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Humphrey tradutor Inglês

782 parallel translation
Puis il y eut le classique de 1941, Le faucon maltais, avec Bogart, et il signa également la photographie d'un certain Casablanca en 1942.
Then there was the classic 1941 Maltese Falcon with Humphrey Bogart, and he just happened to photograph a picture called Casablanca in 1942.
Le meilleur tireur que j'ai eu la chance de rencontrer.
One of the best marksmen it has ever been my good fortune to entertain, Sir Humphrey.
Je le regrette autant que vous que les négociations n'aient abouti à rien.
I regret as deeply as you, Sir Humphrey that so far, the negotiations should have proven barren of results.
Vous savez Sir Humphrey, la confiance est une qualité admirable.
You know, Sir Humphrey, confidence is an admirable quality.
Sir Humphrey, je serais honoré si vous veniez à la chasse au léopard demain.
By the way, Sir Humphrey you would do me the honor if you and your gentlemen would join me tomorrow in a leopard hunt.
A vous l'honneur, Sir Humphrey.
You have the honor, Sir Humphrey.
Sir Basil Humphrey à l'appareil.
Sir Basil Humphrey speaking.
Levons nos verres à Sir Humphrey!
Let's make a toast to Sir Humphrey!
A Sir Humphrey!
A Sir Humphrey!
N'est-ce pas Sir Humphrey?
Is not Sir Humphrey?
Sir Humphrey, quelle est le lac que vous admirez le plus?
Sir Humphrey, which is Lake you admire the most?
- Wintenberg, Sir Humphrey.
- Wintenberger, Sir Humphrey.
Levons nos verres à la beauté, Sir Humphrey.
Let's make a toast to beauty, Sir Humphrey.
Je suis Sir Humphrey Pengallon.
I am Sir Humphrey Pengallon.
Sir Humphrey Pengallon et juge de paix.
Sir Humphrey Pengallon and justice of the peace.
- Apporte-moi mon manteau ainsi qu'un châle pour madame
- Well Sir Humphrey - Bring me my coat and a shawl for the lady
Très bien, Sir Humphrey!
Very well, Sir Humphrey!
Bonsoir, Sir Humphrey
Good evening, Sir Humphrey
Comment as-tu rencontré Sir Humphrey?
How did you meet Sir Humphrey?
C'est sans importance, Sir Humphrey.
It does not matter, Sir Humphrey.
- Mais Sir Humphrey...
- But Sir Humphrey...
C'est l'individu dont je vous parlais, Sir Humphrey Birdkin, un vulgaire radical.
It is the individual I spoke, Sir Humphrey Birdkin a vulgar radical.
J'ai besoin de voir Sir Humphrey tout de suite!
I need to see Sir Humphrey immediately!
Sir Humphrey, nous avons besoin d'aide
Sir Humphrey, we need help
Excusez-moi, Sir Humphrey.
Excuse me, Sir Humphrey.
Je crains que ne puisse Sir Humphrey.
I am afraid that can not Sir Humphrey.
Sir Humphrey, je dois vous parler.
Sir Humphrey, I must speak.
Sir Humphrey ces cognacs devraient vous intéresser.
Sir Humphrey these cognacs you should interest.
C'est pire que cela Sir Humphrey.
It's worse than that Sir Humphrey.
Je dois partir, Sir Humphrey.
I have to leave, Sir Humphrey.
Pas d'alternative, Sir Humphrey, je n'ai pas osé lui dire la vérité.
No alternative, Sir Humphrey, I did not dare tell him the truth.
Il est en route avec Sir Humphrey.
He is out with Sir Humphrey.
- Il n'y a personne, Sir Humphrey.
- No one, Sir Humphrey.
Attention à la tête, Sir Humphrey.
Attention to the head, Sir Humphrey.
Vous avez vu, Sir Humphrey?
You have seen, Sir Humphrey?
Sir Humphrey!
Sir Humphrey!
Sir Humphrey.
Sir Humphrey.
Je pense que la bande le sait, Sir Humphrey,
I think the band knows, Sir Humphrey,
- Sir Humphrey.
- Sir Humphrey.
Où est Sir Humphrey?
Where is Sir Humphrey?
- Sir Humphrey est le chef.
- Sir Humphrey is the head.
Sir Humphrey Pengallon, laissez-moi passer!
Sir Humphrey Pengallon, let me pass!
Sir Humphrey, libérez cette jeune fille.
Sir Humphrey, free this young girl.
- Sir Humphrey, rendez-vous!
- Sir Humphrey, go!
Descendez, Sir Humphrey!
Down, Sir Humphrey!
Humphrey Bogart et Ida Lupino y ont joué une merveilleuse scène d'amour.
Humphrey Bogart and Ida Lupino played a terrific love scene right in this thing.
Bette Davis, Ann Sheridan, Humphrey Bogart.
Bette Davis, Ann Sheridan, Humphrey Bogart.
Priestley a découvert le gaz hilarant et Humphry Davy a essayé tout cela il y a 50 ans.
Henry Hill Hickman went all through that. Priestley found laughing gas and Humphrey Davy tried that stuff 50 years ago.
Il y a aussi les Dodgers avec Arnie Bowly et même Johnny Humphrey.
- Yeah. If the Dodgers only had a guy like Ernie Bonham, or even Johnnie Humphries.
Humphrey Bogart est entré dans le restaurant.
Humphrey Bogart came in the place.
Je suis Humphrey Agnew.
My name is Humphrey Agnew.

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