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Scully tradutor Inglês

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Il faut prévenir l'agent Scully.
There's an Agent Scully that should be notified.
Je vous dois des excuses.
I think I owe you an apology, Scully.
Scully a tiré ces photos de la vidéo de surveillance.
Scully was able to pull these off the security video tapes.
- Scully.
- Scully.
- C'est moi.
- Hey, Scully, it's me.
C'est le cas classique du démon géniteur.
Scully, this is a classic case of demon fetal harvest.
Fais-moi plaisir.
Just humor me, Scully.
Scully, hold on.
Ce n'étaient pas les bébés de Wayne.
These weren't Wayne's babies, Scully.
Si c'est vraiment un coup de chance, c'est comme ça que tu l'expliques?
What if he got really, really lucky? That's your big scientific explanation, Scully?
Viens, Scully.
Come on, Scully.
Tu veux partir alors que ça devient intéressant?
Come on, Scully, you're going to dump this case just as it's getting interesting.
- Mulder?
Come on, Scully.
Et si tous ceux qui côtoyaient Henry jouaient un rôle dans son rapport à la chance, y compris toi et moi?
Scully, what if everybody that becomes involved in Henry Weems's life somehow becomes an integral part of his luck, including you and I?
Allez, quoi!
Come on, Scully.
Agents Mulder et Scully, FBI.
Agents Mulder and Scully with the FBI.
Nous sommes les agents Mulder et Scully, du FBI.
We're Agents Mulder and Scully. We're with the FBI. FBI?
Ce n'est pas un hasard si cette vache m'est tombée dessus quand on est là pour enquêter sur le temps.
Scully, I don't think it's a coincidence that a cow gets hurled at me just as we're down here investigating the weather.
L'agent Scully et moi sommes experts en la matière. Vous avez peut-être été malchanceuse mais vous n'y êtes pour rien.
Agent Scully and I specialize in these types of cases and-and-and although you may have had some bad luck you didn't cause any of it.
- As-tu le moindre doute?
Scully, you have any doubts? - No.
- Regarde. Le 20 septembre 1991. Il a plu des pétales de rose pendant presque une heure.
Look at this, Scully September 20, 1991, it rained rose petals for nearly an hour.
Hey, Scully.
Vous êtes tout le temps avec l'agent Scully, une femme superbe.
I mean... You spend every day with Agent Scully a beautiful, enchanting woman.
Je suis ravi de ma relation amicale avec l'agent Scully.
I'm perfectly happy with my friendship with Agent Scully.
Et, Holman, je ne lorgne pas Scully.
And Holman. I do not gaze at Scully.
Tu t'y connais en radar météorologique?
Scully, do you know anything about, um... weather radar?
- Pas de médecin.
- No doctors. Get me Scully.
Je veux Scully.
- I don't know where she is.
Il est en neuropsychiatrie, mais n'y allez pas.
He's in the neuro psych ward, but it's no good, Agent Scully. - Agent Scully!
- Il ne peut même pas communiquer.
He can't even communicate, Agent Scully.
Je dois parler à Scully.
I gotta tell Scully.
Retrouver Scully, tes dossiers et la mort toute proche.
Drive back to Scully and your X-Files and imminent death.
Scully t'a vu te faire tuer... sur le pont, il y a six ans.
Scully... saw you get shot... on the bridge six years ago.
Oui, ainsi que la soeur de Scully, l'homme que tu prenais pour ton père, Duane Barry et la mystérieuse maladie de Scully.
Yes, along with Scully's sister and the man you thought was your father, and Duane Barry and even Scully's mysterious illness, and on and on and on.
C'est Dana Scully.
This is Dana Scully.
J'ai des engagements envers mon service, Scully, ma soeur...
I have commitments - to the X-Files, to Scully, to my sister...
Je pense, agent Scully.
I'm thinking, Agent Scully.
Et Scully.
And Scully.
- Scully est morte?
Scully's dead?
Scully, arrête.
Scully, don't.
Où est Scully?
Where's Scully?
Qu'est-ce que tu fais là?
Scully, what are you doin'here?
Scully, je venais t'annoncer la mort d'Albert Hosteen.
Scully, I, um... I was comin'down to work to tell you that Albert Hosteen is dead.
Je l'ai découverte, ici. C'est pour ça que je cherche ailleurs.
I have seen the life on this planet, Scully, and that is exactly why I'm looking elsewhere.
- Quelle joyeuse luronne.
You sure know how to live it up, Scully.
- Je traque les anomalies.
Looking for anomalies, Scully.
- Agent Scully, coéquipière de Mulder.
I'm Agent Scully, Agent Mulder's partner.
- Scully, tu es là?
Scully, you there?
- Allez tout de suite à l'hôpital.
- Scully.
J'étais comme toi avant.
Scully, I was like you once.

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