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Blackie tradutor Inglês

684 parallel translation
C'est encore Blackie Gallagher qui fait des siennes.
That Blackie Gallagher, he's at it again.
Accroche-toi à mes épaules, Blackie.
Put your hand on my shoulder, Blackie.
- Blackie!
- Blackie!
Ne pleure pas, Blackie.
Don't cry, Blackie.
Ma mère et mon père, et la mère de Blackie, ils sont...
My mother and father and Blackie's mother, they...
Je m'appelle Edward Gallagher, mais on m'appelle Blackie et lui, c'est Jim Wade.
My name is Edward Gallagher, but they call me Blackie, and he's Jim Wade.
Et maintenant Blackie, et toi, Jim, vous n'avez plus de maison, n'est-ce pas?
And now, Blackie, and you, Jim, you have no place to go, huh?
Si ce n'est pas toi qui gagnes, c'est Spud.
Gee, if you don't win, Blackie, then Spud wins.
Hé, Blackie, arrête!
Hey, Blackie, nix!
J'ai laissé assez d'argent à ce voleur de Gallagher.
I've dropped enough money in Blackie Gallagher's crooked joints.
Blackie, menons une vie honnête ensemble.
Blackie, get out of this. Take me out of this.
- Blackie, je t'en prie, écoute-moi!
- Blackie, please listen!
Blackie, maintenant que tu as ce bateau, partons loin d'ici.
Blackie, now that you've got this boat, let's go away, far away.
Pourquoi ne pas saisir cette occasion pour fuir tous ces bandits qui te tournent autour comme des mouches, le jeu, les escroqueries, la corruption et toutes ces mauvaises actions?
Blackie, why don't you take this chance to get away from those hoodlums that hang around you like a bunch of flies, and from gambling houses and rackets and graft, and all the rotten, vicious things about you?
Non, attends, Blackie.
Now, wait a minute, Blackie.
Blackie, attends.
Blackie, wait a minute.
Voyons, Blackie.
Now, don't be like that, Blackie.
- Merci, Blackie.
- Thanks, Blackie.
Blackie, tu joues avec le feu.
Listen, Blackie, you're heading for trouble.
Non, merci. Tu ne restes pas pour voir Blackie?
No, thanks, but can't you stay a little longer and see Blackie?
- Je connais Blackie.
- Say, I know Blackie.
- Oui, Blackie m'envoie.
- I know, but Blackie sent me.
- Blackie?
- Blackie?
Mais Blackie?
What about Blackie?
Blackie m'a envoyée pour venir à votre rencontre.
Blackie sent me, Eleanor, to meet you, Jim.
- Il est désolé, il vous demande de m'emmener au Cotton Club où il viendra nous rejoindre plus tard.
- And to say that he was sorry, and to ask you to take me, Eleanor, to the Cotton Club, and that he, Blackie, would meet us, Eleanor and Jim, there later.
- Vous aussi, il vous fait attendre?
- You, too? You've waited for Blackie?
Je rencontre enfin la blanche colombe.
So, at last, I've met Blackie's little white gull.
J'ai toujours souhaité vous poser une question.
You know, I've had a question on my mind ever since Blackie first mentioned you.
"Plonger dans la sauce", comme dit Blackie.
"Dip in the gravy," as Blackie says?
Commencez, Blackie n'est pas prêt d'arriver.
Well, you might as well start now, because we'll probably have a long, long wait for Blackie.
Mais Blackie et certains de ses acolytes risquent d'arriver en ayant très faim.
But Blackie and anywhere from one to 20 hoodlums will be here any minute, screaming for it.
Saluez Blackie de ma part.
Well, say hello to Blackie for me.
Quand il parlera de vous à présent, je comprendrai mieux.
Well, at any rate, when Blackie talks about you now, I'll know what he means.
Blackie, as-tu déjà vu plus loin que 15 minutes?
Blackie, did you ever figure ahead any further than 15 minutes?
Une certaine sécurité, de la considération, un abri, Blackie, pour faire face aux intempéries.
Security, consideration, a shelter, Blackie, someplace to get in out of the rain.
Blackie, vivons comme tout le monde.
Blackie, let's live like human beings.
- Blackie...
- Blackie...
Au revoir, Blackie.
Goodbye, Blackie.
Blackie, il y a encore une minute, je t'aimais énormément.
Blackie, up to a minute ago, I loved you very dearly.
Blackie, j'ai mes propres idéaux à présent.
Blackie, I got some ideas of my own now.
Tu peux tout garder, Blackie, y compris le yacht.
I give it all back to you, Blackie, including the yacht.
Salut, Blackie.
Hello, Blackie.
Est-ce que tu serais libre, Blackie?
You're not on the loose, are you, Blackie?
Blackie est-il à l'intérieur?
Where's Blackie, inside?
Je n'ai pas revu Blackie depuis le soir des élections.
I haven't seen Blackie, to be exact, since election night.
Tu ne peux pas me tuer de sang froid.
Not in cold blood, Blackie.
Attends, Blackie, attends.
Wait a minute, Blackie, wait a minute.

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