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Tried tradutor Turco

44 parallel translation
¿ Por qué? ¡ Nómbrame a uno que no lo haya intentado!
Name one who hasn't tried!
Lo siento, no he podido pararIe.
Üzgünüm, Bay Roper. I tried to stop him.
# When I tried to get back to him
* Ona gitmeye çalıştığımda *
# When I recall the times I've tried
* Denediğim zamanları hatırladığımda *
Tried to be your friend
Arkadaşın olmaya çalıştım
I've looked at the ocean Tried hard to imagine
# Şöyle denize bakıp # hayal etmeye çalıştım
Traté de explicar
# I tried to explain #
Bueno, lo he intentado.
Well, kids, I tried. Peki, çocuklar, deneyeceğim.
# Lo intenté, lo intenté, lo intenté #
# I've tried I've tried, I've tried #
# Steadfast, true, and tried #
# Sadık, doğru ve güvenilir #
# Y he intentado tan duro para obtener un poco sol
# And I tried so hard to get a little sunshine
# Sí, he intentado tan duro
# Yes, I tried so hard
Linus uso el método tradicional de prueba-y-verdad ( tried-and-true ) para escribir un programa que servía para el trabajo, y él lo hizo trabajar.
Linus geleneksel denenmiş-doğruyolları kullandı program yazarken iş görecek cinstendi, ve bu yöntemle çalışmaya başladı.
Si hubiera sabido que volar a través del cuarto dolía tanto habría intentado una aproximación diferente.
If I'd known I was going to get thrown across the room that hard, I might have tried a different approach.
Sus padres hasta trataron de hacer que expulsaran al entrenador.
His parents even tried to have coach hart fired.
I tried with Marconi, Standard... Apparently in this country I " m considered old so I had to swallow my pride and take the test at Pegaso.
herzaman ki gimi Marconi'yi araya sokmayı denedim... görünüşe göre bu ülkede yaşlı gözüyle bakılıyorum bu yüzden gururumu bi kenara bırakıp deneme süreci için işe başladım.
Don't go breaking my heart... tried
Kalbimi kırıp gitme Gidemezdim istesem de
No importa dónde o cuando lo intente siempre fracasa
No matter where and how he tried, he always faced failure.
Nunca había probado nada así y he probado de todo.
I've never had anything like it, and I've tried everything.
Mi hermano, mi propio hermano, intentó asesinarme hoy.
My brother, my own brother, tried to murder me today.
¿ Has intentado conseguir chicas en línea?
Have you tried online dating?
"Mama Tried".
"Annem Denedi."
* No one could steer me right, but Mama tried * * Nadie pudo guiarme bien, pero mamá lo intentó *
Kimse beni düzeltemedi, ama annem denedi.
* Mama tried, Mama tried. *
Annem denedi, annem denedi.
Luego cambiaría el himno nacional. Sería Mama Tried, de Merle Haggard.
Sonra şimdiki milli marşı Merle Haggard'ın Mama Tried'ı ile değiştirirdim.
# Nadie logró guiarme por el buen camino pero Mamá lo intentó, Mamá lo intentó #
# No one could steer me right But Mama tried, Mama tried
# Mamá trató de enseñarme el bien pero rechacé sus súplicas #
# Mama tried to teach me better But her pleading I denied
# Por eso sólo yo soy el culpable porque Mamá lo intentó... #
# That leaves only me to blame cos Mama tried... #
I couldn't if I tried
Denesem bile yapamam ki
Bueno, intentaron matarme, Cameron.
Well, they tried to kill me, Cameron.
* Heaven knows I've tried... *
Tanrı biliyor ki denedim.
# Es un desperdicio de mi tiempo #
â ™ ª But we tried too hard â ™ ª it's a waste of my time â ™ ª
# Hiciste que aprendiera más rápido # # Porque me hiciste así de fuerte # # Así que gracias por hacerme un luchador #
â ™ ª made me learn a little bit faster â ™ ª â ™ ª made me that much stronger â ™ ª â ™ ª so thanks for making me a fighter â ™ ª â ™ ª you tried to hide your lies â ™ ª
Ahora, esto es un pequeño éxito que salió hace unos meses. "Dos palabras."
Bir kaç ay geriden gelen küçük bir hit. â ™ ª Well, I tried to tell you so â ™ ª But I guess you didn't know â ™ ª As the sad story goes â ™ ª Baby, now I've got to flow â ™ ª Cos I knew it from the start â ™ ª Baby, when you broke my heart â ™ ª That I had to come again and show you that I'm real
Traté de hacer que se fuera.
- I tried to make her go away.
Intentaste advertirme, pero no te escuché y ahora he arruinado el fin de semana de chicas.
You tried to warn me, Beni uyarmaya çalıştın ama ben dinlemedim... but I didn't listen, ve şimdi de kızlar günümüzü mahvetmiş oldum.
* Parece * * como que intenté hacerte sonreír * * pero ni siquiera te importa. * * No. *
â ™ ª Feels â ™ ª â ™ ª Like I tried to make you smile â ™ ª â ™ ª But you don't even care â ™ ª â ™ ª No â ™ ª
- = [The Vampire Diaries] = - S06E13 | "The Day I Tried To Live"
Çeviri : leper - Cihan KARAKAŞ.
Quise llegar a tiempo para estar en el reflejo cuando lo cerraras.
I tried to time that so I'd be in the reflection when you closed it.
♪ I tried to terminate this war ♪ traté de teminar esta lucha
# Seninle olan savaşımı #
♪ I tried to terminate this war ♪ trato de terminar esta lucha ♪ With you ♪ Contigo
# Seninle olan savaşımı Bitirmek istedim #
* I tried to believe you * * but something is wrong * * you won't look in my eyes * * tell me what's going on * Oh, dios mio. Whoo.
Aman Tanrım.
De Policía de Nueva York. Sigue trabajando con el padre Mendoza hasta la fecha.
â ™ ª You know the day destroys the night â ™ ª Night divides the day â ™ ª Tried to run, tried to hide â ™ ª Break on through to the other side â ™ ª Break on through to the other side, yeah

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