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Translate.vc / Francês → Inglês / Amália

Amália tradutor Inglês

239 parallel translation
Et vous, Amália, arrêtez de tousser le matin, car vous me réveillez.
And you, Amália, do not cough again in the morning, or you'll wake me up.
Amalia, c'est pour toi!
Amalia, they're asking for you.
Donna Amalia, les Américains sont arrivés.
Donna Amalia, the Americans are here.
Regarde-moi cette usurière, Donna Amalia. Une vraie sorcière!
Look at Donna Amalia, that old money-lending witch.
Donna Amalia veut agandir cette photo de son défunt mari.
Donna Amalia sent me. She wants her husband's photograph enlarged.
Donna Amalia veut un monument.
Donna Amalia only cares about the monument.
Ses désirs devraient être des ordres.
Donna Amalia's wish should be your command.
Donna Amalia est morte!
Donna Amalia's dead!
- Donna Amalia est morte.
- Donna Amalia's dead.
- Donna Amalia.
- Donna Amalia.
Pauvre Donna Amalia.
Poor Donna Amalia. Poor thing.
Pauvre tante Amalia.
Poor Auntie Amalia.
Pauvre Donna Amalia.
- Poor Donna Amalia. - There's no need for all that.
Pauvre Donna Amalia.
Poor Donna Amalia.
Pourriez-vous gérer les intérêts de Donna Amalia?
Mr Mayor, could you take care of Donna Amalia's affairs during her illness?
Retournez remettre le testament à sa place.
Don Gaetano, turn around right away and put Donna Amalia's will back.
Le testament de Donna Amalia!
You stole Donna Amalia's will.
- Le testament de Donna Amalia. - Quoi?
- Donna Amalia's will is in here.
Honorez les dernières volontés de Donna Amalia.
You need to make sure that Donna Amalia's last wishes are respected.
Si cet argent allait à trois miséreux qui, faute de pratique, ne sauraient pas le gérer, quels avantages en retirerait notre village?
If Donna Amalia's money were to end up in the hands of three paupers who, through lack of experience, didn't know how to manage it, what benefit would our little town draw from it?
Je vous ai rapporté votre testament.
Here, Donna Amalia. I've brought back your will.
Ils voulaient le détruire, mais je l'ai sauvé, pour le bien de tous!
Those scoundrels wanted to destroy it, but I saved it for the good of everybody, Donna Amalia.
Donna Amalia parle!
It's a miracle! Donna Amalia's speaking!
Donna Amalia parle!
Donna Amalia's speaking!
On m'a appelé chez Donna Amalia. Son cas s'est aggravé.
Donna Amalia's relatives said she's taken a turn for the worse.
- C'est le cercueil de Donna Amalia.
- There goes Donna Amalia's coffin.
Au nom de la Loi, et en tant que notaire de la circonscription je vais lire le testament de Donna Amalia à ses héritiers
In the name of the law, I, Girolamo Fulchignoni from the district of Amalfi, summoned by the heirs of the late Amalia Scapece, will read her will.
"Moi, Amalia Capece, saine de corps et d'esprit, lègue toutes mes biens mobiliers et immobiliers aux trois pauvres les plus pauvres du village.".
"L, Amalia Scapece, being of sound body and mind, " leave all my possessions and property "to the three poorest people in town."
Vive Donna Amalia qui a légué son argent aux pauvres!
Hurrah for Donna Amalia! She's left her money to the poor!
Tout le monde dit du bien d'elle à présent.
Now Donna Amalia's dead, everybody speaks well of her.
- Il volait Donna Amalia's aussi.
- He stole Donna Amalia's money too.
Vous êtes fou ou quoi?
Amalia, this is crazy!
Désirez-vous savoir, pourquoi j'ai dit au journaliste que j'avais vu la disparue?
Mrs. Amalia, would you also like to know, why I called the paper about the missing person that showed up here two days ago, and disappeared again?
l'éboueur est là!
Amalia, the garbage man is here.
il est si ému!
- Amalia, does your husband start today? - Yes, he's so excited.
- Amalia!
- Amalia!
rentre à la maison!
Amalia, go home!
- Oh, she's much better in person! Hi, Amalia. - Hi.
elle me dit bonjour. - Vraiment?
- Amalia, she said hello to me.
jamais en douze ans... tu ne m'as préparé du thé et des gâteaux!
My dear Amalia, never once in our 12 years together have you ever fixed me tea and sweets.
doucement sur le Champagne... dois-je te le rappeler?
- A grand, hardworking woman! - She worked her fingers to the bone. - Amalia, easy on the Champagne!
très heureuse!
Amalia Celletti, pleased to meet you.
rentre à la maison.
- Amalia, go home.
Fais-moi une faveur.
Amalia! Do me a favor.
nous entendrons Mme Rossignoli Amalia. Et M. Barlocco.
And after his sister, we shall hear Mrs. Amalia Rossignoli together with Mr. Barlocco.
aide mon père!
Leave him alone! He's a poor old man. Amalia, help my father!
- Connais-tu Amalia et Antonia?
Do you know Amalia? Antonia?
Elle est aussi belle que ma femme, Amélia, le jour de notre mariage.
As beautiful almost as my own Amalia was on our wedding day.
Mais Amélia n'épousait qu'un humble drapier.
But Martha is luckier. All Amalia got was a humble cloth merchant.
Vous avez le bonjour de tante Amalia.
Aunt Amalia says hello.

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