/ Francês → Inglês / Rags
Rags tradutor Inglês
831 parallel translation
"et nous sommes revenus avec seulement nos épées et les chiffons putréfiés que nous avons comme vetements,"
"and we got back with only our swords and the rotten rags we stood up in,"
Commencez à sortir vos hardes...
Take your rags out of here now.
Le journaliste voulait raconter sa vie, de la misère à la richesse.
The reporter wanted to write the Little Fellow's life story, "From Rags to Riches", and he graciously consented.
Combien de fois te l'ai-je dit : la tenue des "revers de fortune" doit rester propre.
How many times have I told you that a gentleman must have freshly laundered rags?
Vous voyez mes habits loqueteux Au fond de cet hôtel miteux
And you see my dirty rags in this ratty old hotel
Tous ensemble, mettons leurs nerfs en charpie. Nos frusques ne peuvent plus cacher nos plaies.
By the thousands we'll tear at their nerves, for our rags do not conceal our wounds!
Je ne peux pas. Je vais me salir.
Don't wanna get the glad rags all dirty.
Puis j'ai dû mettre ces vêtements.
And I had to get into these glad rags.
D'où viennent ces squelettes habillés de loques?
Whose are these scrawny bodies in lousy rags?
Maintenant, mettons en pièces cette honteuse histoire.
Now, then, let's have this impudent story torn to rags.
Et surtout les serpillières...
For instance, we'll take mop rags.
Je vous ai prouvé... que ma maison vend aux Balkans... pour 50000 marks de serpillières!
Say, listen. Haven't I just shown you here... what my firm exports to the Balkans? 50,000 marks worth of mop rags each and every year.
Des serpillières...!
Mop rags.
Des blagues?
Any rags? Any bones?
Des gags ou des gaffes?
Any bottles today? And rags...
Au fait vous voulez sans doute changer vos vêtements trempés
Oh, by the way. You'll want to change those wet rags immediately.
Bouteilles, chiffons.
Bottles, rags.
Chiffons, os.
Rags, bones.
Prenez des seaux, des chiffons et du savon.
So leave everything now and get buckets and rags and soap.
Quelques nouveaux vêtements, des bijoux et elles ne vous regardent plus.
Give them new rags and a yard of glass and right away they give you the high nose.
Grandiose! Mais ce n'est rien comparé au final où l'empereur Néron offre la moitié de son empire à une Madeleine en haillons!
It's terrific, but it's nothing compared to the finish, where you stand in rags... and the Emperor Nero himself offers you half his empire.
toi alors, t'es un vrai baron, et maintenant avec tes souliers percés, t'es encore nuisible!
You're a real baron. Even in rags you're a menace.
Demain, on se débarrasse de vos oripeaux de Benson et on vous trouve de jolies tenues.
Tomorrow we're going to get rid of those Benson glad rags... and dig you up some swell, new scenery.
Des millions, affamés et en haillons!
Millions of people. And they're all hungry and in rags.
Ce serait terrible, ta mère en haillons mangeant du pain rassis.
And that certainly would be awful... to have your mother sitting there, all dressed up in rags... and eating rotten bread and things like that.
Tous les rats de Paris ne suffiraient pas à boucher les trous.
The place is like a sieve. It would take all the rags in Paris to stuff half its holes.
Si c'était le cas, je vous suivrais en haillons jusqu'au bout du monde!
If love were all, I could follow you in rags to the end of the world.
Ses haillons ne peuvent dissimuler son charme délicat.
Rags cannot hide her gentle grace.
Finalement, tu n'es pas si mauvaise.
You're sure to come back in rags. You're funny. In some ways, you're not such a bad egg.
des oripeaux de soie, de l'amitié, de la nourriture en abondance.
Silks for rags, kindness instead of riches, limitless food instead of hunger.
Vous avez une robe de soirée?
Got any glad rags, something fancy, an evening gown?
On ne donne rien contre des guenilles!
We don't trade in rags!
Il avait des chiffons aux pieds.
Our man had rags wrapped around his feet.
Je ne vois que des femmes en haillons.
Thank heavens you're not in rags. I'm tired of women in rags.
Un vrai clochard.
The rags of his pants are beating him to death.
Ces feuilles de chou bavent sur tout le monde.
Why, Miriam! Why can't those moldy rags leave a successful divorce alone?
Vous êtes sale et négligé.
Dirty and unkempt and in rags.
Je dois faire fortune vite.
I gotta get from rags to riches quick.
Ses bottes sont trouées.
He wears rags instead of shoes.
"De la misère à la fortune." Notre héros part pour sa belle.
From rags to riches. Our hero goes to the city to make his fortune to lay at the feet of his lady.
Fais bouillir de l'eau et trouve des chiffons propres.
Boil some water and get some clean rags.
- Moderne, ou romances?
- Rags or ballads?
En cinq ans, de la fortune aux haillons!
Five years. From riches to rags.
- En tenue de soirée?
- Why the glad rags?
John Smith... un nom aussi anonyme que ces quelques hardes.
John Smith. Highly unimaginative incognito. What could be more anonymous than these poor rags?
Vous dormirez sur la plage, mendierez à manger, mais elle recoudra vos guenilles si vous le lui demandez.
You'll sleep on the beach and scratch for food... but she'll sew your filthy rags together, if you ask her to.
Que dites-vous de ma tenue?
Hey, how do you like my glad rags, huh?
Du sang et des fripes déchirées au sol, voilà ce que je vois.
A smear of blood and torn rags in a huddle on the ground. - That's what I see.
Des couvertures sèches!
Whitey, get dry rags.