/ Francês → Inglês / Leone
Leone tradutor Inglês
301 parallel translation
- Il déshériterait son fils, le Cap. Léone?
He'll disinherit his son, Captain Leone?
Léone, capitaine de la flotte.
Leone, Captain of the fleet.
Léone porte plainte.
Leone complained.
- Qu'est-ce que Léone voulait?
- What did Leone want? - To kill him.
Plaignant, Cap.
Plaintiff : Leone, captain of the fleet.
Nous avons grimpé dans la maison et trouvé ce monsieur. - Le capitaine Léone.
We went in the house and found this gentleman Leone.
- Il ne trouve son excuse que dans le vin.
- He finds excuses in his wine. - Give your evidence, Leone.
- Cap. Léone. Dernière fois!
Captain Leone, for the last time!
- Capitaine Léone!
Captain Leone!
Capitaine Léone.
As for you, Captain Leone.
Détachez Léone du pilori!
Release Captain Leone from prison!
Allez, remuez-vous! Mes frères, venez!
Come, Bernardo, Leone lambs of the good Lord, come!
Çomment François expliqua à frère Léon ce qu'est la joie parfaite.
How brother Francesco taught brother Leone what perfect happiness is.
Léon, mon frère... si nous pouvions rendre la vue aux aveugles, l'ouïe aux sourds, la parole aux muets et ressusciter les morts, ce ne serait pas la joie parfaite!
Brother Leone, lamb of God, even if we could make the blind see the deaf hear, exorcise demons, and raise the dead - this is not perfect happiness.
Nous avons supporté cela pour l'amour du Çhrist bien-aimé. Ç'est en cela qu'est la joie parfaite!
Brother Leone, lamb of God, now that we've suffered all this for Christ it is perfect happiness.
Du Cap Vert au Golfe du Bénin.
Cape Verde, Cape Saint Maria Sierra Leone and the Bight of Benin.
Soit un bon garçon, Leone.
Be a good boy, Leone.
Tout juste capable d'enlever le bandage de Leone alors que le docteur l'avait interdit.
All you've managed to do is take off Leone's bandage when the doctor said not to.
Je ne voulais pas accompagner Leone en ville.
So I wouldn't have to go into town with Leone.
Acompagne maman et Leone.
You'll take Leone and Mama.
Allume, Leone.
The lights, Leone.
Arrête avec ce sucre, Leone.
That's enough sugar, Leone.
Leone, je prends le relais.
Leone, go on. I'll stay here.
Giulia, surveille Leone.
Giulia, watch Leone.
Leone, fais quelque-chose.
Leone, do something.
Arrête, Leone!
Stop it, Leone!
Leone a besoin d'un bain.
Leone needs a bath.
Pendant que je fais couler le bain, va prendre dans ta chambre une grande serviette, un pantalon, des chaussettes et un teeshirt.
Now, Leone, while I prepare your bath, you go get a big towel, some underwear, some socks and an undershirt.
On a oublié Leone.
We forgot all about Leone.
Tu sais que Leone est mort.
You know Leone's dead, right?
Alors le Cardinal Leone.
Then cardinal Leone.
Ce n'est pas moi qui vous parlerai du Cardinal Leone.
I'm afraid I'm the wrong one to ask about cardinal Leone.
Leone et les Romains.
Leone and the Romans.
Son Eminence le Cardinal Leone, 29.
For His Eminence, cardinal Leone, 29.
Son Eminence le Cardinal Leone, 23.
For His Eminence, cardinal Leone, 23.
Non, il faudra changer des choses, Leone.
No, we have to make some changes, Leone.
Leone, comment l'homme sait-il si ses actions sont pour lui-même ou pour Dieu?
Leone how does a man ever know if his actions are for himself or for God?
Voilà le général Leone.
There he is, General Leone.
Le général Leone en a parlé au Commandement Suprême.
General Leone has communicated with the Command and confirms...
Le général Leone est mort!
Boys... General Leone is dead!
Nous, tout ce que nous pouvons faire, c'est de boire ce vin à la mémoire du général Leone.
We have nothing better to offer than this wine to the memory of General Leone.
Sierra Leone,
Sierra Leone,
Leone le sicilien et...
Leone of Sicily and...
Et si on allait faire un tour à San Leone?
What do you say to a trip to San Leone?
Il a passé deux ans à l'hôpital psychiatrique San Leone. Ses antécédents remontent à dix ans.
Did two years at the San Leone Medical Institute for the Criminally Insane with priors going back 10 years.
Leone dit que c'est mieux que Morricone!
Leone said it's even better than Morricone's!
Oui, M. Leone, je vous prie.
Yes, Mr. Leone, please.
Allô? M. Leone? Leigh Michaels, du 4320.
Hello, Mr. Leone, Leigh Michaels from 4320.
Non, Léone!
No, Léone.
Frère Léon, agneau de Dieu, si nous connaissions le langage des anges et le secret des coeurs, ce ne serait pas la joie parfaite!
O brother Leone, lamb of God, even if we knew the language of the angels, the soul's secrets, this is not perfect happiness.