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Translate.vc / Francês → Inglês / Ozzie

Ozzie tradutor Inglês

253 parallel translation
Mesdames et messieurs je suis Ozzie Nelson.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is Ozzie Nelson.
Peu importe. - Ozzie!
Oh, Ozzie!
- Eh bien, il y a... il y a Ozzie et Hitchie et lui et lui.
- How many members in this club? - Well, there's – There's, uh – There's Ozzie and Hitchie and him and him.
- Merci, Ozzie.
─ Thanks, Ozzie.
Fais-le examiner par le médecin, Ozzie.
Have the doctor look him over, Ozzie.
Ozzie, qu'en penses-tu?
Ozzie. What do you think?
D'après Ozzie, il sera rétabli samedi.
Ozzie says he'll have him on his feet by Saturday.
J'ai tout prévu.
Ozzie, I got the whole day figured out.
Non, je disais juste à votre ami... qu'il était un spécimen remarquable, une réplique exacte du pithecanthropus erectus.
Really, I was just telling your friend... Ozzie. Ozzie, what a remarkable specimen he is.
Ozzie et moi, on cherchera dans le bottin mondain.
Ozzie and I, we could look Miss Smith up... in the social register.
Ivy, voici Hildy, Claire, Ozzie, Chip.
Ivy, this is Hildy, Claire, Ozzie, Chip.
Une minute, Ozzie.
Just a minute, Ozzie.
Si les bulles te montent au nez, je te noie.
Ozzie, if you say the bubbles tickle your nose, I'll drown you.
Voici un morceau demandé par Mme Connie Morris, Doverhay, rue Kewferry, Northwood, dans le Middlesex, pour son mari, le sergent Ozzie Morris, qui se bat au Moyen-Orient.
And now a request from Mrs Connie Morris of Northwood, Middlesex, for her husband, Flight Sergeant Ozzie Morris, who is serving in the Middle East.
Il adore les enfants, comme vous tous.
Hey, ozzie! Vayase a la casa.
Mon frère Ozzie a un restaurant formidable.
My brother Ozzy's got a terrific restaurant.
Ozzie, Curt, venez par ici.
Ozzie, Curt, get over here.
La ferme, Ozzie.
Shut up, Ozzie.
Ozzie, enlève leurs menottes.
O.Z., uncuff them.
Ozzie ne m'a rien dit à ce sujet.
O.Z. didn't say nothing about it to me.
Qu'est-ce qui se passe dehors?
Ozzie, what the hell's going on out there?
Ozzie, on me punit ou quoi?
Ozzie, am I being punished?
Ozzie, je vais essayer de rétablir le contact en activant le survolteur électromagnétique.
Ozzie, if you can hear me, I'll try to restore contact from your end by activating one of the electromagnetic booster cells. Stand by.
Ozzie. Je ne vous reçois pas.
Ozzie, I can't hear you.
Ozzie! Super!
All right, Oz!
C'est pas Ozzie.
That's not Oz.
Pourquoi dans un homme, Ozzie?
Ozzie, what have you done? I can't be inside a man.
A ce brave Ozzie qui, pour me sauver la peau du cul, m'a injecté sous la tienne.
We're gonna drink this one to Ozzie. A good man who tried to save my ass by injecting me into yours.
A Ozzie.
To Ozzie.
On a assassiné le Pr. Ozzie Wexler dans un grand magasin ce matin.
A scientist named Ozzie Wexler was killed today in a shopping mall.
On n'est pas dans la Petite maison dans la prairie.
Well, it ain't Ozzie and Harriet.
Ozzie est mort.
Look, Ozzie's dead.
Maintenant pardonne-lui, sinon on aura les lits d'Ozzie et d'Harriet.
Now, forgive him or we're getting Ozzie and Harriet beds.
On l'a vraiment aidée, hein, Ozzie?
I think we really helped the kid out, huh, Ozzie?
On nage en plein sitcom.
Welcome back, Ozzie and Harriet.
Stone et Charden?
Ozzie and Harriet?
Contrairement à Ozzie Osborne, qui a toujours été accusé de corrompre la jeunesse.
Unlike Ozzie Osborne, who was always accused of corruption of the young.
- Bonsoir, Ozzie.
Hello, Ozzie.
Merci Ozzie.
Thank you, Ozzie.
On n'a pas que Ozzie avec nous. Ils ne m'ont jamais lâché.
They haven't let me down so far.
Méfie-toi, c'est un banquier.
Don't trust Ozzie. He's a banker.
Voilà Ozzie.
- There's Ozzie.
Je ne crois pas, Ozzie.
I don't think so, Ozzie.
Tu prends quelle commission pour tes services en ce moment?
What's the commission on your favors these days, Ozzie?
Je sais, Ozzie.
I know, Ozzie.
Bonjour, Ozzie.
Hello, Ozzie.
Tu l'as fait pour les 300 £, Ozzie. Alors ne joue pas le Bon Samaritain.
You did this for the 300 quid, Ozzie, so don't give me the Good Samaritan stuff.
Garde un œil sur lui, Ozzie.
Keep an eye on him, Ozzie.
Pompon et Pompette...
Ozzie and Harriet.
C'est pour quand le barreau?
How long till the bar, Ozzie?

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