/ Francês → Inglês / Sawyer
Sawyer tradutor Inglês
1,198 parallel translation
Le N ° 8 ne marchait que pour Diane Sawyer.
I guess number eight only worked for Diane Sawyer.
Je serai à la télé, comme Diane Sawyer.
I'm gonna be on TV just like Diane Sawyer.
Harry Sawyer.
Harry Sawyer.
Ensuite, Harry Sawyer.
Next, Harry Sawyer.
Surtout quand on voit ces vieilles peaux.
You wouldn't hear them saying that about Diane Sawyer.
Nous sommes allés à la pêche... au lac Sawyer.
You took me fishing. At Sawyer's Mill.
J'aurais pu être la future Diane Sawyer!
I could've been the next Diane Sawyer. - Wait a minute.
C'est l'usine de Sawyer.
This is Sawyer's Mill.
Comme dans Tom Sawyer?
Like in Tom Sawyer.
Ce sont les fondations.
It's called a foundation, Mr. Sawyer.
On doit vous demander de quitter les lieux.
Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer, we're gonna need you to leave the crime scene.
Will Sawyer, c'est bien vous?
Will Sawyer, is that you?
Sawyer me l'a dit.
Will Sawyer just told me.
- Il est à Myanmar.
- Will Sawyer's in Myanmar.
Les vainqueurs : Cokie Roberts, Diane Sawyer et Mme Leslie Stahl.
Past winners include Cokie Roberts, Diane Sawyer and Ms. Leslie Stahl.
Tom Sawyer, tu m'as eu.
Tom Sawyer, you tricked me.
Tom Sawyer et Huck Finn.
Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn.
Tu ne me berneras plus, Tom Sawyer.
Why, you ain't fooling me again, Tom Sawyer.
OBSÈQUES SAWYER-FINN Prions pour les âmes de ces chers jeunes gens, partis trop tôt,
Let us pray for the souls of these dearly departed young men...
Huckleberry Finn et Thomas Sawyer.
Huckleberry Finn and Thomas Sawyer.
Tu te rappelles... quand je vous lisais Tom Sawyer, à toi et à Sean?
You remember when I would read Tom Sawyer to you and Sean?
Diane Sawyer?
Diane Sawyer?
Monsieur Sawyer, comment allez-vous?
Mr. Sawyer. How are you?
- Quand on s'appelle Tom Sawyer.
-... if you're T om Sawyer painting a fence.
" Concernant la lecture de'Tom Sawyer'de Mark Twain, quelle tâche recommanderiez-vous comme devoirs à la maison au CM2 et pourquoi?
" Based on the readings of Mark Twain's'Tom Sawyer.'which of the following would you recommend for fifth-grade homework. and why?
Et si on ne faisait pas lire "Tom Sawyer" aux enfants?
How about we don't make the kids read "Tom Sawyer"?
Si tu veux expliquer "Tom Sawyer", quelle tâche recommanderais-tu au comité scolaire et pourquoi?
Now. if you're going to explain "Tom Sawyer." which of these would you recommend to the school board. and why?
Tu n'as jamais lu "Tom Sawyer", n'est-ce pas?
You never read "Tom Sawyer." did ya?
Qui s'appelle Tom Sawyer.
Named Tom Sawyer.
Raymond... tu n'as jamais lu "Tom Sawyer"?
Raymond... you never read "Tom Sawyer"?
Tu n'as jamais lu "Tom Sawyer"!
You never read "Tom Sawyer"? !
Je suis quelqu'un qui n'a pas lu "Tom Sawyer"
I am someone who did not read "Tom Sawyer."
"Tom Sawyer".
"Tom Sawyer."
- Véto. - Sawyer.
- Non. George Sawyer vous l'aurait donnée pour coucher avec.
George Sawyer says he gave Jenny to you for the purpose of sexual intercourse.
Quel malade enverrait une K7 video a Diane Sawyer... quand on est embarassé comme ça?
What creep would send Diane Sawyer a video to embarrass you like that?
Un peu comme Tom Sawyer?
Kind of like Tom Sawyer? Uh-huh.
Agent spécial Sawyer, services secrets américains.
Special Agent Sawyer of the American Secret Service.
Je suis curieuse de savoir comment vous m'aideriez, agent Sawyer.
I'm curious how you think you'll assist me, Agent Sawyer.
Sawyer, je parle de mettre dans le mille... à 800 mètres.
Sawyer, I'm talking about pipping the ace at 900 yards.
- Et Sawyer?
And Sawyer?
Sawyer et moi, on se charge de M.
Sawyer and I will deal with M.
Il a été fiancé avec Diane Sawyer.
Harry was once engaged to Diane Sawyer.
Je l'adore!
- What? - Right, Diane Sawyer. I love her.
C'est Diane Sawyer!
I mean, she's Diane Sawyer.
Vous habitez toujours sur Sawyer Road?
You guys still live out on Sawyer Road don't you?
Jude Sawyer.
Jude Sawyer.
Est-ce que Peyton Sawyer vient juste de dire "merci"?
Did Peyton Sawyer just say "thank you"?
La même que Diane Sawyer!
It's just like Diane Sawyer's!
George Sawyer!
George Sawyer?
Vite, Sawyer.
Come on, Sawyer, come on!