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Translate.vc / Francês → Inglês / Preté

Preté tradutor Inglês

396 parallel translation
J'ai preté serment...
I swore an oath...
 Frank, prete-moi ton six coups.
Frank, lend me your six-gun.
Toute Ia cour des miracles est préte a se battre pour EsméraIda.
Every man in the Court of Miracles is ready to fight for Esmeralda.
Gringoire, mon armée de mendiants, de voleurs et d'assassins est préte.
Gringoire, my army of beggars, thieves and cutthroats is ready to march.
- Je suis préte.
- Yes, I'm ready now.
Hurry, hurry, hurry!
- Ce gentleman... a qui tu es prete a donner la main de ta fille... a pris les cles et ouvert le coffre.
- This fine gentleman... to whom you were willing to marry your daughter... took the keys and opened the box.
Tu ne peux pas parce que je dirai que je leur ai prete les obligations.
You can't make trouble. I shall say and go on saying I lent them the bonds.
Si elle le sait, tu diras qu'il t'a prete les obligations.
If she does know, you're to say he lent you the bonds.
Je souris parce que vous etes en securite... tant que Horace vivra et dira qu'il vous a prete les obligations.
I'm smiling because you are perfectly safe... while Horace lives to say he lent you the bonds.
Ben, explique a Oscar ou dois-je lui expliquer... que vous etiez en surete tant que Horace dirait vous avoir prete.
Ben, would you like to or shall I explain to Oscar... that you were quite safe while Horace lived to say he lent you the bonds.
- Je ne serai pas prete.
I can't get ready. Go as you are. I'll have your things sent after you.
Prete-moi 50 000, pour faire patienter Leon.
Lend me 50,000 to keep Léon at bay.
Suzanne, a qui j'en avais prete.
Yes, Suzanne. I lent her some.
Voila, je suis prete.
Well, I'm all ready.
- Je suis prete.
I'm ready.
- Ma famille est prete a se battre.
My wife and me aim to fight it out.
Mais Madame, je ne veux pas vous retirer le duc, au contraire... toute est prete.
But Madame, I don't want to take the Duke away from you, on the contrary... everything is prepared to arrange your affairs.
Vous devez etre prete à vous devouer à votre bien-aime. Il n'est pas de sacrifice que vous ne feriez pour lui.
I can see that you would devote yourself for the one you love and you'd sacrifice anything for his happiness.
Prete à etre livree à la foule.
- Here, about to be handed over to the crowd.
Mais son équipe est préte à l'accueillir.
But his pit crew's all set. They're ready for him.
Je suis prete.
I'm ready.
Il faut que ton pere me prete des habits et qu'il m'amene a Bonifacio. La, je pourrai agir.
Your father must lend me some clothes and take me to Bonifacio, to take action.
Votre table sera bientôt prete. "
" - Thank you, Peter.
Votre table est prete.
- Thank you. " - l'll call you later.
Cependant, je garde toujours en moi la sensation... de la presence d'une creature tapie a proximite... insaisissable et irresistible, prete a etre reinvoquee au meurtre.
And yet, always in my mind... I seem to feel the creature is lurking somewhere close at hand... sly and irresistible, and only waiting to be re-invoked for murder.
La robe sera prete au petit dejeuner.
I will run the dress up for you in time for breakfast.
- Je suis prete a vous suivre, cheri.
I'm ready to go with you, darling.
On ne prete serment qu'une seule fois.
I figure a man's only good for one oath at a time.
J'ai prete serment a la Confederation des Etats d'Amerique.
I took mine to the Confederate States of America.
En combien de temps sera prete une compagnie en armes pour une expedition punitive contre les Comanches?
How soon you could put a company of your men in the field fully armed for joint-punitive action against the Comanches?
T'inquiéte pas! La corde n'est pas prete.
Honey, nobody's got a rope my size.
"Maintenant, la corde est prete, je vais danser"
# Now it's up the rope I go # Up I go
On ne prete pas sa partenaire au Tony's club, bonhomme.
No, there's no cutting in here at Tony's Club, buddy. - Mr. Archer.
Nous ne vivons que par l'argent qu'il nous prete.
The General owns no house, no land in Russia on which Des Grieux does not have a mortgage.
Ma note est prete?
- Yes.
La couronne sera prete r temps.
The wreath will be ready on time.
La couronne sera prete.
The wreath'll be ready on time.
Ou est-ce elle, assise la, a mettre ses chaussures, prete a sortir...
Or is it her, sitting there, putting on her shoes, to go out with that... that... aah!
Je vous la préte.
I'll loan it to you.
Préte, Elizabeth? Oui.
Ready, Elizabeth?
- Je serai préte dans un moment.
I'll be ready in just a few moments.
Prete a partir.
All packed up and ready.
- Elle ne sera prete que demain.
- It won't be ready until tomorrow.
Lend me this.
Turri Lo Prete.
Turri Lo Prete...
Soit prete pour le Mariage dans une heure.
Be ready in wedding an hour.
Je suis prete à courir ce risque.
In the interests of science we must act. I'm ready to take that risk.
Je te le prete.
I'll lend it.
Avec l'autre tu seras prete pour le bal.
I will find the other one and you'll be ready for the ball.

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