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Connaîs tradutor Inglês

96,731 parallel translation
Tu le connais?
You know that guy?
- Je ne connais pas ce type.
- I don't know this guy.
Je ne le connais pas personnellement.
I don't know him personally.
Monroe, tu le connais ou pas?
Monroe, do you know him or not?
On le connais tous les deux!
Yes! We both do!
Je crois que je connais ça...
I think I know this...
Je connais.
I know it.
Je ne connais pas vraiment les personnes qui séjournent ici.
I don't really know much about anybody that stays here.
Excusez-moi, je vous connais?
I'm sorry, do I know you?
Tu la connais, non?
You know her, don't you?
Tu connais la signification de ces symboles?
You know what these symbols mean?
Celle-là n'est pas d'ici, non plus, mais tu connais quelque chose sur les Kinoshimobe?
Uh, this one's not from here either, but you know anything about a Kinoshimobe?
Je connais ce genre d'arbre.
Oh, I know about this kind of tree.
Pas une fois que tu le connais.
Not once you get to know it.
Je vous connais?
Do... do I know you?
Tu connais?
You know that?
Tu connais?
You know it?
Je connais cette peinture.
I know that painting.
Je pense que j'en connais un.
I think I know of one.
Les gardes ont l'ordre de ne parler à personne mais il y en a un que je connais.
The guards have orders to speak to no one... but there is one I know.
Je connais quelqu'un qui pourrait savoir.
I know someone who might know something.
Tribeca, je connais ce regard.
Tribeca, I know that look.
- Je connais sa valeur.
- I know her value.
Que connais-tu de l'art et de la culture... et des sujets de conversation actuels?
What do you know of art and culture... and the current subjects of conversation?
Connais-tu le nom de cette femme?
Do you know that woman's name?
Je suis allé voir un type que je connais.
I go to see this guy that I know.
J'ignore si vous aimez les films, mais ceux que je connais commencent par le remplaçant écrivant son nom au tableau, pour que les élèves lui lancent des objets.
Um, I don't know if you guys like movies, but, uh, every movie I've ever seen starts with the sub writing his name on the board, and the kids can throw something at him.
Montrer un peu d'amour à celle qui nous a toujours été loyale depuis que je la connais.
Show a little love to someone who's been loyal to us for as long as I've known her.
Je la connais à peine.
I barely know her.
Je les connais.
I know who they are.
Tu connais la règle. Ouvre.
Tracy, you know the rules.
Tu connais la blague du pasteur dans un bar?
Hey, you know that joke about the Preacher who walks into a bar?
Tu le connais d'où?
How do you know this guy again? Who?
Pas si tu connais le bon endroit où te cacher.
Well, not if you know the right place to hide.
J'en connais pas deux comme lui.
He may be the most unique guy I ever met.
J'y connais rien à ce milieu.
I don't know the first thing about the TV business.
Je connais les chaînes.
- I know my way around the networks.
Je connais pas le showbiz.
I don't know anything about show business, Sandy.
Mais je vous connais.
Oh, my God, I know you.
- Tu connais pas les e-mails?
- Oh, you're not familiar with e-mail?
T'y connais quoi en catch?
How does your platinum-selling ass know about wrestling history?
Tu connais ça.
- You've been there.
Je connais mon nom.
- Yeah, I know my name.
Je connais un super endroit.
I found a place with a great patio.
Je connais pas ton boulot.
I don't know what you do for a living.
Des groupes indés, tu ne connais sûrement pas.
Indie bands mostly, people you've never heard of.
Je ne sais pas si tu connais le forum de la Mode Vintage.
I don't know if you are familiar with the Vintage Fashion Forum?
Tu ne me connais pas.
You don't know anything about me.
Je n'y connais rien.
I don't know anything about that.
C'est un code gay que je ne connais pas?
Is that some secret gay thing I've never heard of?
Je ne connais pas la rue.
- I don't even know what street it's on. - Mm.

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