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Supposed tradutor Turco

24 parallel translation
"You know, the way it's supposed to be."
"You know, the way it's supposed to be."
- En cualquier caso su capacidad operativa es inaudita y por supuesto serviría para despejar esa escotilla pero debo recalcar que está en experimentación
Evet, Sanrım öyle. It's supposed to do a lot of things, and clearing the earth off an escape hatch could certainly be one of them. Vurgulamama izin verin, efendim, Hala deney aşamasındal.
- ¿ Cómo voy a encularte... - ¿ Qué, qué? ¿ Cómo voy, cómo voy a encularte...?
How am I supposed to fuck you in the ass if you don't cooperate?
¿ Qué se supone que debo hacer?
What am I supposed to do?
Había supuesto que era Ud. un experto doctor Hill Barton.
I had supposed you were an expert, Dr. Hill Barton.
En el medio de una batalla, ¿ cree usted que la recordará?
In the middle of a fight, I'm supposed to remember that?
El plan era que él llegaría primero.
The plan was he was supposed to get there first.
Y todo lo que recuerdas, y todo lo que debería recordar, nunca ha ocurrido.
ve hatırladığın herşey, and everything I'm supposed to remember never really happened.
A la mierda con eso. ¡ Se supone que la abogada defensora representa al acusado, no al Estado!
The defence attorney is supposed to represent the accused, not the state!
He was supposed to come forward
O da geleceğe gelmeliydi.
Claro, ¿ y se supone que tú eres bombero?
Oh, right, and you're supposed to be a fireman?
- ¿ Qué soy supposed hacer? con dos de nosotros Contra ésos ¿ fuckers?
İkimiz o herifleri yakalayacak mıyız?
Se supone que durará 10 semanas.
This whole thing's supposed to take 10 weeks.
# What am I supposed to think?
# What am I supposed to think?
Cómo soy supposed hacerlo / serlo Tener 50 mil dólares?
Nasıl gerekiyordu am 50 bin ile geldi?
- ¿ Y qué le digo?
- What am I supposed to tell him?
¿ Como se supone que toquemos con el tipo de la trompeta y la cantante muertos?
How we supposed to play some gig with the horn guy dead and the singer woman dead?
Sí, pero, se supone que nos iríamos dentro de una hora y media.
We aren't supposed Ieave başka bir saattir.
Usted es supposed conseguirlos ready Antes de que usted los trajera
İyice hazırlayıp yanında getirmen lazımdı.
♪ ¿ Cómo iba a saber?
? How was I supposed to know?
¿ Cómo tengo que llamarte ahora?
What am I supposed to call you now?
We were supposed to meet me y desaparecer unas semanas.
Benimle buluşup, sonra birkaç hafta yok olacaktın.
Se supone que dar un discurso en diez minutos.
She's supposed to give a speech in ten minutes.

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