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Translate.vc / Francês → Inglês / Bon

Bon tradutor Inglês

399,988 parallel translation
C'est bon!
- Yeah, he's got it! He's got it.
- Bon sang!
- Oh my gosh!
Il tient bon jusque-là.
Looking steady so far.
- Il la tient! - C'est bon!
He's got it!
C'est bon!
He got it!
C'est bon!
He's got it!
C'est bon!
He got it! He got it!
Bon sang.
Darn it.
Yoshitaro a pris un très bon départ au niveau 1... et quand il a atteint Faceplant, son saut...
Now, Yoshitaro jumped out to a great start in Level 1... Yes! and once he reached Faceplant, his jump off...
Il est en troisième place après un bon parcours au niveau 1.
He's in third place after a very strong run in Level 1.
- C'est bon!
- Good for him. - He's got it, oh, man.
Tiens bon!
Hold on! Hold on! Hold on!
- C'est bon! - Il y arrive.
There he goes!
Il tient bon, il se hisse d'une main!
Is he gonna make this jump? Yes! He holds on and pulls himself up with one hand!
Il tient bon!
He's holding on! He held on!
Il tient bon!
He's holding on! He's holding on!
Mais il a été très bon.
But he did well, he did really well! But he did well, he did really well!
Mitsuteru, bon retour au Japon.
- Mitsuteru, have a safe trip to Japan.
C'est un capital à risque, mais c'est un bon risque.
This is what you call risk capital, and it's a good risk.
Tu n'as plus qu'à sauver Lois Lane, et tu as tout bon.
Now you gotta go save Lois Lane, and you'll be good.
Bon sang, le voilà sur Faceplant.
My goodness, right into Faceplant.
Ce n'était pas un bon saut.
That was not a good jump.
Il est presque aussi bon danseur que moi,
He's almost as good a break-dancer as I am,
C'est bon, il y arrive!
He got it! He's got it.
Pas un bon saut.
- Not a good jump.
Bon rétablissement sur les Energy Coils.
Nice recovery onto the Energy Coils.
Bon sang, les poignées tombent dans le sang.
Oh, man. Those handles are falling in the blood.
- Bon sang, regardez-le.
- Oh, my goodness, look at him.
Oh, bon sang.
- Oh, my goodness.
Il a un bon élan.
He's got good momentum going here.
- C'est bon, il y arrive!
- There we go, he's got it!
- C'est bon!
- He's got it!
- Il a un bon angle.
- He's got a nice angle.
C'est bon de le voir debout.
Oh, that is good to see that he's up. That was scary for a second.
Non, tous les concurrents ont travaillé dur et fait du bon boulot.
No, all the contestants worked hard and did great.
Bon sang, quelle belle technique.
Oh, my goodness, what a smooth...
- Bon sang.
- Oh, my goodness.
Bon sang!
Oh, my goodness!
Bon sang.
Oh, man. Oh, oh, oh...
Il doit marquer au moins 160 points dans le niveau 3 pour éliminer Jonathan et les États-Unis pour de bon.
He has to score at least 160 points in Level 3 to knock Jonathan and the United States out of the finals for good.
Bon sang.
Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
Bon sang!
Tiens bon, Adrien!
Hold on, Adrien!
Je pensais que c'était bon.
Oh, I thought he had it, too.
- C'est bon!
He's gotta make the jump. Yes!
Bon sang! Non!
- C'est bon!
Oh, bon sang!
Whoa! Oh, my goodness!
- Bon sang.
- My goodness.
Bon sang!
- Tiens bon.
Holds on.

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