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Oskar tradutor Inglês

386 parallel translation
- Oskar Viktorsson?
- Oskar Viktorsson?
Nous voilà à Mexico, Sophie, Oskar et son accordéon.
Well, that brings us to Mexico. To Sophie and Oskar and his accordion.
- Oskar et Sophie étaient marriés.
- Oskar and Sophie was married. - Yeah. Well, now she's got a new husband.
Oskar jouant de l'accordéon... dans le bar de Sophie.
- Oh. - Oskar's playing his accordion... - in Sophie's restaurant for tips.
- Comme Oscar.
- That's what Oskar said.
- C'est un drogué.
- Ah, Oskar. He's a drug addict.
Je dû le garder longtemps... dans ce bateau de pêche... Enfin, Oskar mangea le morceau.
I don't know how long it was I had to keep him out there... drifting around in a chartered fishing boat... but finally he spilled everything.
Elle est richement mariée Son vrai mari, Oscar... la fait chanter.
She's married money, but a character known as Oskar's her real husband. - He's blackmailing her. - Oh?
Oscar est là.
Oskar's here.
- Oscar, Sophie..
- Oskar. So would Sophie -
Oskar vous a dit que j'ai épousé le général.
This here is my husband. I guess Oskar told you that the general, my husband, isn't -
Je ne suis pas mariée à Oscar.
I'll let you in on a secret. It's Oskar I was never married to.
- ce pauvre Oskar?
- Poor little Oskar. Why do you have to pick on him?
Oscar vous a dit ça?
You got all that from Oskar.
Oscar, lui, se drogue.
So Oskar takes dope.
Je ne suis pas le seul, il y a Sophie et Oscar.
- Except you, of course. - I'm not the only one. What about Sophie and Oskar?
Et Oscar?
And Oskar?
Sophie et Oscar...
Sophie and Oskar.
Oscar et Sophie poignardés.Leurs corps jetés dans un égout à Mexico.
Oskar and Sophie were found dead in a ditch in Mexico City with their throats cut.
Et puis, Sophie et Oscar.
Sophie and Oskar were in Mexico.
Une urgence, Oskar.
An emergency, Oskar.
Dans la convention de Genève rien ne prévoit ce genre de situation.
There's nothing in the Geneva Convention, Oskar, that's going to cover a situation like this.
Il faudra l'interpréter à ma façon, d'accord?
We'll have to interpret it my way, okay, Oskar?
Ne t'en fais pas, Oskar.
Now, don't worry, Oskar.
Tant mieux pour toi.
Good for you, Oskar.
- Oskar?
- Right. - Oskar?
Oskar, un jour, je te revaudrai ça.
Oskar, some day, I'm going to make this up to you.
Oskar avait une bouteille dans sa poche.
Oskar had a bottle in his pocket.
Accroche-toi, Oskar.
Hang on, Oskar.
Oskar, la bouteille de Coca.
Oskar, the coke bottle.
Oscar Binding!
Binding. Oskar Binding, of course!
Qui aurait imaginé que moi, Oscar Binding, je deviendrais amateur d'art?
Who would have thought that I, Oskar Binding, would be... an art collector!
Tu peux peut-être m'aider.
Maybe you can help me, Oskar.
Mais ils parleront à Oscar Binding!
I know someone they would tell. Oskar Binding.
Adieu, Oscar.
Goodbye, Oskar.
SCÉNARIO : Fritz Lang Heinz Oskar Wuttig
Il me semble qu'elle doit dîner avec maitre Renert.
It seems she had plans for supper. With Counselor Oskar Rennert.
Capitaine Oscar Wessels.
Captain Oskar Wessels.
Oskar Werner, Julie Christie dans FAHRENHEIT 451.
Oskar Werner, Julie Christie... in Fahrenheit 451.
Par ici.
- Oskar! - Yes! - This way!
Les deux messieurs si différents, mais unanimes dans leur goût pour maman, se plurent, et c'est cette trinité qui m'a mis au monde, moi, Oskar.
The two men, so different despite their similar feelings for Mama, liked each other, and from that trinity they brought me, Oskar, into the world.
Neptune, qui entrait dans la dixième maison, ancra Oskar entre le prodige et le simulacre.
Neptune moved into the tenth house of middle life, anchoring Oskar somewhere between wonder and illusion.
Quand le petit Oskar aura 3 ans, on lui donnera un tambour en tôle.
When little Oskar is three years old, he shall have a tin drum.
C'est toi, Oskar!
Oh, it's little Oskar.
Oskar, mon petit Oskar.
My little Oskar...
Une ou deux semaines de lit, et il pourra se lever.
Two weeks in bed and Oskar will be as good as new.
le jour de ses trois ans, notre petit Oskar est tombé dans l'escalier de la cave.
On his third birthday, our little Oskar fell down the cellar stairs.
- Déjà debout, Oskar!
That drum again.
- Oskar.
- Oskar.
C'est très gentil.
That's very good of you, Oskar.

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