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Consul tradutor Inglês

1,003 parallel translation
Saluez-les de ma part
Well, give the consul my regards.
J'ai trouvé ces deux-Ià devant Ie consulat américain.
I found those two on the American consul's doorstep.
Qu'il la porte au Consul Britannique...
Take it to the British consul... or to...
Mais j'ai besoin d'aide. Veuillez joindre le Consul Britannique.
Can you get the British consul on the phone, please?
- Je dois absolument lui parler.
I've got something very vital to tell him. - The British consul?
Allez-vous appeler le Consul?
You won't forget that I want to speak to the British consul on the phone, will you?
Savez-vous si le Consul est à St-Moritz aujourd'hui?
Can you tell me if the British consul is in town today?
Der Britisher Consul.
Der britische Konsul...
Mais il a menacé d'aller au consulat, donc je n'avais pas le choix.
But he threatened to go to the American Consul, so I had no choice.
Notez ce nom et contactez-les via le consul américain.
Make a note of that name and get in touch through the American consul.
Je recommande la livraison immédiate au consul américain.
Recommend immediate delivery to American Consul.
La prochaine fois que vous chasserez, dites-le au consulat britannique.
Next time you're in wild country like this, keep in touch with the British consul.
je me placerai... sous Ia protection du consulat britannique!
... I shall place myself and my friend under the protection of the British consul!
Nous sommes bien sûr allés voir le consul.
We naturally went to the Consul.
En tant que consul américain, il a juste dit que vous étiez en vacances.
As American consul, he merely admitted you were on an extended vacation.
Je verrai le consul britannique dès que...
I shall see the British consul as soon as...
J'allais l'emporter au consule américain dans la matinée... et lui demander de la faire arrêter par la police locale.
In the morning I was going to take it to the American Consul... and ask him to have the local police make the arrest.
Conduisez-moi au consulat allemand.
I demand to be taken to a German consul.
- Non? J'exige mon consulat.
- By your law, you must take me to my consul.
C'est la loi.
- By your law, you must take me to a consul.
Le consul Magnus Barring.
Consul Magnus Barring.
C'est vrai, mais je n'ai pas froid, merci, Consul Barring.
Yes, sir. But I'm quite warm, thank you, Consul Barring.
Consul, voici un petit miracle.
Consul, I bring you a modern miracle.
- Excusez-moi, consul.
- Excuse me, consul.
Consul Barring m'a dit que vous viviez en Suisse.
But Consul Barring tells me that you've been in Switzerland.
Consul Barring?
Consul Barring.
Consul Barring possède un empire.
Consul Barring has quite an empire.
- Je viens quand le consul m'invite.
- I come only when invited by the consul.
Après l'indicent des U.V., j'ai pensé en avertir le consul, mais je n'étais pas convaincu.
After the incident with the ultraviolet lamp I felt that I should warn the consul and yet I wasn't sure.
C'est ça, avertissez-en le consul.
Go on, warn the consul.
Vous avez averti le consul qu'elle voulait faire chanter son neveu?
You told the consul that the prisoner was seeking to trap Torsten Barring in a blackmail plot.
Oui, j'ai dit au consul que j'appréciais la gouvernante.
Yes. I told the consul that I liked this new governess.
Elle faisait les yeux doux au consul.
She was always making eyes at the consul.
Après son retour, tard dans l'après-midi... C'était l'anniversaire du consul. Avant qu'il ne commence à ouvrir ses cadeaux, je suis montée au grenier chercher des manteaux.
Well, just after she got back, late that afternoon it was the day of the consul's birthday and before he started to open his presents I went up to the attic to get more robes for the sleigh ride.
Les invités font toujours un tour de traîneau avant le dîner.
On the consul's birthday the guests always took a sleigh ride before dinner.
Le consul a proposé que nous y allions ensemble.
The consul suggested that you and I drive together.
J'ai mis l'échiquier avec les autres cadeaux.
The consul gave me the chessboard and I put it among his presents like he told me.
Appelez donc le consul, il a attendu toute l'après-midi.
For mercy's sake, why don't you call the consul? He's old, waiting all afternoon.
- Appelez le Consul Barring.
- Call Consul Barring.
- Consul Barring?
- Lf you please, Consul Barring.
Et ensuite?
And then what, consul?
Vous avez la preuve de mon innocence.
But Consul Barring, you have evidence of my innocence.
Consul Barring, avez-vous terminé?
Consul Barring, have you finished your testimony?
Consul. Consul.
" Cher Consul Barring, lorsque vous lirez ceci, je me serai donné la mort.
" Dear Consul Barring, when you read this note, I shall have taken my life.
Merci, consul.
Thank you, consul.
Allez voir le consul de Turquie à Batoumi, et délivrez-lui un message.
I want you to go to the Turkish Consul in Batoumi, and give them a message for me. Will you do that?
Si je venais à mourir, qu'il prévienne le consul américain.
In the event of my death, ask him to notify the American Consul.
- Au Consul Britannique?
- Yes, please.
- What will the consul do with her?
Please request from British consul... complete information on Cliveden Compton, English novelist. Yes.

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