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Translate.vc / Francês → Inglês / Fitch

Fitch tradutor Inglês

544 parallel translation
Je suis M. Fitch, le directeur.
I'm Mr. Fitch, the manager.
Je crains que non.
- l'm afraid not, Mr. Fitch.
Pierre O'Ratigan, Boyce Fitch Ginsberg, Payson Piedmont Camel,
Pierre O'Rattigan, boyce Fitch Ginsburg,
L'influence du classique se fait un peu trop sentir, Fitch.
Frankly, Fitch, I'm afrais your classical influence has been a little strong.
- M. Fitch, cette jeune femme...
- Oh, Mr. Fitch, this young lasy...
Dites à Fitch que je suis au music-hall.
Tell Fitch I'll be sown at the music hall.
Fitch, dites à Helen de se reposer si elle ne veut pas se briser le dos.
Fitch, go ans tell Helen she'll break her back if she soesn't relax more.
Fitch, voici Judy O'Brien alias la Furie, ma toute dernière découverte.
Fitch, in this corner, we have Battling Jusy O'Brien, my latest siscovery.
Fitch, arrête!
Fitch, stop the tank!
Stebbins, Fitch, Abbott, tous morts.
Stebbins is dead. Fitch dead. Abbott dead.
Abbott, Stebbins, Fi...
Abbott! Stebbins! Fitch!
Si c'est ce que je crois, d'Hugo.
If I am on the right lines, from Hugo Fitch.
Hugo Fitch?
On dirait une vieille pièce de Clyde Fitch.
It sounds like something out of an old Clyde Fitch play.
Clyde Fitch est d'une époque bien antérieure à la mienne.
Clyde Fitch, though you may not think so, was well before my time.
Pourquoi font-ils ça?
Why are they picking everybody up, Fitch? Why? I don't know, Blackie, but let's get moving.
Il veut me gruger, Fitch.
He's trying to put something over on me, Fitch.
II y a une chose que je n'aime pas...
You know, Fitch, there's one thing I don't like. - You know what it is?
Je retrouverai Poldi.
I'll find him. Thank you, Fitch.
Du calme, Fitch.
Don't be objectionable, Fitch. Nice to know you, Vince.
- Pourquoi?
Don't talk like that, Fitch.
Allons, Fitch. Poldi dit qu'il n'a rien apporté.
All Poldi said was he didn't bring nothing in.
Ma force, c'est de ne croire personne.
See why I'm always right, Fitch? Because I never trust nobody.
J'ai levé les yeux une seconde.
Blackie, I didn't mean to let him get away. That's all right, Fitch.
Où est-il?
Say, where did Fitch say he was going?
Personne ne se rend!
You ain't quitting, Fitch.
C'était Howard Fitch, qui vous rappelle...
This is Howard Fitch signing off with a reminder...
McMullen et Fitch sont censés être à l'hôtel.
McMullen and Fitch are supposed to be over at the hotel.
- Non, Mac! Je t'en prie.
You and Fitch have got to get up.
Toi et Fitch devez vous lever.
They want you at the field, right now.
On vous demande, tout de suite. Réveille Fitch et laisse-moi en paix.
Get Fitch up, then, and leave me be.
McMullen à Miller et Fitch.
McMullen to Miller and Fitch. Do you guys see what I see?
Wally, Fitch!
Did you guys read that message from Presque Isle?
II ne nous reste plus qu'à le retrouver!
Listen, Wally, Fitch.
Écoutez, Wally, Fitch.
I'm going to send Presque Isle a message that we're proceeding to the area.
Connais-tu une infirmiére du nom de Margaret Fitch?
Yeah. You wouldn't happen to know a Red Cross lady named Margaret Fitch?
Fitch, Fitch.
- Fitch. - Fitch.
- Margaret Fitch.
- Margaret Fitch.
Margaret Fitch, voici MIle Vesari, M. Regas et le colonel Parkson.
Oh, Margaret Fitch, this is Miss Vesari, Mr. Regas and Colonel Parkson.
Etes-vous en Inde depuis longtemps?
Have you been in India long, Miss Fitch?
- Bonsoir, MIle Fitch.
- Good night, Miss Fitch.
- Lieutenant Fitch!
- Lieutenant Fitch.
- M.Fitch.
- Mr Fitch?
Raymond Fitch.
Raymond Fitch, laundry attendant.
Surtout pas toi.
Particularly you, Fitch!
- Défais-les.
- Tais-toi.
- Leave him alone, Fitch.
Je ne sais pas.
It's like I told Fitch, he was a cousin of mine.
Je t'avais dit qu'il nous grugeait.
Out in the street! You see, Fitch?
- Debout, Fitch!
- Wake up, Fitch! - I am awake.
McMullen à Miller et Fitch.
McMullen to Miller and Fitch.

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