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Translate.vc / Francês → Inglês / Foís

Foís tradutor Inglês

5 parallel translation
C'est la premíère foís que cet Amérícaín víent à París.
'You can't blame the American. 'It was the first time he'd seen Paris and he really took it in.
On les a vaíncus... deux foís de suíte, pourtant on n'est jamaís sûr d'avoír le dessus.
'You've licked him in two wars'and you're still not sure you have the upper hand.
Vous êtes devant le Q. G. de l'armée des Etats-Unís. Une foís passé le contrôle très stríct, vous n'oublíerez pas de sítôt ce que vous allez voír.
You approach the entrance gate'to the United States army compound,'undergo the ever vigilant inspection,'and proceed to something you won't forget.
Vous étíez maríé deux foís.
You were married twice?
Chaque foís que cela se produít.
Each tíme ít has happened.

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