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Airman tradutor Inglês

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En 1940, il a reçu le prix de l'Aviateur de l'Année par le président Roosevelt.
In 1940, he was presented the Harmon Trophy... by President Roosevelt... for being the Outstanding Airman of the Year.
Ce "rustre" est un pilote américain venu ici pour combattre.
That member of the "rabble" is an American airman, who's over here to fight a war.
Un certain pilote néerlandais se serait écrasé à quelques kilomètres d'ici.
There's a fellow here says he's a Dutch airman, crashed about a couple of miles down the line.
- La chance de l'aviateur.
- Airman's luck, you know.
Kelly, soldat de 1e classe.
This is Airman Kelly. - Nice to meet you.
- Le soldat Kelly a disparu.
- Airman Kelly's disappeared.
Homme de l'air.
Ça te plairait qu'on t'appelle "homme de l'air"?
How you gonna like it when somebody calls you "airman"?
Elle a été amoureuse d'un aviateur... et ils l'ont arrêté... alors elle est devenue masseuse.
She was crossed in love and left with an airman he was an impostor and they arrested him so she became a masseuse.
- Caporal?
- Airman?
Je suis en ville, Caporal.
I'm going into town, Airman.
Caporal Slote.
Airman Slote.
Je passe le chercher.
I'll pick him up myself, Airman.
Et quelque part, quelqu'un a un pilote vivant sur les bras.
And so somebody somewhere has got a live airman on their hands.
Il est affecté ici... et je veux le voir!
Airman Mark Hawkins. He's stationed here. I want to see him.
Higgins, l'aviateur... 2 piqûres seulement, est mort.
... Higgins, the airman with only two stings, he just died.
Musicus appela son æuvre "Listes du ciel" et Ia dédia à Van Riquardt, Ie pionnier de l'aviation français qui se jeta de Ia Tour eiffel en 1 889.
Musicus called his work Sky Lists and dedicated it to Van Riquardt, the French patriot and pioneer airman who threw himself from the Eiffel Tower in 1889.
Son héros était ReichfeIt, l'aviateur patriote qui se jeta du haut de Ia Tour eiffel en 1 909.
His personal hero was Reichfelt, the patriot airman who threw himself off the Eiffel Tower in 1909.
II savait que l'homme qui s'était jeté du haut de Ia Tour eiffel en avril 1 91 1 n'était pas l'aviateur patriote Nathan isole Dermontier, ni Ie baryton gallois du nom de Van Richardt, mais était en fait un fabricant de vêtements autrichien appelé ReicheIt testant un manteau-parachute de sa création.
He knew that the man who threw himself off the Eiffel tower in April 1911 was not the patriot airman Nathan Isole Dermontier, nor the Welsh baritone called Van Riquardt, but was an Austrian clothing manufacturer called Reichelt testing a parachute-coat of his own design.
Lci le soldat Dougherty, mon commandant.
Sir, this is Airman Dougherty, sir.
J'aurais aimé être aviateur.
I'd have liked to have been an airman.
L'Américain ne le comprend pas.
The American airman won't understand it.
- Oui. Un pilote anglais.
Yes, an English airman.
- Vraiment? - Oui.
- Aviateur Cronauer?
- Airman Cronauer?
Aviateur Cronauer, mon Lt.
Um, Airman Cronauer, sir.
Pas réglementaire, ça.
This is not military issue, airman.
Je suis de carriére, Aviateur.
- Sir? I work for a living, airman.
Quoi que vous lisiez, c'est la Défense qui donne son OK.
But regardless of what you read, airman, the Department of Defence wants final say.
Et lá, parachuté de Créte, voici le susurrant et suave aviateur... Adrian Cronauer.
And now direct from Crete, welcome the silky smooth sound of Airman Adrian Cronauer.
En veilleuse, Aviateur, parce que je vais l'étriller, votre prestation.
Just cool your tongue, airman, because I intend to take issue with your performance.
Ça indique quoi, ces chevrons?
What does three up and three down mean to you, airman?
- Explicitez, je vous prie.
- Hysterical-type things? Airman Cronauer requesting you to elaborate.
L'information recevable passe par la voie idoine.
- Airman, you know the rules. If this is legitimate, it must go through proper channels.
Cette info n'est pas officielle!
This news is not official, airman.
Ce sera tout, Aviateur.
That's all I have for you, airman.
J'ai attendu le départ de l'aviateur pour vous parler.
I wanted to wait until the airman left to talk with you.
Il est 1 6 h 29, et Adrian Cronauer rentre au pays aujourd'hui.
It's 1629 hours here in Saigon and Airman Adrian Cronauer is going home today.
Je te donne une montre d'aviateur.
I'll give you an airman's watch.
Ici Kelly, m'sieur!
This is Airman Kelly, sir!
Ces quatre corps étendus dans l'infirmerie en disent autrement.
Those four bodies in the infirmary say otherwise, Airman.
- Merci, Airman.
- Thank you. Carter?
Airman Cooper a dit que vous aviez ordonné de tirer sur Jariabek.
Airman Cooper said you gave him orders to shoot Jariabek on sight.
- Qu'y a-t-il?
- What is it, Airman?
Airman, open up!
Ce que vous voulez.
Whatever you want, Airman.
Maintenant, le no 44, Coop Cooper, "l'aviateur"!
Now shooting, number 44, Coop "Airman" Cooper!
Passez une bonne journée, soldat.
Have a nice day, airman.
Voulez-vous demander au pilote de vous montrer la salle d'amis.
Entrez dans la garde-robe!
Hastings ignore de quoi nous parlons.
Michael Seton, the airman.

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