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Translate.vc / Francês → Inglês / Sahib

Sahib tradutor Inglês

608 parallel translation
Prêt quand vous l'êtes, sahib.
Whenever you're ready, sahib.
Un Afridi Ghazi, colonel sahib.
An Afridi Ghazi, Colonel sahib.
McGregor, sahib.
McGregor, Sahib.
- Salaam, colonel sahib.
Salaam, Colonel Sahib.
Enchanté de vous connaître, Khan sahib.
Very glad to know you Khan sahib.
Vous vous joindrez à nous, Khan sahib?
You'll join us, Khan sahib, of course?
Oui, sahib.
Yes, yes, sahib.
Qu'exigez-vous de lui, sahib?
What do you demand of him, sahib?
Nous n'avons pas encore remercié le Khan pour ces jolis vêtements pittoresques.
By the way, we didn't thank the Khan sahib for our charming and picturesque raiment.
Puis-je transmettre les chaleureuses salutations de sa Majesté?
May I extend Her Majesty's warmest greetings, Amir Sahib.
Votre adresse au tir, émir Sahib, est bien meilleure que la mienne.
Your own hunting skill, Amir Sahib... You British....
- Merci Sahib. Regarde, j'ai un nouveau salut.
Look, I brought you back a new salute.
Je souhaite que le sahib étranger reçoive de l'aide.
I'd like to see the foreign sahib receiving some help.
Maharadjah sahib, le tigre a été capturé.
Maharadjah, the tiger has been captured.
Le sahib étranger de Bombay!
The foreign sahib from Bombay!
Doucement, sahib, doucement.
Calm down, sahib, please...
- Sahib.
- Sahib.
Je ne peux pas le dire au sahib.
I can't share that information with a sahib.
Maharadjah sahib, mon nom est Sperling.
Maharadjah, my name is Sperling.
Ce sont des pèlerins qui retournent dans les collines.
They are pilgrims, sahib, going home to the hills.
Oui, Markham sahib.
Yes, Markham sahib.
- Salaam, sahib.
- Salaam, sahib.
- Des bibelots, sahib.
- Trinkets, sahib.
Qu'est devenu Burgess sahib?
What became of Burgess sahib?
- Non, sahib.
- No, sahib.
Nous n'irons pas avec les Blancs, sahib.
Will not go with the white sahib.
- Panee, sergent sahib?
- Panee, Sergeant sahib?
- Je pourrais faire un excellent soldat.
- Could be first-class soldier, sahib.
Continuez avec eux, subedar sahib.
Keep them at it, Subedar sahib.
- Pitié, trouvé quand personne regarde.
- Please, sahib, I find when nobody looking.
Sil vous plait, sahib. Vous pas enlever.
Please, sahib, don't take away.
Merci, sahib.
Thank you, sahib.
- Sahib vouloir écouter nouveau son?
- Sahib care to hear new call?
J'aimerais essayer, Sergent sahib.
I'd like to try it, Sergeant sahib.
Ça ira, sahib?
Is this satisfactory, sahib?
Un grand outil, sahib.
A large tool you asked for, sahib.
Oui, sahib.
Yes, sahib.
Voilà le pont, sahib.
Here is the bridge, sahib.
- Il est solide, sahib.
- It's safe, sahib.
Sahib, venez vite.
Sahib, come quick.
- Il vient de rentrer, sergent sahib.
- He just came back, Sergeant sahib.
- Pitié, sahib.
- Please, sahib.
- Oui, sahib.
- Yes, sahib.
- Pitié, sahib, dépêchez-vous.
Be fair. - Please, sahib, hurry.
- Sahib pas laissé la chance à Din de dire.
- Sahib do not give Din chance to say.
Ça aurait été mieux, sahib.
I only wish you had, sahib.
Comment vont les blessures, sahib?
Wounds feel satisfactory, sahib?
- Oui, sahib, l'or!
- Yes, sahib, gold!
- Capitaine Sahib.
- Captain Sahib.
- Allez monte!
- Up you go. - Thank you, sahib.
Non, sahib!
No, sahib!

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