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Smithy tradutor Inglês

128 parallel translation
Et si je venais à ta forge, et que je critiquais ton habileté de forgeron?
What if I came to your smithy... and told you I didn't like your blacksmithing?
Forgeron, comment avance mon épée?
Smithy, how goes my sword?
Ici, ici, venez, forgeron.
Here, here, come along, come along, Smithy.
Mon vieux forgeron.
Old Smithy.
Avec la petite Smith ici, pas même un monstre ne nous saisira.
With little Smithy in the house, not even a monster can foreclose.
- Un maréchal-ferrant.
- Oh, look, a smithy.
" O rage, ô désespoir, ô vieillesse ennemie
Under a spreading chestnut tree The village smithy stands - The smith, a mighty man is he
Écoutez, Smithy.
Look here, Smithy.
Allons donc, Smithy.
But, Smithy, the war's over.
On s'est rencontrés, nous.
Never mind, Smithy.
Smithy. Ayez pitié de mon maquillage!
Smithy, you're ruining my makeup.
Je vais vous installer une chaise.
Smithy, look... I'll put your chair outside. Come along.
Reposez-vous, Smithy.
Rest now, Smithy.
Je ne vous laisserai pas y retourner!
You shan't go back, Smithy. I won't let you go back.
Allons, reposez-vous.
Rest, Smithy.
Je suis prêt.
- Smithy. - I'm all ready.
II faut que je vous parle.
Smithy, I've got to talk to you.
Vous le savez bien, n'est-ce pas?
You do know that, Smithy, don't you?
Speak to me, Smithy.
Wait for me, Smithy.
Mettez votre imper.
Come on, Smithy. Get your coat on.
On veut le renvoyer à l'asile.
They want to send Smithy back to the asylum.
Smithy, asseyez-vous.
Smithy, come and sit down. You look worn out.
Je vais vite le dire à Smithy!
Do you mind if I rush off now and tell Smithy? He'll be so happy.
Smithy, n'est-ce pas merveilleux?
Smithy, it's all right. Isn't it wonderful?
Smithy, n'est-ce pas merveilleux?
Smithy, isn't it wonderful?
Vous êtes méchant.
Smithy, you are a fraud.
Je vous en prie, ouvrez-la!
- For pity's sake, Smithy, open it.
Smithy, how wonderful.
Je suis fière de vous.
- Smithy, I'm proud of you.
Étiez-vous écrivain avant la guerre?
Smithy, I wonder if you were a writer before you... - Before the war.
II se pourrait même que vous soyez marié.
You might even be married, Smithy. Who knows?
Ne me le demandez pas.
Smithy, don't ask me, please.
Vous le pensez vraiment?
Smithy, you do mean it?
Dois-je encore prendre l'initiative?
Smithy, do I always have to take the initiative?
Absolument incroyable!
Smithy, how marvelous. Marvelous? It's incredible.
Oui, Smithy, tel qu'il était le jour où il vous a quittée.
- Smithy. - As Smithy... with all his emotion for you as warm and intact as it was... on the day he left you.
Je peux leur conter la fois à Tulagi?
- Tell'em about me and Smithy?
- et vous en sortez tous deux vivants. - O.K.
Only you be Smithy and he's gotta be you and you both gotta come out alive.
Toi et Smithy, par là.
- Hicks, you and Smithy look up that way. - Yes, sir.
Billy, tu seras ici, sur le toit de la forge.
Billy, you'll be here, on the smithy roof.
Amène-le au maréchal-ferrant. Dis-lui que j'arrive.
Take him over to the smithy and tell him I'll be along in a few minutes.
Une forge est un endroit inhabituel pour trouver un médecin.
A smithy's an unusual place to find a physician.
Que fais-tu dans ta forge?
- What are you forging in your smithy?
Le jour ne peut pas être fait dans une forge.
Day cannot be made in a smithy.
Coupe par la ferme et fonce sur San Oreste! Compris?
Antonio, to the right by Bertone's smithy, and then straightforward until San Oreste, understood?
Knock it off! All right, Smithy!
Ca ne fait rien.
It's all right, Smithy.
Bonne nuit.
- Good night, Colin. - Good night, Smithy.
Ne vous inquiétez pas.
We'll have to hurry. Don't you worry, Smithy.
Il voulait vous empêcher de partir?
Smithy, what have you done? - He tried to stop you?

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