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Translate.vc / Francês → Inglês / Anthony

Anthony tradutor Inglês

4,075 parallel translation
Il la donne à Anthony.
Gives it to Anthony.
Anthony prends la suite.
Anthony may drive.
Ceux de Mackenzie McHale, de Howard Stern, des avocats de Casey Anthony, ainsi que de proches d'otages tués par des pirates somaliens.
Howard Stern, Casey Anthony's lawyers, and relatives of hostages killed by Somali pirates.
Seule ma mère m'appelle Anthony.
Well, only my mum gets to call me Anthony.
- Anthony...
- Anthony...
- Un avocat dénommé Anthony...
- A lawyer named Anthony...
Donc, le Docteur Anwar entre avec ses habits d'hôpitaux bleu clair, comme s'il était Anthony Edwards, ou je ne sais pas qui...
So, Dr. Anwar comes in with his light blue scrubs, like he's Anthony Edwards, or something...
Anthony Venza est là.
Anthony Venza is in here.
On court après Anthony Venza?
We're going after Anthony Venza?
Anthony Venza...
Anthony Venza...
Anthony Venza à été arrêté la nuit dernière.
Anthony Venza was arrested last night.
Ravi de vous voir, AD ( Anthony DiNozzo ).
Good to see you, A.D.
Bonjour, Anthony DiNozzo.
Hey, this is Anthony DiNozzo.
Où est passé cette pièce de Susan B. Anthony?
Where did that Susan B. Anthony dollar go?
Anthony Kasper.
Anthony Kasper.
Anthony Amico.
Anthony Amico.
Anthony ne s'élèvera plus jamais.
For as long as I live, Anthony will never rise again.
Je suis Anthony.
I'm Anthony.
Anthony qui a survécu en tuant d'innombrables ennemis dans ce domaine sanglant.
Anthony who has survived by killing off countless enemies in this bloody field.
je suis Anthony Kim.
Let me introduce myself, I'm Anthony Kim.
ce fils de p * * * *!
Anthony, that son of a b * * * *!
tu vas croire seulement Anthony et perdre tes chances partout ailleurs?
If not, are you going to believe only Anthony and lose your chances everywhere else?
Tu as juste signé un contrat mais tu n'as reçu aucun paiement d'Anthony encore.
You only signed the contract but didn't get any payment from Anthony yet.
Je suis Anthony Kim.
I'm Anthony Kim.
comprenez-vous ce que j'essaye de vous dire? Jusqu'où allez-vous aller comment ça?
Director Nam, do you not understand what I am implying? Anthony, how far do you think you'll go with this?
C'est Anthony Kim qui parle.
This is Anthony Kim speaking.
le directeur n'a... ce fils de p * * * *!
Yes... until now... the Representative didn't... Anthony, that son of a b * * * *!
Mais... mais le créneau horaire ne va pas à Anthony?
But... didn't the time slot already go to Anthony?
Je connais très bien les méthodes d'Anthony.
I know Anthony's method very well.
elle revient.
Yeah, that's what Anthony said, that she's back in.
Et donc la compétition à propos du créneau n'est pas à cause de vous ou de votre script.
Well, I just personally hate Anthony, so the competition for broadcasting schedule wasn't because of you or your script.
Mais... comment connaissez-vous aussi clairement le camp d'Anthony?
But... how do you know so clearly about Anthony's side?
pour régner sur le monde.
The drama which can be a weapon for Anthony, King of Dramas, to rule the world again.
Never compromise with such a dirty businessman like Anthony, got it?
Anthony va ramener le camion?
Anthony is bringing the food truck?
Anthony qui apporte le camion de nourriture?
Anthony bringing the food truck?
Qu'est-ce qu'il peut y avoir? Scénariste Lee courait partout en cherchant de l'argent pour Anthony. aussi!
What can there be? Well, you don't know about this, Director, but when the investment was withdrawn, Writer Lee was running around looking for money for Anthony.
Antony Boucher dit que le livre "Psychose" de Robert Bloch est... "agréablement intéressant".
Anthony Boucher says this book Psycho by Robert Bloch... is fiendishly entertaining.
- Anthony Perkins.
Anthony Perkins. Oh.
Nom : Anthony Portos.
Name, Anthony Portos.
Anthony Portos.
Anthony Portos.
Voici notre homme d'argent, Anthony Romano.
Linda, this is our financier, Anthony Romano.
Anthony Romano, M. Hefner.
- Thanks. Anthony Romano, Mr. Hefner.
Salut, Anthony.
- Hi, Anthony.
Voir là Sémiramis et Ninus, Antoine et Cléopâtre,
See there Semiramis and Ninus, Anthony and Cleopatra,
Je peux pas, Anthony.
Babe, babe. I can't, Anthony.
Joli lancer, Casey Anthony.
Nice throw, Casey Anthony.
Mais pourquoi avez-vous laissé tomber toutes les charges?
We could've totally knocked down Anthony, but why did you drop all charges?
en la croyant.
And before, when there was a controvery of plagiarism about Writer Lee's script, same thing back then, too! Anthony stepped forward first, and resolved it, believing her.

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