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Translate.vc / Francês → Inglês / Pax

Pax tradutor Inglês

262 parallel translation
Pax vobiscum, mes fils.
Pax vobiscum, my sons.
"Pax vobiscum."
" Pax vobiscum.
Je connus successivement l'hotel de la Faculte, parce qu'il etait situe en face de la faculte de medecine... l'hotel des Trois Montagnes, parce qu'il etait situe en face de l'Hopital americain... l'hotel St-Louis, parce qu'il etait a cote de l'hopital du meme nom,
We met at the Hôtel de la Faculté, because it was across from the Faculty of Medicine, the Hôtel des Trois Montagnes, because it was across from the American Hospital, the Hôtel St-Louis, because it was next to the St-Louis hospital, and the Pax Hôtel,
Pax est plus un homme que Miles ou que tu ne le seras jamais.
Pax is more of a man than Miles or you could ever be.
Pax est beaucoup plus humain que toi.
Pax is much more of a man than you are.
Attaquer Pax... Quelle idée...
Attacking Pax, the idea.
Pax et moi sommes en Union.
Pax and I are in rapport.
J'aime Pax.
I love Pax.
Tu considères Pax comme une personne, n'est-ce pas?
Oh, you're thinking of Pax as a person, aren't you?
Très bien. Vous devez être Pax.
You must be Pax.
Pax, vous êtes merveilleux.
Pax, you're wonderful.
Dis quelque chose de drôle, Pax.
Say something funny, Pax.
Avec cette Union, une partie de moi est devenue Pax.
In the rapport operation, a part of me became Pax.
Pax, c'est quoi?
Pax, what is it? Irony.
Le savoir serait plus offensant. Pax?
The knowledge would be more offensive.
Pax, que ferais-tu si quelque chose m'arrivait?
Pax, what would you do if something happened to me?
Avec le robot Pax.
With the robot, Pax.
Peut-être que Pax doit être reconditionné pour devenir non satisfaisant.
Perhaps Pax should be reconditioned to become unsatisfactory.
Pax est spécialement conditionné dans la suggestion de Morfield.
Pax is especially indoctrinated in Morfield's suggestion.
Je parle directement au Tsar.
They're sending you a directive to that effect. So it's pax for the moment.
Nous voyons se dessiner des siècles de paix, une vraie "pax romana".
Here, within our reach, golden centuries of peace. A true Pax Romana.
C'est la paix, pour l'instant.
- So it's pax? - For the moment.
Pax! - Je connais un secret.
Hey, I'll tell you a secret.
"Pax in terra, hominibus male voluntatis."
"Pax in terra, hominibus male voluntatis."
Pax vobiscus.
Pax vobiscus.
Elle est l'ennemie de Bardolph et elle lui fait grise mine... car il a volé un ciboire... et doit être pendu.
Fortune is Bardolph's foe and frowns on him... for he hath stolen a pax and hanged must he be.
Pas une Pax Americana imposée au monde par les armes américaines.
Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war.
Pax, tante Marita.
Pax, Aunt Marita.
Ils balaieront les adversaires, les idéologies, les nations, jusqu'à ce que cette planète vive dans l'amour de la Pax Bisonica.
They shall march out of my laboratory... and sweep away every adversary, every creed, every nation, until the very planet is in the loving grip... of the Pax Bisonica.
Je suis directeur régional du ministère de la Paix... ou " "Mini-pax," " comme on dit.
I'm regional director of the newly formed Ministry of Peace... or "Mini-Pax," as we like to call it in the office.
Le Tomcat arrivant de Pax River a été touché par la foudre, il a perdu sa radio et ses commandes de navigation.
That TOMCAT ferrying in from Pax River just suffered a lightning strike and lost all nav and radio communications.
A 23h50 la nuit dernière, un Tomcat naviguant entre Pax River et Guantanamo a perdu toute communication après avoir été foudroyé.
At 2350 hours last night, a TOMCAT ferrying from Pax River to Guantánamo Bay lost communications after being hit by lightning.
- On me l'a attribuée.
- I thought you were a test pilot at Pax River. - She was assigned to me.
Elle va manquer mon discours!
But she'll miss my speech honoring Pax.
Nous sommes venus de nombreux villages pour notre fête annuelle en l'honneur de Pax, la personnification de la paix.
We are gathered today from many villages for our annual celebration of Pax The personification of peace.
Pax a disparu!
Pax is gone!
- Quelqu'un pour Pax.
There's someone here asking about Pax.
Je viens te faire une offre pour la statue de Pax.
I come to tell you, I make offer on the statue of Pax.
Qui te dit que je l'ai?
What makes you think that I have Pax?
Quand le four sera chaud, je ferai fondre la statue.
As soon as the furnace is hot enough, the statue of Pax will be melted down.
Mais dis-moi comment tu as pu voler cette statue.
So, tell me. How did you manage to steal the statue of Pax?
Pax est revenue!
Pax is back!
Pax est revenue!
Pax is back! Hey! Hey!
Debout, là-dedans!
Wake up, you guys! Pax is back!
Venez vite, Pax est revenue!
Come on! Pax is back! This is incredible!
le Pax Hotel... parce qu'il etait proche de l'hopital Lariboisiere.
because it was near the Lariboisière Hospital.
Pax avait raison.
Pax was right.
Pourquoi ris-tu, Pax?
Why are you laughing, Pax?
Pax n'existerait pas.
Pax wouldn't.

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