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Translate.vc / Francês → Inglês / Foręt

Foręt tradutor Inglês

6 parallel translation
Aujourd'hui, je sortirai de cette foręt ŕ tout prix.
I'm breaking out of here at all cost!
J'étais si content, dans la foręt, d'avoir vu de la lumičre.
Boy, were we happy when we saw this place from the woods!
Notre sphčre d'action se limite ŕ la route qui traverse la foręt.
The road is down by those woods. Our lines end there.
La foręt est vaste.
The woods are dense.
On descendra ŕ la foręt avant vous, pour vous y attendre.
We'll slip out and join you later.
Dčs demain, vous irez enlever les rails de chemin de fer dans la foręt.
You will be assigned to a detail pulling up railroad tracks.

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