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Translate.vc / Francês → Inglês / Kumar

Kumar tradutor Inglês

394 parallel translation
Je suis en retard.
KT Kumar, Bombay, apologizes for being late.
Nous allions commencer, Koumar.
That's quite all right, Kumar. We're just about to begin.
C'est gentil d'être venu, Koumar.
Nice of you to drop in, Kumar. Good evening, Holden.
On peut se passer de manger? Apurba Kumar Rey.
Needn't eat? Apurba Kumar Ray
Kumar! Poste-toi en renfort!
Kumar, donne un coup de main!
Fill your buckets. Kumar!
Aidez Kumar.
- Help Kumar. - Oh dear.
II a un travail de 300 Rs comme Secrétaire à Kunwar Vijay Kumar.
He's got a Rs. 300 job as Secretary to Kunwar Vijay Kumar.
Kumar, du bureau de Jakarta.
Kumar, from Jakarta office.
Ne sois pas bête, Kumar.
Don't be stupid, Kumar.
- Ouais, c'est ça, Kumar.
- Yeah, sure, Kumar.
Non, Kumar. Alors, pourquoi devrais-je rester pauvre toute ma vie... quand les gens stupides de votre pays vivent bien?
Then why should I live like a poor man all my life... when stupid people in your country live well?
Contourne-le, Kumar.
Go around, Kumar. Go up.
Ne leur laisse rien voir, Kumar.
Don't show them anything, Kumar.
Kumar, je ne me sens pas bien.
Kumar, I'm not feeling very well
Kumar, qu'arrive-t-il à Sapna?
Kumar, what's wrong with Sapna?
Kumar, appelle son frère.
Kumar, call her brother
C'est ici que j'ai déposée cette fille, Kumar.
It was there I dropped that girl, Kumar
Non, Kumar.
No, Kumar.
Kumar, regarde!
Kumar, look!
Non, Kumar.
No, Kumar
Depuis que Kumar a repris l'usine, je songe à prendre ma retraite.
Since Kumar took over the factory I'm as good as retired
Mais Kumar à tout apprit de vous.
But brother, Kumar learned it all from you
"Est-ce que Kumar aimera celle-ci?"
"would Kumar like this one...?"
Qu'en dis-tu Kumar?
What say, Kumar?
- Mais où est Kumar?
- But where's Kumar?
- Kumar, elle est là.
- Kumar, she's here.
Mais Kumar...
But Kumar...
Prends-moi, Kumar.
Take me now, Kumar.
Je ferais tout ce que vous voulez... Si je peux récupérer Kumar.
I am willing to do anything if it will give Kumar to me!
Ne sois pas stupide, Kumar.
Don't be silly, Kumar.
Sapna, montre à Kumar la chambre des invités.
Sapna, show Kumar to the guest room
J'ai vu Kumar partir en voiture.
I saw Kumar drive off in his car
C'est la voiture de Kumar.
There's Kumar's car
Ça expliquerait pourquoi j'ai vu une photo de Kumar au cimetière.
That might explain why Kumar's photo was in that graveyard
Kumar a perdu le contrôle de sa vie.
Kumar has lost control of his life
Son obsession pour Kumar a mené Kaamya sur le chemin du mal.
Her obsession for Kumar has led Kaamya down the wrong path
Ouvre la porte, Kumar!
Open the door, Kumar!
Kumar... Ce monstre...
Kumar....That monster...
Kumar, alertons les villageois.
Kumar, gather the villagers
- Kumar.
- Kumar.
Kumar, t'es prêt?
Kumar, are you ready?
Kumar, ça va?
- Kumar, are you okay?
Kumar, on a des problèmes Qu'est-ce que tu fous assis?
Kumar, we've got problems. What are you doing sitting down?
- Où est Kumar?
- Where's Kumar?
Où est Kumar?
Where's Kumar?
- Attendez Kumar.
- Wait for Kumar.
- Je te crois. Tu as fait du bon boulot, Kumar.
Shabash, Kumar.

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