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Lipschitz tradutor Inglês

53 parallel translation
Je n'ai plus rien à perdre, M. Lipschitz.
I'm a desperate man, Mr. Lipschitz.
Lipshitz paie des clopinettes, on va trouver un autre mec.
Lipschitz wouldn't cough up any more. We gotta get somebody else.
Je me suis mise à enchérir sur un magnifique tapis indien, contre Ralph Lauren, alias Lipschitz.
And I started bidding on this one marvelous, beautiful Indian rug... against Ralph Lauren, aka Lipschitz.
C'est exact, c'est le Lipschitz Live.
That's right, "it's" Lipschitz Live! Hello?
Quinn? "This portion of" Lipschitz Live is brought to you by
Le Lipschitz Live est de retour.
Okay, Lipschitz Live.
Toute cette semaine, nous allons...
And all week, right here "on" Lipschitz Live, "we're" gonna be examining...
Oui, mes amis, grâce à vous, Le Lipschitz Live est l'émission la plus vue de l'histoire de la télé.
Yes, folks, thanks to you, Lipschitz Live "is now" the most watched show in the history of television.
Le Lipschitz Live donne le ton à notre monde actuel.
Lipschitz Live sets the pace for our world today.
Le Lipschitz Live, de retour.
"Okay," Lipschitz Live is back on the air.
Barry Lipschitz assure.
Man, Barry Lipschitz rules.
Les gens passent leur temps à regarder ce Lipschitz.
Nobody seems to be doing anything but watching this Lipschitz guy.
Les gens regardent Barry Lipschitz toute la journée.
I mean, everybody just kind of sits around and watches old, you know, Barry Lipschitz on TV all day.
Tout de suite dans le Lipschitz Live, de nombreuses personnalités de ce monde... et d'ailleurs.
"Coming up on" Lipschitz Live, we're going to meet a host of very interesting personalities from this world and beyond.
Vous le saurez tout de suite...
You want to find out, you stay tuned "to" Lipschitz Live.
Hal? N'y a-t-il vraiment que ce Lipschitz à la télé?
Hal, this Lipschitz guy, is he really the only thing on TV?
Parle-moi de ce Lipschitz.
Tell me more about this Lipschitz guy.
Il a fait de Lipschitz une star et tout le monde le regarde.
And then, of course, he made Lipschitz his star. I mean, everybody watches him.
Comment on fait pour passer dans le Lipschitz Live?
Now, how would one go about getting on "Lipschitz Live?"
Le voici, le parangon des ondes, le titan de la télévision, le présentateur le plus regardé, admiré et primé de l'histoire de la communication mondiale : Barry Lipschitz!
And here he is, the paragon of the airwaves, that titan of television, the most watched, admired and awarded host in the history of worldwide communications, Barry Lipschitz!
Veuillez accueillir en direct dans le Lipschitz,
First, I'd like you to meet and greet, on live, on Lipschitz, Mr. Arnold Potts!
Je viens de la recevoir.
But first a news update from the Lipschitz Action Desk. This just handed to me.
L'action semble être différée, mais sachez-le, la fusion sera bientôt consommée et le Lipschitz Live sera aux premières loges.
But you can be sure when that merger is about to be consummated, Lipschitz Live "is" going to be there with our cameras.
Avant de continuer sur la question, voici un aperçu des prochains Lipschitz Live.
We'll get back to that subject in a minute. But first, these announcements about upcoming shows on "Lipschitz Live."
Je vous écoute, je produis le Lipschitz Live.
Can I help you? I produce "Lipschitz Live."
En direct dans le Lipschitz Live.
And you saw it on "Lipschitz Live!"
Pour le savoir, continuez de regarder le Lipschitz Live.
There's only one way to find out. You gotta keep watching "Lipschitz Live!" Come on!
J'ai aimé Al Lipschitz plus que tout au monde.
I loved Alvin Lipschitz more than I can possibly say.
Sans parler de sa réponse à la tragédie d'Abe Lipschitz.
And of course, there was his response to the Abe Lipschitz tragedy.
Mme Reyes, je suis l'agent Lipschitz du FBI.
Mrs. Reyes, this is Agent Lipschitz from the FBI.
Agent Lipschitz, mon client est un homme très occupé.
Agent Lipschitz, my client is a very busy man.
♪ Lipschitz ♪
♪ Lipschitz ♪
♪ Pop, Six, Squish, Uh-uh, Cicero, Lipschitz ♪
♪ Pop, Six, Squish, Uh-uh, Cicero, Lipschitz ♪
♪ He had it coming ♪ Uh-uh, Cicero, Lipschitz ♪
♪ He had it coming ♪ ♪ Uh-uh, Cicero, Lipschitz ♪
♪ Squish, Uh-uh, Cicero, Lipschitz ♪
♪ Squish, Uh-uh, Cicero, Lipschitz ♪
Graham Lipshitz, danseur.
Graham Lipschitz, dancer.
I started calling you Dr. Lipschitz.
Dr Lipschitz?
Dr. Lipschitz?
Non, je te dis, Dr Lipschitz, c'est encore une fois l'incident du tartre qui revient.
No, I'm telling you, Dr. Lipschitz, this is like the whole plaque incident all over again.
- Qui se soucie de Sarah Lipschitz?
- Nobody cares about Sarah Lipschitz.
Pourrais-tu appeler le Dr Lipschitz?
Donna, do you mind calling Dr. Lipschitz for me?
Ce que je vois, c'est que nous sommes à 46 minutes de cette séance, et je n'ai toujours pas de solutions.
- What I see, Dr. Lipschitz, is we're 46 minutes into this session, and I haven't gotten closure yet.
Dr. Lipschitz, c'est Louis.
Dr. Lipschitz, it's Louis.
"Okay," Lipschitz Live is back on the air. No, no, no.
Lipschitz vous aime!
Lipschitz loves you!
Avant de retrouver les dingos, une info de dernière minute.
That's tomorrow on the Lipschitz Book Club. We'll get back to these nut bars in a minute.
Gardez la monnaie.
A never before seen plus the infamous comedian episode. You haven't seen Lipschitz... Keep the change.
- Lipschitz.
- C'est qui?
- Who's Sarah Lipschitz?

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