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Mercer tradutor Inglês

734 parallel translation
Le registre des emplois étudiants indique que tu voudrais employer Margaret Mercer.
Well, the student employment registry said that you'd asked for Margaret Mercer to do some work for you.
Margaret Mercer?
Margaret Mercer?
Ce n'est sûrement pas cette affaire avec Margaret Mercer?
Surely it isn't just this Margaret Mercer business?
Elle a empoisonné les esprits de Margaret Mercer et de David Jennings.
She poisoned the minds of Margaret Mercer and David Jennings.
Lord Mercer viendra à son aide.
Of course, he'll have Lord Mercer to help him.
Lord Edwin Mercer signera, et moi... 2 fois!
Yes, I know, I know. Lord Edwin will sign once and I shall sign twice.
Mon père ne m'en voudra pas si j'annonce dès maintenant nos projets de mariage avec Lord Edwin Mercer.
I hope my father will forgive me. He was going to make this announcement tonight. I think that now is the ideal time to tell you
Une Mercer.
A mercer.
Mon père tenait une boutique près de l'égreneuse de coton que possédait le colonel Mercer.
My father had a little store... close to the cotton gin outside of town.
Johnny Mercer?
Johnny Mercer?
Ces cellules sont vivantes, Dr Mercer, elles se nourrissent l'une de l'autre.
Those cells are still living, Dr. Mercer, off one another.
Et ce cher Dr Mercer poursuit son approche laborieuse et académique.
And the dedicated Dr. Mercer goes on... with his plodding, unimaginative approach.
Que va-t-il se passer, Dr Mercer?
What's going to happen, Dr. Mercer?
On en est assez loin de ce fruit humain pour toi, Mercer?
Are we far enough away from that human fruit to suit you?
- Harry Mercer.
Harry Mercer.
C'est vous, Mercer?
- You're Mercer? - Yes, sir.
Mercer écrivait son rapport. Seul?
Mercer was writing his report in here.
Harry Mercer, il a parlé de Berlin en 63.
- King : Who? Harry Mercer, when he said he was in Berlin in'63.
- Son bureau.
Mercer's desk.
Dr Constantine, j'ai Mercer en ligne.
Dr. Constantine, I have Mercer on the line.
Dites au docteur que c'est Boris... Mercer...
Tell the doctor it's Boris...
Mais Mercer! Et justement maintenant! On est si près du but.
But to Mercer, and right now at this moment... we're so close, Doctor.
Mercer représente une menace.
Mercer is a threat to our objective.
Voici le dossier de Mercer. Et un échantillon de l'écriture de Kartovski.
Here's Mercer's file and the other thing you wanted...
Il a été admis à l'hôpital. Mercer...
He was admitted to hospital.
Récemment, pour un léger accident, quelques heures.
Mercer. A few weeks ago, he had a minor accident and was admitted for a few hours.
Un accident, il y a environ 3 semaines... Harry Mercer.
A casualty, a minor road accident about three weeks ago, Harry Mercer?
Que désirez-vous savoir sur M. Mercer?
- Steed, John Steed. Just how can we help you concerning Harry Mercer?
Ce monsieur se renseigne sur un patient, M. Mercer.
Ah, Dr. Constantine, this gentleman would like to know about a casualty patient named Mercer.
Il craque, comme Mercer.
It's obvious he's breaking up like Mercer.
Les autres, Barnes, Mercer... des ratés! Des ratés abjects!
The others, Barnes, Mercer, they were failures, abject failures.
Queen's Distillery, 450 Mercer Av, Londres N. W.
Uh, Queen's Distillery, 450 Mercer Avenue, London... - Yeah, wait.
Et cette chanson célèbre de Harry Warren et Johnny Mercer.
And this Oscar-winning song was written by Harry Warren and Johnny Mercer.
Je pensais que tu aimerais savoir que Wat le marchand de tissus... va me vendre des sacs de chiffons à un demi-penny!
By the way, thought you'd like to know I got Wat the Mercer to run me up a few cloth bags.
- Jenny Mercer à l'appareil.
- Hello. Jenny Mercer speaking.
Merci de votre aide, M. Mercer.
Thanks, Mr Mercer.
Mercer a envoyé l'argent?
Mercer sent my money?
Mercer dit que c'était exagéré.
Mercer says it was overdone.
Mercer se fiche de moi ou quoi?
Is Mercer joking, or what?
Mercer m'envoie.
Mercer sent me.
Descendons Mercer Street.
It's got to be around here someplace, man.
Elle doit y être.
Let's cruise down Mercer Street.
Premier tireur Abel Mercer.
First gunner abel mercer.
On est entre Green et Mercer.
Between Green and Mercer on Prince.
Content de vous voir.
'Lord Edwin Mercer.' Oh, Edwin, I'm glad to see you.
Ici Mercer.
Mercer here.
Mercer... Kartovski!
- Non, je cherche un renseignement sur M. Mercer. - Oui, M. Mercer...
Je ne vois pas.
I'm inquiring about Mr. Mercer. We have no one of that name in the hospital.
Vous êtes un parent?
- Harry Mercer. Are you a relative?
- Bobby Murcer est à la batte.
Bobby Mercer's at the plate.

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