/ Francês → Inglês / Denton
Denton tradutor Inglês
378 parallel translation
C'est ce qui vous chatouille - Clarke Denton.
That's what's burning you - Clarke Denton.
Et vous, M. Denton.
And you, Mr. Denton.
- Votre fiancé, M. Denton.
- Your fiancé, Mr. Denton.
M. et Mme Clarke B. Denton.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarke B. Denton.
Mlle Lola s'est tournée vers M. Denton et elle a dit...
Miss Lola turned to Mr. Denton and said...
Clarke Denton, le fiancé de Mlle Dean, vient tout juste d'arriver.
Clarke Denton, Miss Dean's fiancé, has just arrived.
Major Danton est arrivé pour identifier Carter.
Uh, Major Denton to identify Carter.
Denton et Osterfield sont aussi partis en expédition.
Both Denton and Osterfield were fitting out expeditions when we left.
Denton, au Kenya.
Denton's going to Kenya.
On arrive à Denton.
We're almost to Denton.
Je tiens à rester à Denton, Texas.
I started for Denton, Texas. I like to finish what I start.
Je lui ai offert de le garder, mais il tient à rester à Denton.
I offered him the job but he wants to stay here in Denton. Only the god lord knows why.
Elles ont lieu tous les ans, avant le départ du bétail.
It's hold in Denton every year to start the cattle run.
Les hommes du Texas vont essayer de battre Denton-Mare, la bête la plus rapide du pays.
Half the men in East Texas'll be trying to beat the Denton Mare. The fastest horse in this part of the world.
Attendez de voir Denton-Mare!
- But you haven't seen the Denton?
Vous êtes venu à travers le désert sans savoir tirer?
You rode gun from Betty-Lou to Denton without knowing to shoot?
Denton-Mare, je vous en ai parlé.
That's the Denton mare. You remember. I told about her.
Voilà Denton-Mare.
You're lookin'at the Denton mare.
Denton-Mare ne peut être battue!
It's a sure thing the Denton mare can't lose!
Avant d'avoir posé les yeux sur Denton-Mare.
That was before I laid eyes on the Denton mare.
Voyons cette fameuse Denton-Mare.
Let's take a look at this Denton mare.
À égalité, Denton-Mare!
Even money, Denton mare.
- Vous oubliez Denton-Mare?
- Aren't you forgetting'the Denton mare?
Denton-Mare toute seule!
The Denton mare all the way.
J'avais oublié de te prévenir, c'est Denton-Mare.
Doggone it, Abe! There's something I forgot to tell you. That's the Denton mare.
- The Denton mare?
À moins que Denton-Mare ne claque!
Unless Sam's horse drops dead on us.
Que c'est un jobard de Denton.
All I know is that he's a tenderfoot from Denton.
Sa jument, c'est Denton-Mare.
Just that his horse is the Denton mare.
Nous aurons notre ranch, Joel, sans rien devoir à personne.
We still have our ranch, Joel, and hold up our heads in Denton.
S'il apprend que Denton-Mare vit et se trouve dans mon corral, sa curiosité fera le reste.
All you have to do is to tell him the mare is alive and in my corral. - His curiosity will do the rest.
Denton-Mare est revenue.
- The Denton Mare's back.
Ma jument!
- The Denton Mare?
- Denton-Mare?
- You saw the Denton Mare?
Vous connaissez Denton-Mare?
- How well do you know the Denton Mare?
Vous savez, Jane, j'aurais dû écouter Gordon, et aller voir ce cheval.
You know, Calamity? I wish I'd gone down there when Jim told me about the Denton Mare.
Sous-titres Béatrice Bourgeois
Sub-titles Jill Denton
Je veux qu'elles épousent des hommes qui ne boivent pas.
I'd like my daughters to wed temperance young men, Denton.
Tu vois des rats roses, Denton?
Looking for pink rats, Denton?
Ce pauvre Denton se fait avoir sur la monnaie depuis 20 ans!
Poor old Denton hasn't had right change for 20 years.
Je suis à sec
Come on, Denton.
Son nom, Al Denton. Un homme qui meurt à petit feu depuis longtemps.
Portrait of a town drunk named Al Denton.
Al Denton, qui pourrait donner un bras, une jambe, ou son âme... pour avoir une seconde chance, pour se relever, et nettoyer la boue qui le souille, pour éloigner les vapeurs d'alcool qui embrument son esprit.
A long, agonizing route through a maze of bottles. Al Denton, who would probably give an arm or a leg or a part of his soul to have another chance. To be able to rise up and shake the dirt from his body and the bad dreams that infest his consciousness.
Et si sa fonction était de donner une deuxième chance à M. Denton?
Its function, perhaps to give Mr. Al Denton his second chance.
Le revoilà, notre rossignol.
Here we go again, fellas. Let's hear our little songbird. Hey, Denton!
Denton et moi, on fait un show.
Come on, gunner.
M. Denton, laissez-nous vous offrir un verre.
What did you call me? Uh, I didn't mean no offense.
Pour venir jusqu'à Denton.
- I wanted to get to Denton.
Lance-toi, Denton.
How dry I...
Come on, Denton.
Qu'est ce que je vois?
Wait a minute, Denton.