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Translate.vc / Francês → Inglês / Amare

Amare tradutor Inglês

56 parallel translation
J'ai vu un bateau amaré au port
I have seen amare the ship in port
Amare, arrête, putain.
Amare, what the fuck?
Amare. Réveille-toi!
Amare, wake up!
Amare, tu peux pas fumer ici.
Amare, you can't smoke in here.
Amare, regarde-moi.
Amare, look at me.
Pas d'histoires.
Amare, don't play me.
- Je suis Kelly, la copine d'Amare.
- I'm Kelly. Amare's friend.
Je cherche Amare.
I'm looking for Amare.
Je suis une amie d'Amare.
I'm friends with Amare.
- Amare?
- Amare?
Je suis juste venue chercher Amare.
L... I just came over here looking for Amare.
Tanya, la sœur d'Amare, l'a mis à la porte.
Amare's sister Tanya kicked him out.
Tu vois encore Amare?
Are you hanging out with Amare again?
Kelly et Amare jouaient ensemble...
Kelly and Amare used to play together...
Écoute, Kelly a dit qu'Amare ne va pas bien.
Listen, Kelly said Amare is in bad shape and whatever.
Tout le monde s'en fait, sauf lui.
Everybody's worried about Amare but Amare.
C'est moi qui ai élevé Amare.
I raised Amare.
Tu as trouvé Amare?
Did you find Amare?
Maman, parle-moi seulement d'Amare.
Ma, just tell me about Amare.
Tu vas me dire ce que tu as trouvé sur Amare, ou non?
Look, are you gonna tell me what you found out about Amare or what?
Tu es venue jusqu'ici pour me dire que tu pourrais trouver un gars qu'Amare connaît?
You came all the way over here to tell me you might be able to find some guy Amare knows?
À part pour Amare,
Aside from this Amare business, when was the last time
J'étais enceinte de Kelly et Viv d'Amare.
I got pregnant with Kelly and then Viv got pregnant with Amare.
Écoute, tu connais Amare, n'est-ce pas?
Hey, look, you know Amare, right?
Tu pourrais aller chercher Amare sous l'El à New Lots.
Hey, you might want to ask around about Amare under the El on New Lots.
Si j'entends autre chose sur Amare, je te contacterai.
If I find out any more about Amare, I'll get at you.
Il s'appelle Amare.
His name is Amare.
- Je dois te parler d'Amare.
- I need to talk to you about Amare.
Il s'est comporté comme s'il le connaissait à peine.
He acted like he barely even knew Amare.
Amare, attends!
Amare, hold up!
J'ai vu Amare et il est parti avant que je puisse lui parler.
I saw Amare and he left before I even had a chance to talk to him.
Amare est le bienvenu ici s'il accepte de suivre les règles.
Amare's welcome in this house as long he's willing to abide by the rules and regulations.
Je veux bien aider Amare quand il sera prêt.
I'm willing to help Amare when he's ready.
Mais Maman n'est pas comme Amare.
But Ma is not like Amare.
Si quelqu'un peut trouver Amare, c'est bien lui.
If anybody could find Amare, it's him.
Ouais, je connais Amare.
Yeah, I know Amare.
Il dit qu'il sait où trouver Amare.
He said he knows where to find Amare.
Amare, je veux que tu viennes chez moi, d'accord?
Listen, Amare, I want you to come home with me, okay?
Ce soir, quand j'ai trouvé Amare, il m'a rappelé deux ou trois choses.
Tonight, when I found Amare, he reminded me of a couple of things.
- Pour les parents d'Amare.
- For Amare's parents.
Le tueur a utilisé "amor" pour amour au lieu de l'infinitif "amare".
The killer used "amor" for love, Instead of the infinitive "amare."
Et Amare Hassan a prévu de parler à une conférence religieuse plus tard dans la journée.
And Amare Hassan is scheduled to speak at a religious unity conference later today.
Tu dis ça comme si c'était un gros mot, mais "amateur" vient du mot latin "amare", qui signifie amour, amour.
You say that as if it was a dirty word or something, but "amateur" comes from the Latin word "amare," which means love, love.
Amare Stoudemire?
Amare Stoudemire?

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