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Translate.vc / Francês → Inglês / Mortimer

Mortimer tradutor Inglês

614 parallel translation
Vous, Mortimer de Leeds?
- You, Sir Mortimer of Leeds?
Dr Mortimer.
Dr. Mortimer,
Et les empreintes?
Well, what about those footprints, Dr. Mortimer?
- Le corps portait-il des traces?
There were no marks on the body of any kind, Dr. Mortimer?
- Dr Mortimer?
Dr. Mortimer.
- Le connaissez-vous?
Do you know any Dr. Mortimer, Watson?
Le Dr Mortimer est prospère et apprécié.
I should say that Dr. Mortimer is a successful man, well esteemed.
Voyons cela. À James Mortimer
Let's have a look at this inscription.
- J'ajouterais que le docteur a un cabinet de campagne et possède un chien.
Furthermore, I'd say that Dr. Mortimer had a small practice in the country and was the owner of a dog.
Le Dr Mortimer.
Dr. Mortimer, sir.
- Entrez, Dr Mortimer.
Yes, come in Dr. Mortimer.
Je vous suggère de l'amener ici.
What I suggest, Dr. Mortimer, is when Sir Henry arrives you bring him here.
- Au fait, Dr Mortimer. - Vous avez un chien.
By the by, Dr. Mortimer, Do you have a dog?
Rien de surnaturel là-dedans.
You'll admit Dr. Mortimer, there is nothing supernatural about this?
Le Dr Mortimer qui me conduit chez vous, la lettre...
Dr. Mortimer bringing me here to see you? this letter?
Le docteur dit qu'il ne serait pas prudent de vous y rendre.
Dr. Mortimer thinks that it might not be safe for you to go down there.
Vous auriez dû m'en parler avant.
Why didn't you tell this before, Dr. Mortimer?
Ramenez-le à l'hôtel et montrez-lui le document.
Take him back to the hotel, Dr Mortimer Show him that old document Tell him everything, the whole business.
Le Dr Mortimer vous a tout raconté. Qu'avez-vous décidé?
Well, now that Dr. Mortimer has told you everything...
Et si le Dr Mortimer m'assure que je verrai ce monstre, j'ai hâte d'y être.
If Dr. Mortimer will only guarantee that this supernatural hound of his will really appear, I'd go already.
J'aimerais, mais des affaires urgentes me retiennent à Londres.
I would like to very much, Dr. Mortimer, but unfortunately I have some rather pressing business here in London.
Ne me croyez pas ingrat, Dr Mortimer.
Please don't think me ungrateful, Dr. Mortimer
Très intéressant.
Very interesting, Dr. Mortimer
Le Dr Mortimer m'a parlé de vous.
From Dr. Mortimer, one or our neighbours.
Vous connaissez le Dr Mortimer. - Il reste M. Frankland.
Of course you already know, Dr. Mortimer the only other one is old Mr. Franklin.
Je m'intéresse aux sciences occultes et Mme Mortimer a de grandes qualités de médium.
As you know, I dabble a bit in the Occult. Mrs. Mortimer has very strong mediumistic qualities.
- Non, bien sûr. Restez courtois, Dr Mortimer.
Of course I doubt, and I ask you to keep a civil tongue in your head, Dr. Mortimer.
M. Frankland, Dr Mortimer, les Barryman.
Mr. Franklin, Dr. Mortimer, the Barryman's...
En effet.
Yes, indeed it will, Mrs. Mortimer
- Votre présence nous a ravis.
Well, glad you could be with us, Mortimer.
Comme c'est gentil, Mme Mortimer.
Oh, that's so sweet of you Mrs. Mortimer!
- Bonne nuit.
Good night, Mrs. Mortimer.
- Merci, Dr Mortimer.
Thank you, Dr. Mortimer, thank you.
Tu peux couper court, Mortimer?
No-o-o. Will you cut it out, Mortimer?
Oh, t'es pas mieux que Mortimer.
You're as bad as Mortimer.
- Tu ne sautes pas, Mortimer?
Whoa. - Aren't you jumping, Mortimer?
- Cul-cul la praline.
Mortimer Snerd.
N'est-ce pas Mortimer Brewster?
- Hey, isn't that Mortimer Brewster?
Le critique dramatique?
- Mortimer Brewster, the dramatic critic?
Je suis Mortimer Brewster.
I'm Mortimer Brewster.
"Oui, Mortimer"!
- What do you mean, "Yes, Mortimer"?
Pas de : "Non, Mortimer"!
- And don't "No, Mortimer" me, either!
Pasteur Harper, ne condamnez pas Mortimer... parce qu'il est critique dramatique... et emmène votre fille au théâtre.
Reverend Harper, I do hope you don't disapprove of Mortimer because he's a dramatic critic and takes your daughter to the theater.
Excusez Mortimer.
We mustn't be angry with Mortimer.
Mortimer a fait le nécessaire pour l'envoyer à l'asile de Val Joyeux... après notre mort.
Mortimer's made all the arrangements for Teddy to go to Happy Dale Sanitarium after we pass on.
Il ne gênera pas nos plans pour Mortimer et Elaine.
I'm sure we needn't worry about him. He won't interfere with our plans for Mortimer and Elaine.
Le Dr Mortimer.
Dr. Mortimer.
Je suis le Dr Mortimer.
- L'ami de votre oncle.
I am Dr. Mortimer, your uncle was my best friend.
Le docteur doit rentrer.
Dr. Mortimer has to drive home.
Nous sommes arrivés à la nuit tombée.
Dr. Mortimer stayed for dinner.

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