/ Francês → Inglês / Rosalia
Rosalia tradutor Inglês
134 parallel translation
Il y a une petite ville pas loin, Rosalia.
It's in a little town just north of here, a place called Rosalia.
Je dirige un journal. Le Courrier de Rosalia.
I run the Rosalia Courier.
Je suis à 200km au sud-est de Santa Rosalia, et à 2400 mètres au-dessus du Mexique.
Over. Now 125 miles southeast of Santa Rosalia and I'm 8000 feet over Mexico.
Dites-lui de retourner à Santa Rosalia.
Tell him to go back to Santa Rosalia.
Déterminez votre position et retournez à Santa Rosalia.
Pinpoint your position and go back to Santa Rosalia.
Cherche une ville appelée Santa Rosalia.
Look for a town called Santa Rosalia.
Santa Rosalia... ce sera le terminus... si les flics découvrent que nous sommes ensemble où si vous essayez de me doubler.
Santa Rosalia, that's the end of the line. If the cops find out we're together or if you try to cross me up...
Son mouvement le plus logique serait Santa Rosalia.
His most logical move would be Santa Rosalia.
La police pense que Myers voyage seul et a apparemment abandonné son intention de s'enfuir par Santa Rosalia.
'The police now feel that Myers is travelling alone and has abandoned his intention of seeking escape'by way of Santa Rosalia.'
Et personne ne l'a jamais vu à Santa Rosalia.
Nobody in Santa Rosalia ever saw him.
Rosalia, salut.
Rosalie, ai. Oye, Nardo.
Rosalia, Consuelo, mes adorables amies. - Savez-vous garder un secret?
Rosalie, Consuelo, my adorable friends, can you keep a secret?
Ma femme, Rosalia...
My wife, Rosalia.
Ça ne va pas?
Rosalia, are you sick or something?
Rosalia faisait des bains de sable pour son arthrose.
Rosalia would bury herself in the sand for her arthritis.
Rosalia a raison.
Rosalia is right.
Qui pourrait être l'amant de Rosalia?
A lover for Rosalia... who could it be?
J'étais inexpérimenté à l'époque, mais si j'avais demandé Rosalia en mariage, c'était pour ses hanches.
I wanted to see if those well-rounded hips that had clinched my proposal of marriage... I was young and inexperienced then.
Je voulais m'assurer de leur effet sur d'autres hommes. Oui, il semblait que cela fonctionnait encore.
Anyway, I wanted to see if Rosalia's hips still attracted men's attention, and in effect, it seemed they did indeed.
Rosalie, ne pense qu'à une chose :
Rosalia, keep one thing in mind :
Pendant la procession d'hier, je t'ai vue, Rosalia.
I saw you yesterday, Rosalia, during the procession.
Tu dois me croire, je crains de perdre la foi.
Believe me, Rosalia, I'm afraid I'll lose my faith.
Rosalia, si j'échappe à cet enfer si cette guerre m'épargne je jure que tu seras mienne pour toujours.
Rosalia, I swear if I make it out of this hell alive, if this rotten war spares me and I make it back, you'll be mine forever.
Le temps était venu de faire la paix avec Rosalia.
Perhaps the time had come for me to make up with Rosalia.
C'est moi, Rosalia.
Rosalia, it's me.
Patanè était un grand timide et Rosalia horriblement fidèle.
Patanè was a very shy man, and Rosalia was disgustingly faithful.
Tu pourrais m'être d'une grande aide.
You could help me a lot, Rosalia.
Exactement, Rosalia!
Yes, Rosalia.
sauf que Rosalia avait changé.
But Rosalia had changed.
Rosalie, prends la tête.
Rosalia, the head.
Rosalia refusant la tête du poisson?
Rosalia saying no to a fish head?
Rosalia, ça ne va pas?
What is it? Are you ill?
Rosalia, je ne suis pas digne de toi.
Rosalia, I'm unworthy of your love. I've lied to you.
Il y a une femme...
I'm not single, Rosalia.
Au revoir, Donna Matilde.
Matilde. Donna Rosalia.
Au revoir, Rosalia.
Good-bye, Rosalia.
Pauvre Rosalia, tu ne méritais pas ça.
Poor Rosalia, you didn't deserve it.
Tu étais trop assoiffée d'amour.
You were hungry for love, my poor Rosalia.
La belle Rosalia!
Beautiful Rosalia!
- La pièce où Rosalia travaille.
Here's Rosalia's new sewing room.
Rosalia est pure.
Rosalia is refined.
Rosalia fiancée?
Rosalia engaged?
Le fiancé de Rosalia.
This is Rosalia's fiancé...
On l'exposera pour la fête de Santa Rosalia.
It should be displayed on Santa Rosalia's Day.
Rosalia, viens. Je voudrais te parler.
Rosalia, I have something to tell you!
Tu as l'air en forme.
You're looking well, Rosalia.
Quel chic, Rosalia.
Hope it fits. You look so chic, Rosalia.