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Translate.vc / Francês → Inglês / Mói

Mói tradutor Inglês

58 parallel translation
Pas avéc mói.
Not with me.
Vóus vóus étés bién fichu dé mói.
You definitely had me fooled.
- Fichéz-mói lé camp.
- Get the hell away from me.
Pour me another.
Sóuhaité-mói bónné chancé.
Wish me luck.
Laissé-mói dévinér. C'ést dé ma fauté.
Vénéz avéc mói.
Walk with me.
mói à récupérér dés vóiturés. ét uné cabané au bórd dé la mér.
You keep scrounging for clients and I'll keep repossessing cars for Akamian. if we kill ourselves in about five years we can afford a baby and a weekend shack at Gulf Shores.
Tu té fichés dé mói?
Are you shitting me?
mói lé mién.
his side and my side.
j'ai baisé uné béllé fillé dé tóutés lés façóns. éllé régardé : Mói.
just fucked me 40 ways from Sunday... trying to walk she turns she looks it's me.
mais mói.
Not the Trojan army that just fucked her. Little old me.
Dis-mói qué jé sérai à la hautéur.
Tell me I can handle this.
Próméts-mói dé né pas mé laissér séulé.
Promise me you won't leave me alone in there.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
tróuvé-mói Héath ét Eddié Barzóón.
But first I want you to find Heath and Eddie Barzoon.
Emmèné-lés chéz mói.
Bring them up to my place.
Jé té véux avéc mói.
C'ést mói qué tu as plaquéé.
You bailed on me.
Jé dóis régardér autóur dé mói.
I'm gonna have to look around.
J'ai appélé la pólicé dé chéz mói!
I have keys. I called the cops from the house!
Jé réçóis dés cóups dé fil péniblés... Chéz mói démain.
I've got some tough phone calls I've got to... tomorrow.
Listen to me!
Né té móqué pas dé mói.
Don't tease me.
Fais-mói l'amóur.
Make love to me.
- A mói.
- It's mine!
Give it over. Give me the gun.
Lé tróisièmé... ét chéz mói.
Three for you and my place.
Help me out.
- Mói.
- I am.
Give it back to me!
Mói aussi.
I'll understand.
Ecóutéz-mói cómmé vóus né l'avéz jamais fait.
Listen to me like you've never to anyone before in your life.
C'ést mói.
It's me.
Ramèné-mói à la maisón.
Please take me home.
Fichéz-mói la paix!
Now stay off my back!
please listen.
look at me!
Look at me!
ét quélqu'un s'intéréssé à mói. Il cónnaissait chaqué mót dé la Biblé.
someone takes an interest... every word.
Résté avéc mói.
Stay here with me.
Eh bién... dans un tabléau dé un à dix... qué Mary Ann ét mói avóns attéint sépt.
Well on a scale of one to ten... Ten being the most depraved act of sexual theater known to man. One being your average Friday night run-through at the Lomaxes'.
Appéllé-mói papa.
Call me Dad.
Tu fais rétómbér Mary Ann sur mói?
You're blaming me for Mary Ann?
Lose? I don't lose!
Ça vénait dé mói.
I did it all.
Believe me.
C'ést mói!
Qué véux-tu dé mói?
What do you want from me?

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