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Eastenders tradutor Inglês

44 parallel translation
On m'a demandé pourquoi la philo m'intéressait, j'aurais dû dire...
I feel like a character on EastEnders ‒ the come-down version. What the fuck am I doing in this job?
Michelle de Côte Ouest a eu le même diplôme.
Mlchelle from EastEnders got a third.
Déja, il est privé de EastEnders.
I've banned EastEnders. He's livid.
- Qui est sa nana dans EastEnders?
No, ricky! " what was his girlfriend's name on eastenders?
Je n'ai jamais regardé la télé, à part Emmerdale et Corrie. Et EastEnders...
I never watch TV, apart from "Emmerdale", "Corrie" and "EastEnders".
Ne parle pas de Ross à Barry, ils sont en froid. C'est Ross qui a persuadé Barry de quitter'EastEnders'.
Ross is sort of mud with Barry because it was Ross that persuaded Barry to leave EastEnders.
- Vas voir Ross Kemp pour une réplique. Dis-lui : "Je t'ai trouvé génial dans'EastEnders'et'Ultimate Force'."
Just say to him, " I thought you were brilliant in EastEnders, Ultimate Force.
C'était Martin Kemp.
Martin Kemp was in EastEnders and Spandau Ballet.
Martin Kemp jouait dans'EastEnders'et'Spandau Ballet'.
- Who's this one?
Oh, Barry, oui.
- Barry off EastEnders.
Si vous cherchez une tête connue, je représente Barry,'EastEnders'.
Sorry, can I just say, if you're interested in a famous face, I represent Barry from EastEnders.
La Tamise fut créée en hommage au générique de EastEnders.
The Thames was modelled on the opening credit's of EastEnders.
Souhaitez la bienvenue à Charlie Slater, de EastEnders.
So, will you please welcome from EastEnders, Charlie Slater.
EastEnders, oui.
Yes. EastEnders. I love it.
EastEnders, Meera.
EastEnders, Meera.
Je comptais pas parler sans arrêt de EastEnders.
I didn't mean it to be a whole thing about being in EastEnders.
Des morceaux de séries, des extraits de télé réalité, des musiques de dix secondes.
EastEnders highlights, choice bits from the reality shows, ten-second music videos.
Vous avez 24 heures pour tout connaitre sur EastEnders, ok?
You have got 24 hours to sort out your policy on EastEnders, right?
Donc vous connaissez les EastEnders?
So you know your EastEnders?
Si ça passe après "EastEnders", ils auront même pas à zapper.
Particularly if it's right after "Eastenders", they haven't got to change the channel.
Sur "EastEnders", mon personnage était intéressant, et riche.
My character on "Eastenders" was an interesting three-dimensional person.
Sur "EastEnders", son personnage est progressivement devenu ridicule.
On "Eastenders", they started to turn his character into a joke.
Quand je faisais EastEnders, on allait chez Castro.
When I was in EastEnders, we used to go to a place called Castro's.
Et voici Barry, d'EastEnders, vous vous souvenez de lui.
And do you remember this guy? It's only Barry, of EastEnders.
Qui veut Barry d'EastEnders?
Who wants Barry of Eastenders?
Quand ils ont dit que t'étais allé voir la prod'd'EastEnders, pour les supplier à genoux de le reprendre, et que tu avais éclaté en sanglots.
When they said you went in to the EastEnders bosses to beg for his job back and you're on your knees, and then you burst into tears.
Encore une minute, vous vous souvenez de Barry, d'EastEnders?
Oh, before I go, do you remember Barry of EastEnders?
- Barry d'EastEnders?
- You mean Barry from EastEnders?
- EastEnders.
- EastEnders.
Le Dr Ross d'Urgences.
Dr. Legg off EastEnders.
Pour être honnête, j'ai rien vu d'aussi dégueulasse depuis Leslie Grantham dans EastEnders.
In fact, I haven't seen such a "dirty den" since I Skyped Leslie Grantham...!
Et même vos politiciens, ils essaient de ressembler aux Eastenders ( TV Serie ).
And even your politicians, they try to sound like the people on the EastEnders.
Tu sais, le Docteur est là bas dans le monde d'EastEnders ( * : Show Télé Anglais ) pendant que nous on est coincés dans le passé.
You know, The Doctor's back there in EastEnders-land and we're stuck here in the past.
EastEnders à 20h.
EastEnders at eight.
EastEnders et toutes ces chouettes personnes en chemise, ont été déviées sur la BBC 2, Brendan.
EastEnders and all those nice sports people in shirts, they all got shunted to BBC Two, Brendan.
Apparemment il y a un épisode de Eastenders d'une heure ce soir alors elle aurait eu du mal à revenir pour ça.
Apparently there's an hour-long episode of Eastenders on tonight, so she'd have struggled to get back for that.
- Tout. "Corrie". "Eastenders".
Series and stuff.
"Beast"... comme "EastEnders".
"Beast"... like "EastEnders."
Qui aime East Enders?
Who likes EastEnders?
J'ai Les Extraordinaires au Québec sur cassette.
OK. I've taped EastEnders.
On dirait un vrai mélo!
It's like something out of EastEnders.
- Barry dans'EastEnders'.
- Shaun?
Changez de disque!
- ( Mimics EastEnders drums at end of episode ) - Give it a rest.
- ( Imitates EastEnders drums, gets it wrong )

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