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Doughboy tradutor Inglês

112 parallel translation
Dites-moi le nom du cheval.
What's the name of the horse? – Doughboy.
C'est du solide.
Quel cheval?
– Doughboy.
Dommage, Dough Boy n'a aucune chance.
Doughboy doesn't have a ghost of a chance. Doughboy!
Misez tout sur Dough Boy.
Put all you dough on Doughboy!
Pariez tout sur Dough Boy!
Bet all your money on Doughboy. The master told me he can't lose.
Vous voulez gagner gros?
You want to make money? Put all you've got on Doughboy.
Dans ce cas, je vous donne un tuyau : Dough Boy.
Just for that, I'll give you a tip on Doughboy.
Colonel, dans la prochaine course, il faut jouer Dough Boy.
I just got the lowdown on the next race : Doughboy.
10 $ sur Dough Boy gagnant.
– Place your bets. – 10 on Doughboy to win.
Tout sur Dough Boy.
50 on Doughboy to win.
J'arrive de l'écurie, misez sur Dough Boy.
I just came from the stables. It's Doughboy!
J'ai parié sur Dough Boy.
– AII I got on Doughboy!
25 $ sur Dough Boy gagnant!
25 on Doughboy to win!
Où est Dough Boy?
Where's Doughboy?
Votre contribution a été modeste. Mais l'histoire de Dough Boy est touchante.
Your contribution wasn't much... but for your story on Doughboy, we forgive you.
Johnny Doughboy par delà les mers Est fou de joie et fier
[SINGING] Johnny Doughboy overseas Filled with pride and joy
Et chacun de mes frères Comprend que ça me chagrine
And every doughboy Knows what that will mean
Et chacun de ses frères Comprend que ça le chagrine
And every doughboy Knows what that will mean
En tant que soldat, pendant la guerre de 14.
That was when I was a doughboy in World War I.
Et celui qu'on a retrouvé en uniforme d'aviateur, c'est normal?
The man we found dressed up in his doughboy's uniform, call that normal?
Saute-au-pèze, Charlie T.
You know Doughboy, Charlie T.
Saute-au-pèze ferait tout pour du blé.
Doughboy will do anything for a buck.
Saute-au-pèze, Sorcier, Tombeur.
Doughboy, Wizard, Killer.
Comme un Bibendum!
if you like feeling like the pillsbury doughboy.
Tu as presque frappé ton meilleur ami. Tu cries sur ce gentil docteur qui a l'air du bonhomme de pain d'épice... tu me fais des guili-guili sous la table et pendant tout ce temps-là... tu te demandes comment faire marcher cette expédition.
You punch your friend, yell at the doctor who looks like the Pillsbury Doughboy... play hootchy-koo with me, and all the time you're trying to make this run work.
Si on m'avait dit ce matin que j'allais rencontrer un moine et un poilu!
How could I have known when I woke up that I would meet a monk and a doughboy?
J'aurais l'air d'un bibendum.
I'll look just like the Pillsbury Doughboy.
Vous êtes qui?
Who are you? The Pillsbury Doughboy?
Je te plains, gros balèze.
I feel real bad for you, Doughboy.
- What's up, Doughboy?
Pas d'ennuis, les enfants? Des ennuis?
- Doughboy, staying out of trouble?
Tout petits, Gras-Double et lui ιtaient copains.
He was best friends with Doughboy when they was little.
Brenda! Ricky et Gras-Double se battent!
Brenda, Ricky and Doughboy are out here fighting.
Hein? Non. Tu veux finir comme Gras-Double?
No, no, you want to end up like Doughboy, huh?
Le p tit pâlichon est rentré!
- What about your son? - The Pillsbury doughboy's back in town.
Tu sais, tu me fais penser au Bibendum.
You know, you remind me of the Doughboy.
Le bonhomme en pâte à gâteau de la télé.
You glutinous little doughboy.
Ou bien, Pillsbury reçoit 11 millions pour que sa mascotte fasse le tour des pays du Tiers-Monde
Or the Pillsbury Company gets $ 11 million... that goes to the Pillsbury Doughboy... to be promoted in Third World countries.
Minneapolis abrite le siège de Pillsbury qui, avec l'aide de l'Etat, a envoyé sa mascotte dans le Tiers-Monde.
Minneapolis is the headquarters for Pillsbury, which has been using federal funds... to send their doughboy to the Third World.
Pourquoi dépenser 11 million de subventions pour une mascotte?
"Why does Pillsbury need... " $ 11 million in welfare for the Doughboy? "
Salut, gras-double.
Hello, doughboy.
Et la boulette de pâte Pillsbury disait "Mangez-moi quand vous voulez".
And the Pillsbury Doughboy said, "Eat me when you're ready."
Je ne fais pas un film sur une mascotte.
I'm not doing the Pillsbury Doughboy.
Le dieu d'ébène vaut mieux que le tas de saindoux.
It's supposed to mean that ebony God is probably a better choice than pasty doughboy.
T'as l'air d'avoir mis le nez dans la farine.
Looks like you've been kissing the Pillsbury Doughboy.
Dough Boy.
– Doughboy?
J'ai un tuyau :
Just got news from the stable. Doughboy, a sure thing.
Dough Boy.
Laissez passer!
$ 150 on Doughboy!

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