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Translate.vc / Francês → Inglês / Batârd

Batârd tradutor Inglês

21 parallel translation
C'est peut-être un batârd mais une bonne bête.
He may be all wrong, but I think he's all right.
on ne peut pas faire payer ce batârd?
Can't we make the bastard pay?
Batârd, le plus long, le plus fort.
Bastard, an inch longer, an inch stronger.
- Batârd, passe l'osseille.
- Prick, give us the dough!
- Batârd!
- Fucker!
Quel batârd, il nous casse les couilles toute la nuit.
That bastard, He's keeping me up all night.
Espèce de batârd sans reconnaissance.
You fucking ungrateful bastard.
Ce batârd m'a volé mon numéro de sécu.
Then what happened? NINA : Bastard stole my Social Security number.
Le petit fils de Guillaume le Conquérant à le dessus sur un batârd
The grandson of William the Conqueror takes precedence over a bastard.
C'est le batârd!
It's the bastard!
You rotten man!
Explique toi, Batârd! Je m'en fou maintenant.
You little rascal, explain!
Toi! Batârd!
You... you bastard!
Ce batârd!
That bastard!
C'est la Tempête Uhm. Qui d'autre ça serait, batârd?
It's Uhmforce- - who else would it be, bastard?
La ferme, espèce de batârd prétentieux.
Shut up, you smug bastard.
Ce batârd va devoir tirer.
That bastard's gonna have to shoot.
- Putain, batârd!
- Damn, nigga!
Il était de mauvaise naissance, un batârd.
It was born wrong.
Espèce de petit batârd.
You little bastard.

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