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Lucinda tradutor Inglês

439 parallel translation
Gracinda Lucinda
Gracinda Lucinda
- Et voici Ia mienne, Lucinda.
- This one's mine, Lucinda.
- Viens, Lucinda.
- Come on, Lucinda.
- Lucinda.
Uh, Lucinda.
C'est vrai.
[Lucinda] That's true.
Lucinda l'aime... et qu'il revienne.
That Lucinda loves him and-and to please come back?
J'y ai rencontré votre amie Lucinda l'autre jour.
I thought it would be. I met your girl Lucinda the other day.
Qu'avez-vous dit? POLLY :
Lucinda Maltree.
Lucinda Maltree. DOCTEUR :
Eh, no, no, before.
- Comment va Lucinda?
- How's Lucinda?
- Lucinda sera déçue.
- Lucinda'll be disappointed as hell.
Je vais l'appeler la rivière Lucinda, comme ma femme.
I'll call it the Lucinda River, after my wife.
- Tu sortais avec Lucinda.
- You were having an affair with Lucinda.
Oui, parce que Lucinda dansait avec Roger Bunker.
Because Lucinda was dancing with Roger Bunker.
On explorera les sources de la rivière Lucinda.
We'll explore the torrential headwaters of the Lucinda River.
Comme les rives de la rivière Lucinda sont belles!
How bonny are the banks of the Lucinda River.
- Je peux savoir comment va Lucinda?
- Is it undiplomatic to ask of Lucinda?
Lucinda appellera.
Lucinda will call.
Si Lucinda n'a pas d'autres projets.
If Lucinda hasn't made a date.
Comment vont Lucinda et les filles?
How are Lucinda and the girls?
Lucinda va bien et les filles jouent au tennis.
Lucinda's fine and the girls are home playing tennis.
Lucinda a fait beaucoup de bien à cette ville.
Lucinda's always done a lot of good in this town.
Lucinda attend.
Lucinda's waiting.
Tu... La cow-girl acrobate du J.B. Ranch! On y va.
Lucinda Fairlee, the J.B. Ranch trick cowgirl rider.
Lucinda, ma chérie, bavardons un peu.
Lucinda, my darling, let's chat, my dear.
Adrian Winslow, Lucinda Lark et beaucoup d'autres.
Adrian Winslow, Lucinda Lark and many others.
"Á l'ancien maître de la part de son humble disciple, Lucinda Lark."
"To the old master from his humble disciple, Lucinda Lark."
"De Lucinda Lark."
"By Lucinda Lark."
Mais si j'ai passé la nuit dans les bras de la belle Lucinda... je n'ai pas pu assassiner Hemsley Post.
But if I spent the night in the arms of the lovely Lucinda... then I couldn't possibly have murdered Hemsley Post.
Imagine, Lucinda Lark et ne pas pouvoir m'en rappeler!
Imagine, Lucinda Lark and not being able to remember.
J'aimerais pouvoir me rappeler de cette nuit avec Lucinda Lark.
I wish I could remember that night with Lucinda Lark, I'll tell ya.
Ce doit être Lucinda à cette heure-ci.
Yeah, that would be Lucinda at this time.
Lucinda, que fait-il dans notre maison?
Lucinda, what is he doing in our home?
Et Lucinda?
How's about Lucinda?
Elle nous enterrera tous.
Lucinda'll be dancin'in the breeze... long after you and I are takin'the dirt nap.
Je lui ai dit que c'était pas mon truc.
Look, I told him. I said, "Lucinda doesn't fuckin'take no shit that way."
Son nom, Lucinda?
What is his name, Lucinda?
Amusant, Lucinda.
- That's a funny one, Lucinda.
Je n'aurais rien à raconter si mon arrière-grand-père... n'avait pas tout misé pour amener cette église à la rivière Bellinger... ou si Lucinda Leplastrier n'avait pas reçu une goutte du Prince Rupert.
I would have no story to tell you... if my great-grandfather had not wagered everything... to bring that church here to the Bellinger River, or if Lucinda Leplastrier had not been given the Prince Rupert's drop.
Bon anniversaire, Lucinda.
Happy birthday, Lucinda.
Lucinda, essaie avec la pince.
Lucinda, try the pliers.
La mère de Lucinda savait qu'elle avait produit... un être fier, carré... sachant très bien que partout... on ne trouvait que des chiffes molles.
Lucinda's mother knew that she had produced... a proud, square peg, in the full knowledge that from coast to coast, there were nothing but round holes.
Lucinda n'avaitjamais pris le bateau.
Lucinda had never been on a boat.
Écoute ça.
Hey, listen to this :'Lucinda Maltree'
Lucinda Maltree. DOCTEUR :
What did you say, dear?
Je suis Lucinda.
- Sonny Steele, 1 : 00 to 3 : 30.
Lucinda Fairlee.
Hey, it's Lucinda.
Je te félicite.
Lucinda, my dear, I must congratulate you.
Lucinda veut un enfant de moi.
Lucinda wants my baby. Should I give her the seed?

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