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Translate.vc / Francês → Inglês / Joi

Joi tradutor Inglês

80 parallel translation
Peldor joi, Odo.
"Peldor joi," Odo.
Peldor joi à vous aussi, major.
"Peldor joi" to you too, Major.
Peldor joi.
Peldor joi.
Peldor joi, chef.
"Peldor joi," Chief.
Plus, Joi va vous botter le cul de toute façon.
Plus, Joi will kick your ass anyway.
Joi ne va pas faire une chose maudite.
Joi ain't gonna do a goddamn thing.
- Joi.
- Joi.
- Peldor joi, Emissaire.
- "Peldor joi," Emissary.
- Peldor joi à vous aussi.
- "Peldor joi" to you, too.
Joi, venez vous asseoir.
Joi, come sit.
- Joi lui a parlé ce matin.
- Joi spoke to him this morning.
L'assurance de Joi va couvrir les frais.
Joi's health insurance will cover it.
Joi, nous allons pouvoir vous fournir l'antidouleur dont nous avons parlé.
Joi, looks like we're able to provide that pain medication we talked about.
Joi Abbott au téléphone.
Joi Abbott's on the phone for you.
Attendez, Joi.
Wait, wait.
Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?
Joi, what's wrong?
Joi attend ton ordonnance.
Joi said you wanted a prescription.
Tu l'as donné à Joi?
But you gave Joi the meds?
Joi Abbott s'est évanouie à la cafétéria. Tachycardie à 130.
Joi Abbott fainted in the cafeteria, tachycardic at 130.
- J'ai les résultats de Joi Abbot.
I just got the labs back on Joi Abbott.
Normal que Joi ait l'air crevé.
No wonder Joi looks like hell.
- Salut, Joi.
- Hi, Joi.
- Je pensais vous avoir manquée.
I thought I'd missed you. Hey, Joi.
- Et Joi?
- How's Joi?
Pourquoi avoir appelé les secours, Joi?
Joi, why did you call the paramedics?
Est-ce que Joi t'avait parlé d'un père?
Did Joi mention there was a father?
La police se rend en ce moment au domicile de Joi Abbott.
The police are on their way to Joi Abbott's house.
Joi a appelé et j'ai sauté dans un avion.
Joi called and I caught the first flight out.
Ça me prend uniquement quand je suis trempé, frigorifié... et que ça me démange de partout.
Oh, I'm sorry. L tend to lose my joi de vivre when I'm cold, wet and starting to chafe.
Hi, Joi.
- Joi?
- Joi?
En écouta nt la procession, i l se dépêchera pou r la joi nd re.
Will you sign?
La Î et ce sont les seuls joÏ... eÏ... rs qÏ... e nous ayons à part vous.
The NCAA will not let freshmen play and they are the only players we have besides you.
JoÏ... e jÏ... squ'aÏ... coup de sifflet. 1 7-Rasoir à 3.
Play till the whistle blows. 17-Razor, on three.
Placez l'arrià ¨ re devant le joÏ... eur du fond.
Put the fullback in front of the tailback.
C'est Ï... n nouveau joÏ... r.
It's a new day, men.
Ecoutez, si vous changez d'avis, la porte sera toÏ... joÏ... rs ouverte.
Well, listen, if you're able to figure it out door's always open. It was a pleasure meeting you, Red. Nice meeting you.
JoÏ... r de match.
Game day.
Il dà © tourne l'attention des joÏ... eÏ... rs.
Takes the focus off any one man.
Et c'est joÏ... r de match.
And now it's game day.
Ecoute, je suis venÏ... jouer au football et je serai le plÏ... s respectÏ... eÏ... x possible, mais c'est moi qÏ... i joÏ... e pour l'à © quipe dà ¨ sormais.
Look, man, I came here to play ball, and I'm gonna be as respectful as I can be but I'm the one playing for this team now. I'm number 33.
- ll ne faudrait pas qu'il joÏ... e'Jack.
I think we better sit him, Jack.
JoÏ... e. Allez.
Make the play. Go.
Je joÏ... e jusqÏ...'aï... coup de sifflet.
Just playing till the whistle blew, coach.
Elle ne peut pas lire un joÏ... rnal, allí... mer la tà © là ©.
She can't read the paper. She can't watch the news.
Et qÏ... and ce joÏ... r viendra... on leur fera vraiment honneÏ... r.
And when that day comes well, that's when we'll honor them.
On fait la course poÏ... r le joÏ... nal?
I'll race you to the "newpacer."
- Quel joÏ... r?
- What day?
On aura peÏ... t-être moins de points à la fin du match, mais si voÏ... s joÏ... ez comme à § a la dà ¨ faite est impossible.
We may be behind on the scoreboard at the end of the game but if you play like that, we cannot be defeated.

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