Another Girl For Everyone Hay otra chica para todo el mundo" "There's Another Girl For Everyone Hay otra chica para todo el mundo"
Herkes için bir kız var.
- Todos tratan de hacerte caer - ¿ Estas seguro que todos?
Sonuçta, herkes fuck istiyor. - Everyone?
Ok, todos, es en 15 minutos.
Okay, everyone, that's 15 minutes.
Traicionaste a todos los de aquí.
You betrayed everyone here.
No, si queréis, no hay problema, para ninguna de nosotras.
No, if you want, it's ok. Everyone of us.
# And everyone has changed #
# Değişmiş gibi gözüküyordu #
Van a sacrificarlos a cada uno de ustedes.
They're gonna sacrifice each and everyone of you.
¶ En todas partes, en todo el mundo ¶
# It's everywhere, in everyone
Everyone'll tener una razón para rebelarse
Herkesin ayaklanmak için sebebi olur.
Todos los que te quieren te observan.
Everyone you love is watching you.
* Everyone knows * * that crime pays * * and everybody does it *
# Everyone knows # # that crime pays # # and everybody does it #
* everyone knows * * that crime pays * * and everybody loves it * * oh, the street's looking hard * * got a fresh credit card *
# everyone knows # # that crime pays # # and everybody loves it # # oh, the street's looking hard # # got a fresh credit card #
* it took six months of trials * * just to put me in jail * * in seven long years * * they never offered ball * * everyone knows * * that crime pays * * and everybody does it *
# it took six months of trials # # just to put me in jail # # in seven long years # # they never offered bail # # everyone knows # # that crime pays # # and everybody does it. #
Que sé lo que hay que hacer para salvar a todos.
I know what I have to do to save everyone.
I have orders to keep everyone inside.
Herkesin içerde kalmasına dair emir aldım.
Everyone'sa poco preocupado por la seguridad.
Güvenlik konusunda herkes biraz endişeli.
"Todos saben que una hormiga no puede mover un árbol, pero lo hace, porque tiene altas esperanzas"
â ™ ª everyone knows an ant â ™ ª â ™ ª can't â ™ ª â ™ ª move a rubber tree plant â ™ ª â ™ ª but he's got,'cause he's got â ™ ª â ™ ª high hopes â ™ ª
Quiero que todos sepan que nunca te rendirás.
I want everyone to know that we can never give up.
Es todo el mundo o que es el.
It's everyone or it's him.
Pero he tenido una visión y me preocupa. Porque todo el mundo quiere a alguien. Es un tópico que es cierto.
# Por lo tanto, si todos los demás tiene expectativas
# So if everyone else has prospects ( eğer herkesin imkanı varsa )
- "Todos alimentados".
Feed Everyone. ( Herkesi besle )
Esto es "Todo el mundo hace caca".
Bu, "Everyone Poops." ( Herkes osurur. )
Es tan simple, que es como el sol brilla sobre todo el mundo
It's so simple, it's like the sun Shines down on everyone
# Sonreí como el sol # # Le di besos a todos # # Y conté cuentos, eso nunca falla #
â ™ ª smiled like the sun â ™ ª kisses for everyone â ™ ª and tales, it never fails â ™ ª you lying so low in the weeds â ™ ª â ™ ª I bet you gonna ambush me
¡ Hay mucho espacio para todos!
Plenty of room for everyone!
Porque... todos los que pensaban que estábamos chalados por tenerla, van a pensar que tenían razón.
Because... everyone who thought we were nuts for having her,... onlar haklı olduklarını düşünmeye devam etsinler.
Pero para todos los presentes, que conocían y querían a Regina, es más que una simple palabra.
But to everyone here who knew and loved Regina, Burada Regina'yı tanıyıp seven herkes için "keder" beş harften fazlası.
Me jodieron bien en 2007, como a todos.
I took it in the balls in'07 like everyone else.
Bondie buys a yacht and everyone thinks he's a bloody hero.
Bondy bir tekne alıyor ve herkes onu kahraman sanıyor.
Dice el que filma a todo el mundo.
Says the guy filming everyone.
- No everyone's, simplemente el tuyo. ¿ - Cuándo sale usted?
Sizin bölümünüze giriyor senyorita, siz ayarlayabilirsiniz.
Anthony Cortino tuvo un cambio mentalidad y se convirtió en evidencia del estado...
# Everyone can see we're together # # - As we walk on by
I love everyone of them ¿ Molly?
# of angels on the moon # # where everyone you know # # never leaves too soon # # don't tell me if I'm dying #
Bu film tüm kaybeden meleklere adanmıştır
No lo sé.
# But now they only block the sun # # the rain and snow on everyone #

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