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Translate.vc / Francês → Inglês / Patty

Patty tradutor Inglês

3,645 parallel translation
Patty attend de toucher sa prochaine paye, elle ne peut pas plus de 400.
Look, Patty is... she's between paychecks right now, and the best she can do is $ 400.
Alors Patty est hors-circuit.
Then Patty is a definite no-go.
Et pour Horny Patty...
And about horny Patty, she's...
Oublie Horny Patty.
Forget about horny Patty, okay?
C'est Horny Patty, la personne.
It's about horny Patty, the person.
Je te ramène Horny Patty.
I came to return horny Patty.
Et Horny Patty?
But what about horny Patty?
Tanya, nous n'approcherons pas plus. Patty la Chaude est traumatisée depuis son enlèvement.
Tanya, we can't get any closer to you, because horny Patty is suffering from post traumatic stress disorder after the kidnapping.
je l'ai traitée avec amour.
I was very loving to horny Patty.
Patty, il faut qu'on discute de mon planning.
Uh, Patty, I need to talk to you about a problem with my hours.
Mais pas trois services!
Yeah, but, Patty, not three shifts.
Je vais pas me droguer pour tenir le coup.
Okay, Patty, I do not want to take speed to stay awake.
OK, Patty. Je suis responsable de ma marchandise et là, c'est moi qui commande.
Okay, Patty, uh, I am in charge of my merchandise.
Je vais être ravie de lui dire que c'est fini avec Patty la cochonne.
And I will take great pleasure in informing him that we will no longer be servicing you, horny Patty.
Eh oui, on t'appelle Patty la cochonne.
That's right! That's what we call you... horny Patty.
Patty la cochonne!
Horny Patty. Hello, Ray?
Au fait, Patty la cochonne n'est plus une cliente. Je savais que ça te plairait!
Yeah, oh, and by the way, horny Patty is no longer your client.
Tu ferais bien de mettre tes cotillons, le Patty.
Well, better put your party hat on there, Patty boy.
Grayson, mes parents, Byron et Patty.
Grayson, these are my parents, Byron and Patty.
Et tout le monde s'est mis à m'appeler "Patty la glace".
Then everyone started calling me "Popsicle Patty."
Je suis ravie qu'on se voie, Patty.
I am so glad we can hang out, Patty.
Si j'étais toi, Patty, je me méfierais.
If I were you, Patty, I would watch my back.
- Bonjour, Patty.
- Hey, Patty.
Écoutez, Patty. La journée a été difficile, alors occupons-nous du dossier Sandberg et finissons-en.
Listen, Patty, it's been a pretty rough shift for me so why don't we just focus on the Sandberg litigation and call it a night?
Patty, ne me cherchez pas ce soir.
Patty, I'm warning you, don't mess with me tonight.
C'est pousser un rocher sur une colline.
It's like pushing a rock up a hill, Patty.
J'avais d'abord créé Vagisil pour ma femme, Patty.
I first created Vagisil for my wife, Patty.
J'avais d'abord créé Vagisil pour aider ma femme, Patty.
You know, I first created Vagisil to try and help my wife, Patty.
Où que Patty aille, son sourire illumine la pièce.
Wherever Patty goes, her smile lights up the room.
Patty, que fais-tu?
Patty, what are you doing?
Patty, range-toi.
Patty, pull over the NASCAR.
Tu as oublié de prendre ton médicament?
Patty, did you forget to take your medication?
Patty, tu es ma muse et ma flamme.
Patty, you are my muse and my flame.
Halloween, le nouvel an, la Saint Patrick et Spring break, C'est la seule chose que j'attends avec impatience.
Halloween, New Years, St. Patty's day and Spring break, it's the only thing I have to look forward to anymore.
Patty, avec les lunettes?
Patty With the braces and the glasses?
Mon partenaire, Patty, est mort il y a quelques semaines.
My partner on the force, Patty, passed a few weeks back.
Placer un steak haché épais dans la poêle très chaude.
Place the thick patty of meat on the hot pan.
- Patty!
- Patty!
Voici Patty.
This is Patty.
Patty m'a raconté ce qui s'est passé.
Patty told me what happened.
Tu te souviens de Patty?
Oh, you remember Patty.
Patty n'est pas une emmerdeuse, elle est originale.
Patty's not a bitch, she's different.
Molly a amené Patty pour toi, mais Patty t'a trouvé débile.
Well, Molly brought Patty for you, but Patty thought you were a moron.
On travaille au salon de l'aviation. Cam est notre agent de liaison.
Patty and I are working at the air show and Cam's our liaison guy.
Alors j'ai démissionné et je me suis lancée avec Patty.
And so I quit the firm, went into business with Patty.
Levons nos verres à Patty et Molly, pour avoir organisé la soirée la plus géniale à laquelle j'aie été invité.
Everybody, let's raise a glass to Patty and Molly for throwing, by far, the coolest party I've ever personally been invited to.
On applaudit Patty et Molly!
Let's hear it for Patty and Molly!
Ne me raccroche pas au nez, bordel!
Patty? Goddamn it. you fucking hung up on me!
- C'était l'idée de Patty et La Tache.
- It was Patty and Stainer's idea.
- La ferme, Patty.
- Shut up, Patty.

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