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Translate.vc / Espanhol → Turco / Know

Know tradutor Turco

1,187 parallel translation
Y ahora, señor, ¿ sabe dónde tuve que emplazar mi línea de marcha?
And now, sir, do you know where I've been placed in the line of march?
Si, lo sé.
Yeah, I know.
Sé que puedo contar a con usted, George, llegado el momento y vendrá.
I know I can count on you, George, when the time comes and it will come.
Sabe, el General Longstreet propone qe cambiemos nuestro ejército a la derecha y flanquemos al ejército federal y nos pongamos entre Meade y Washington.
You know, General Longstreet proposes that we move our army around to the right and flank the Federal army and interpose between Meade and Washington.
Ahora ya sabe que no es tan simple como parece.
Now you know it's not always as simple as it sometimes appears.
Y todo el tiempo me está diciendo exactamente lo que quiero saber... acerca de quién está dónde, cuántos, ¿ Cuánto tiempo hace...
And the whole time telling me exactly what I wanna know about who's where, how many, how long ago.
Hay mucha gente, general, que no dan nada por el alma humana, ¿ lo sabía?
There are many people, general, don't give a damn for a human soul, you know that?
Pero esto es algo que debes saber No importa lo que hagas
# But this is one thing you ought to know #
Pero esto es algo que debes saber
# But this is one thing you ought to know #
- I don't know.
- Bilmiyorum.
No te molestes, Quark.
- I don't know anything...
Conozco este lugar.
I know this place.
- Y te conozco, Benjamin.
- And I know you, Benjamin.
¿ Crees que no lo sé?
You think I don't know that?
Entonces no eres el Dax que yo conozco.
Then you're not the Dax that I know.
Lo sabe.
You know that.
Sé que ha sido difícil para ambos, pero casi se ha acabado.
I know this has been hard for both of us, but it's almost over.
Sabes lo que hay que hacer.
You know what to do.
- Está estabilizada pero no sé cuánto tiempo le queda.
- She's stable, but I don't know how much time she has.
Sofisticado pero vulnerable, si conoce sus debilidades.
Sophisticated but vulnerable if you know its weaknesses.
- ¿ Cómo lo sabe?
- How would you know?
Los dos sabemos que si me disparas te arriesgas a matar al simbionte.
We both know that if you shoot me, you risk killing the symbiont.
Lo sabes, y yo también.
You know that and so do I.
"You know this cat Shaft's a bad mother..."
Shaft'in kötü bir annesi varmış.
~ Do you want it Do you know how - ~ ~ Bueno caballeros vieron algo de su agrado?
Hoşunuza giden birşeyler oldu mu çocuklar?
Gracias. No sé, seguramente lo pondré en mi armario.
Thanks. l don't know, l probably just put this in my closet.
YourMother Should Know.
Your Mother Should Know
"Yeah, you know me..."
Evet, beni biliyorsun...
Procede de Vietnam, ¿ sabes?
l know itwell, sir.
Sabes, nena, se hace tarde
You know, baby, it's a-gettin'late
- Don't know when I'll be back again - Nunca paras de comer?
- Sen yemek yemeden duramaz mısın?
Es un lugar que todos conocemos bien
¶ [It's a place that we all know so well] ¶
I don't know how she does it.
Bunu nasıl başardığını hiç anlayamıyorum.
l don't know how she does it.
Bunu nasıl başardığını hiç anlayamıyorum.
# Been around the world and I, l, l # l can't find my baby # l don't know when, l don't know why
# Been around the world and l, l, l # l can't find my baby # l don't know when, l don't know why
# And I don't know where he can be
# And l don't know where he can be
# Baby, some time # l feel some time, l don't know why...
# Baby, some time # l feel some time, l don't know why...
To presume you know better than love.
Aşktan daha iyi bildiğini sanıyorsun.
You will never know love unless you surrender to it.
Aşka teslim olmadığın sürece onu asla yaşayamazsın.
# para saber tu nombre
# To know your name
# Es suficiente que no sepas
# It's enough that you don't know
Chandler, podemos mantenernos en mi problema? ! Y'know?
Benim problemime odaklanabilir miyiz?
♪ Pero si tú me dejas por otra ♪ ♪ Lo sabré ♪ ♪ Créeme, lo sabré ♪
d But if you put me down for another d d I'll know d d Believe me, I'll know d
Sé que te gustan este tipo de cosas. Me pregunté si las querrías.
I know you like these sort of things - wondered if you wanted'em.
¿ Sabe usted?
You know that?
Léelo si tienes ganas. Que yo sepa, nadie te lo impide
Eğer, hiç kimse size o ı know-engelleyen oluyor bir zihin yasiyorsaniz bunu okuyabilirsiniz.
I know he'll change.
You know that I'm not that strong Just one look and I can hear a bell... - ¡ Detenga el auto!
Durdur arabayı!
- Veronique?
# I said I want you to know right now
Sé que no hay mayor sentimiento que el amor de familia
? I know there's no greater feeling? ?
I know.

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