/ Francês → Inglês / Iyi
Iyi tradutor Inglês
23 parallel translation
Résidence officielle du Seigneur Iyi
Official residence of Lord Iyi
Doyen du Clan de la Maison Iyi, Kageyu Saito je vous suis redevable de m'avoir accordé cet entretien.
Clan Elder of the House of Iyi, Kageyu Saito I am indebted to you for this interview
La Maison Iyi n'a plus l'esprit aiguisé leur réputation d'hommes courageux et leur fibre morale a suffi autrefois à tenir à l'écart les anciens guerriers.
The House of Iyi is blunt-witted Their reputation for grit and moral fibre Once sufficed to keep ex-warrior away
L'honorable Doyen a rapporté votre situation à l'honorable Héritier Iyi notre jeune maître est profondément ému et souhaite s'entretenir avec vous.
Elder reported your plight to our hon. Heir, Bennosuke Our young master is deeply moved and wishes a word with you
Vous m'autorisez à avoir un entretien avec l'honorable Héritier Iyi?
I am allowed an interview with the hon. Heir, Bennosuke?
C'est une histoire très intéressante une histoire qui convient aux valeureuses traditions de la Maison Iyi
A most interesting story A tale befitting the valiant traditions of the House of Iyi
Motome revint mais il n'était pas seul il était accompagné par une fière escorte de sujets et de subalternes du Clan Iyi.
Motome did come home But only by himself He was accompanied by a gallant escort of retainers and underlings of the Iyi Clan
La venue de cet honorable samouraï, Chijiiwa, qui mourut par harakiri et l'honorable Maison Iyi qui n'a pas hésité à adopter les mesures appropriées, servent d'exemple aux anciens guerriers et aux membres peu assurés des autres Maisons.
And the honoured House of Iyi which did not fail to adopt appropriate measures ; these two serve as examples to ex-warriors and to weak-kneed members of other households
l'honorable Umenosuke Kawabe... tout deux fines lames tenus en haute estime par le Clan Iyi pour leur honneur et leur bravoure.
Hon. Hayato Yazaki... hon. Umenosuke Kawabe... both swordsmen held in high esteem by the Iyi Clan for their honourand bravery
Vous vantez les traditions de la bravoure mais même le code de la Maison Iyi n'est qu'une façade!
You boast of traditions of bravery but even the code of the House of Iyi seeks only a false front!
Aucun sujet du Clan Iyi n'a été tué ou mutilé par cet ancien guerrier miséreux!
No retainer of the Iyi Clan was killed or maimed by this impoverished ex-warrior!
et la réputation de la Maison Iyi grandit d'autant.
and the fame of the House of Iyi was greatly enhanced
Avec ce souvenir dans les mémoires la Maison Iyi continuera à prospérer à travers les âges
With this borne in mind the House of Iyi will prosper throughout the ages
Oui, c'est une bonne source!
Evet, o iyi bir mahsulündür!
Je suis SAÏTO Kageyu, premier conseiller de la maison Iyi.
I have the highest respect for your sentiments. As well as empathy.
Iyi-dono est toujours dans notre maison.
He is currently residing in the house.
Il a décidé de vous accorder audience.
It is for this reason that Iyi-dono would grant you audience.
Dois-je rencontrer Iyi-Dono en tenue funéraire?
Am I to meet Iyi-dono in funeral attire?
- Iyi-dono?
- Iyi-dono?
Subordonné à Iyi-dono.
A subordinate of Iyi-dono.
Il est considéré comme l'un des plus braves serviteurs de la maison Iyi.
He is considered one of the bravest retainers in the house of Iyi.
Elle appartient au Seigneur Iyi.
It belongs to Lord Iyi.
Nous sommes des serviteurs de la maison Iyi.
We are servants from the house of Iyi.