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Nha tradutor Inglês

45 parallel translation
Vous devez vous présenter au P.C. du 2e Bureau à Nha Trang.
You have orders to report to COMSEC Intelligence at Nha Trang.
Nha Trang a dû vous briefer sur ma mission.
I understand Nha Trang has briefed you on the requirements of my mission.
J'ai rien reçu de Nha Trang.
What mission? I haven't heard from Nha Trang.
Nha Trang vous a oublié?
Nha Trang forget all about you?
Nha Trang vous envoie ça.
I was sent here from Nha Trang with these three days ago, sir.
Quoi qu'il arrive, ce ne serait pas ce qu'on disait à Nha Trang.
Whatever was going to happen, it wasn't gonna be the way they called it back in Nha Trang.
Si les généraux de Nha Trang voyaient ce que je voyais, auraient-ils voulu que je le tue?
If the generals back in Nha Trang could see what I saw, would they still want me to kill him?
A Nha Trengh.
- Where you going to?
Gaffe, ça canarde lá-haut.
- Nha Trang. You gotta be careful, Jack. That's some heavy stuff.
Quelques titres pour les types qui montent sur Nha Trengh.
Got some songs going out right now to a couple of guys on the road to Nha Trang. You know what I'm talking about.
" Mon amour,
"Nha cretcheu..." " My love...
"Mon amour..."
"Nha cretcheu..."
Nha'epepó-ûasu et Alkindar-miri étaient mes maîtres.
Nha'epepó-ûasu and Alkindar-miri were my owners.
Nha'epepó-ûasu avait des parents à Mambukaba. Il décida d'aller les aider... à reconstruire le village.
Nha'epepó-ûasu had relatives in Mambukaba... and decided to go and help his relatives... to rebuild the village.
Ce jour-là, j'entendis des cris... venant de la cabane de Nha'epepó-ûasu.
On that day, I heard shouts... coming from Nha'epepó-ûasu's cabin.
Nha'epepó-ûasu avait dû revenir et rapporter... la farine de manioc pour la fête de ma mort.
Nha'epepó-ûasu should have arrived bringing... roots and meal for the feast of my death.
Le frère de Nha'epepó-ûasu est arrivé.
Nha'epepó-ûasu's brother has arrived.
Nha'epepó-ûasu a tout ramené pour ma fête?
Did Nha'epepó-ûasu bring everything for my feast?
Le frère de Nha'epepó-ûasu dit... qu'ils sont tous malades.
Nha'epepó-ûasu's brother said that... everyone is sick in Mambukaba.
Je suis frère de Nha'epepó-ûasu.
I am Nha'epepó-ûasu's brother.
Mon frère Nha'epepó-ûasu, ma mère... les fils de mon frère.
My brother Nha'epepó-ûasu, my mother... my brother's children...
Nha'epepó-ûasu croit que ton Dieu est en colère.
Nha'epepó-ûasu thinks that your God is angry.
Nha'epepó-ûasu doit revenir vite.
Nha'epepó-ûasu must come back soon.
Les parents de Nha'epepó-ûasu moururent.
Nha'epepó-ûasu's relatives had died in the village.
J'observais la cabane de Nha'epepó-ûasu.
I kept watching Nha'epepó-ûasu's cabin.
Alors, Nha'epepó-ûasu me fit appeler.
Nha'epepó-ûasu had me called to his cabin.
N'aie pas peur, Nha'epepó-ûasu.
Don't be afraid, Nha'epepó-ûasu.
J'étais en reconnaissance solo à Nha Trang à l'époque.
Actually, I was on a solo recon down near Nha Trang at the time.
Mlle Lolo... qu ´ on surnomme chez nous simplement Nha Lolo.
Miss Lolo. At home simply called Nha Lolo.
Nha Lolo? Comme c ´ est mignon.
Nha Lolo, how charming.
Dans ce but, je décidai de prendre ce qui s ´ offrait... et de me rapprocher de Damasceno qui voulait marier Nha lolo.
Forthis reason I drew closer to Damasceno... who wanted to marry off his daughter Nha Lolo.
Nha lolo était vexée.
Nha Lolo was deeply annoyed.
Et comme tu es ici pour échapper à la vie... j ´ explique avant d ´ aller sur sa tombe.
And as audiences only follow stories to escape life... I need to give an explanation before jumping to Nha Lolo ´ s grave.
Mieux que si je racontais sa maladie... le désespoir de la famille, l ´ enterrement.
Says more than if I had recounted all the details of Nha Lolo ´ s illness. The desperation of the family, the burial.
Dieu n ´ avait aucune raison de punir Ia bonne Nha lolo.
There was no reason forGod to punish the good soul of Nha Lolo.
Kim, log into the NHA server.
Nha cretcheu, mon amour,
Nha crecheu, my love,
Jeune femme, on n'avait pas de téléphone à Nha Trang quand j'ai descendu neuf hommes à mains nues.
Young lady, we didn't have phones in Nha Trang when I took down nine men with my bare hands.
Les trois premières coup sur coup, quand des soldats ont essayé de nous déloger à Nha Trang.
The first three were at one sitting, when sappers tried to overrun us at Nha Trang.
Nha Trang, hein...
- All right? - Nha Trang for me?
Je vis Nha lolo.
I looked at Nha Lolo and saw how beautiful she was.

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