/ Francês → Inglês / Owens
Owens tradutor Inglês
680 parallel translation
Me la faire, â moi!
Trying to kid Marthy Owens, huh?
Laisse-moi te dire, ma belle, que j'ai jamais...
Well, I wanna tell you straight, kiddo that Marthy Owens never- -
Nous avons tous reçu une lettre de proches nous priant de venir passer le week-end en tant qu'invités de leurs amis, les Owen.
We've all received letters from old trusted friends inviting us to spend the weekend here as guests of their friends, the Owens.
Le garçon d'honneur du marié, Edward Owens.
Now, the usher for the groom is Edward Owen.
- J.C. Owens.
- J.C. Owens.
Je m'appelle Owens.
Owens is my name.
Bon, Todd, Owens, retournez-vous.
All right, Todd, Owens, turn around.
Où est-elle, Owens?
Where is she, Owens?
Tu es sorti et tu as laissé Owens.
You ran out and left Owens.
Si tu avais la moitié d'un cerveau, tu saurais qu'on a besoin d'Owens.
If you had half a brain, you'd know we need Owens.
Il le laissera pas traîner où Owens peut mettre la main dessus.
He won't leave it lying around where Owens can get his hands on it.
Elle est très bien où elle est, Mme Owens.
She's all right where she is, Mrs. Owens.
Rappelle-toi, Owens.
Remember, Owens.
Je... surveillais Owens comme tu m'as demandé.
I was... just watching Owens like you told me to.
Owens va obéir à nos ordres tant qu'il pensera... que c'est la seule façon de sauver sa femme et sa gamine.
Owens'll take orders from us just as long as he thinks... that's the only way he'll save his wife and kid.
Mme Owens, mettez le bébé au lit.
Mrs. Owens, put your baby to bed.
Allez, Mme Owens.
Go on, Mrs. Owens.
"Mme Owens, allez avec Tevis et Gratz."
"Mrs. Owens, go along with Tevis and Gratz."
" Owens, sors les chevaux.
" Owens, get out the team.
"Où allez-vous, Mme Owens?"
"Where are you going, Mrs. Owens?"
D'accord, Owens.
All right, Owens.
Allez, Owens.
Come on, Owens.
Avant de commencer, Owens, jette un coup d'œil là-bas.
Now before you start, Owens, take a look over there.
T'es mauvais tireur, Owens!
You ain't no shot either, Owens!
Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, Owens?
What's the matter, Owens?
Tu croyais m'avoir, hein, Owens?
Thought you had me, didn't you, Owens?
- Du café, bien fort et bien chaud.
Coffee. Hot, fresh and strong. OWENS :
Le sergent Owens de la police est ici pour vous voir.
[Woman] Sergeant Owens from the police is here to see you.
- Sergent Owens, lieutenant.
Sergeant Owens, Lieutenant.
Ce type, Owens...
I've been thinking. What about this fella, Owens?
Il ne pourrait pas intervenir en ma faveur? M. Owens?
Do you think you could put in a good word for me?
Si Owens s'en mêle, ils l'écouteront peut-être.
If Owens puts in a word, why...
Vicki. Tu diras à M. Owens ce qui s'est passé exactement.
Vicki, you'll be sure and tell Mr. Owens exactly what happened.
- M. Owens est là?
Is Mr. Owens in?
M. Owens a appelé Rogers, le directeur, et tout roule.
Mr. Owens called Rogers, the superintendent, and everything's taken care of.
C'était moins une, ce soir, il prend le train pour Chicago.
I caught Mr. Owens just in time. He was taking the train for Chicago tonight.
On ne débarque pas comme ça chez Owens, il est très occupé.
You can't just barge in on a man as busy as John Owens.
Fallait pas t'inquiéter, je t'avais dit qu'il le ferait.
You knew I was anxious. There was nothing to be anxious about. I told you Owens would do it for you.
Il en a du temps libre, cet homme-là!
Yes. This Owens must have a lot of time to waste.
Owens prend le train ce soir?
You said Owens was going to Chicago tonight.
Un message pour M. John Owens!
Message for Mr. John Owens!
Par ici.
Mr. Owens! John Owens!
C'était un accident et j'ai réglé le problème.
Owens was an accident. An accident I took care of.
En patrouille : Jack Owens, Raymond Keeler...
Patrolmen Jack Owens, Raymond Keeler Alfred Quinn Frank Raider, Richard Phillips Edward Lynch...
Pourquoi lui?
Mr. Owens? Why Mr. Owens?
Appelle Owens.
Look, baby, call Owens.
Je lui expliquerai tout ce qu'il y a à expliquer.
Maybe I ought to go to Mr. Owens'office with you, and explain to him exactly... I can explain anything to him that needs explaining.
- Faites entrer.
Mrs. Buckley is here, Mr. Owens. OWENS :
Quand ça?
I telephoned Owens'office and you weren't there. When?
John Owens!
Write. John Owens!
On va rayer Owens de notre vie.
You'd like that, wouldn't you? We're going to go on like Owens never existed. Better maybe.