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Translate.vc / Francês → Inglês / Gênêral

Gênêral tradutor Inglês

41 parallel translation
C'était le bras du Gênêral Lassalle.
It was that of General LaSalle.
Vous le voyez Directeur Gênêral?
Can you imagine Eddie CEO of a major medical foundation?
Voici le Gênêral.
Good, here's the general.
- Gênêral.
- Allez! - Oui, Gênêral!
Je voudrais parler au Gênêral.
Can you reach the general for me?
Uh, General?
Gênêral, je crains qu'on ne se soit pas bien compris.
General, I, uh... I think there's been a miscommunication here.
Gênêral, il s'agit d'extraterrestres.
General, we're talking about aliens here.
Je dois voir le Gênêral Beers.
You'll have to let me through. I need to see General Beers.
J'ai des informations pour le Gênêral Beers.
I have important information that General Beers is expecting.
Arrêtez-moi et emmenez-moi chez le Gênêral Beers.
Arrest me and have someone take me to General Beers.
Dans ce cas, arrêtez-moi et dites au Gênêral Beers que Marie Crawford a de nouvelles infos sur le projet.
Okay, well, then detain me and get General Beers on the phone and let him know that Mary Crawford has important new information about the project.
Tu croyais pouvoir me prendre le projet avec le Gênêral?
You son of a bitch. Did you think I was just going to let you take the project away from me, you and the general here?
- Gênêral.
- Sir!
Elle nous a eus, Gênêral.
She fooled us, General.
Et que ferez-vous d'eux, Gênêral?
If you do find them, General, then what will you do?
Vous me rappelez dans vos rangs, Gênêral?
Are you asking me back into the fold, General?
Elle a fait toutes ces choses, Gênêral, et, â mon avis, ce n'est qu'un début.
She did this, she did all this, General, and I believe she's just getting started.
J'ai fait installer le détecteur sur mon portable au cas où le Gênêral avait envie de vérifier.
I had our guy switch the monitoring to my laptop in case the general got it into his head to check.
Merci, Gênêral.
Thank you, sir.
Vous avez totalement raison, Gênêral.
That's exactly right, General.
- Oui. Elle est épuisée, Gênêral.
She's down, General.
Vous connaissez les enjeux, Gênêral. Il voulait la prévenir.
You know what the stakes are, General.
Ce n'est pas une illusion, Gênêral.
This is no screen, General.
Oui, Gênêral, ses parents.
Yes, sir, her parents.
Moi non plus, Gênêral.
Neither do I, sir.
3 heures, mon Gênêral.
Three hours, sir.
Non, mon Gênêral.
No, sir.
Mais, mon Gênêral...
But, General...
Bien, mon Gênêral.
Yes, sir.
Mon Gênêral, les tranchées sont notre première défense.
But, sir, the beach trenches are our first line of defense.
Vous m'avez demandé, Gênêral?
You wanted to see me, sir?
Mon Gênêral, sans la Flotte Impêriale, on ne tiendra pas cinq jours!
General, the Island won't last five days without fleet support.
Gênêral, le colonel Adachi demande de l'aide.
Colonel Adachi is asking for reinforcements.
Mais, mon Gênêral...
But, sir...
Gênêral, essayons plutôt là-bas.
Why not try there, sir?
Je suis navré, Gênêral.
I am very sorry, General.
Gênêral, le régiment de Nishi et les survivants de Suribachi.
These are Nishi's troops and the survivors from Suribachi.
Mon Gênêral.

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