/ Francês → Inglês / Taï
Taï tradutor Inglês
1,388 parallel translation
À quinze kilomètres à l'ouest du pic de Tai Sin.
10 miles from the west of the Tai Sin Peak.
Maintenant je vous demande, aviez-vous une intrigue avec Yang, pour tuer votre mari Got Siu-tai?
I am now asking you, did you hooked with Yang to kill your husband Got Siu-tai?
Le médecin a examiné le corps de Got Siu-tai.
The coroner examined the corpse of Got Siu-tai
Je n'ai rien à voir avec Got Siu-tai.
I have nothing to do with Got Siu-tai
J'ai empoisonné Got Siu-tai.
Got Siu-tai was... poisoned to death by me
Venez, c'est Got Siu-tai.
Come on, he is Got Siu-tai
Je vais séduire Got Siu-tai.
I will seduce Got Siu-tai
C'est elle qui est mariée à Got Siu-tai?
Isn't she the one who married with Got Siu-tai?
Siu-tai, viens m'aider.
Siu-tai, come and help me
Siu-tai, non.
Siu-tai, don't!
Siu-tai, ça va?
Siu-tai, are you alright?
Siu-tai, comment vas-tu?
Siu-tai, how are you?
Siu-tai, bouge, bouge... tu veux t'échapper?
Siu-tai, go, go now Do you want to escape?
Siu-tai, comment ça va?
Siu-tai, how are you?
Siu-tai me traite bien.
Siu-tai treats me nice
Il a dû examiner Got Siu-tai.
He must have seen Got Siu-tai
Yang et Petit Chou ont assassiné Got Siu-tai.
Yang and Little Cabbage murdered Got Siu-tai
Mon frère est accusé d'avoir assassiné Got Siu-tai.
My brother is framed to murder Got Siu-tai
Siu-tai, allez-vous mieux?
Siu-tai, are you feeling better?
Siu-tai, qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?
Siu-tai, what's wrong with you?
Non, Siu-tai, non.
No, Siu-tai, don't
Siu-tai réveillez-vous.
Siu-tai, get up
Lau et Jane ont assassiné Got Siu-tai.
Lau and Jane murdered Got Siu-tai
Voici Tai Frasier.
This is Tai Fraiser.
Tant pis pour la tenue. Faites quand même quelques balles.
Tai, you don't have time to change, but you can hit a few balls in those clothes.
Nous avons décidé de briefer Tai sur le lycée Bronson Alcott.
So we decided to show Tai the ropes at Bronson Alcott High School.
- Tai, quel âge as-tu?
- Tai, how old are you?
Il va falloir travailler ton vocabulaire.
That's another thing, Tai. We've got to work on your accent and vocabulary.
Tai, Josh.
Tai, this is Josh.
- Tai, t'as une invite?
Tai, did you get a flyer?
- Je croyais que c'était fini.
- Tai, I thought we moved on from there.
Tai, Rapproche-toi.
Tai, get a little closer.
Plus près, Tai.
Closer, Tai.
Hé, Elton... Enlace Tai.
Elton, why don't you put your arm around Tai?
Tai, viens.
Okay. Tai, come here.
- Papa, mon amie Tai.
- Hi, Daddy, this is my friend Tai.
Murray a fait le casier d'Elton. La photo de Tai y était affichée.
Murray's Geometry class is right by Elton's locker... and taped up inside was the picture you took of Tai.
Écoute, Tai, dès qu'on arrive, fais en sorte qu'Elton te voie. Mais ne le salue pas en premier.
Listen, Tai, when we get there, make sure Elton sees you... but don't say hi first.
Tai, j'arrive!
Tai, wait up.
Tai, j'ai besoin de toi.
- Tai, I need you.
Elton, aide-moi!
Tai. Elton, help me!
- Tai, ça va?
Tai, are you okay?
Travis, va t'amuser. C'est ce qu'elle aurait voulu.
Travis, Tai would have wanted you to enjoy the party.
J'avais beau être seule, j'étais ravie pour Tai.
Even though I was alone, I was really happy for Tai.
Tai, va avec Summer. Cher, avec moi.
Then, Tai, you'll go with Summer and, Cher, you'll come with me.
Tu peux emmener Tai en allant vers Sunset.
But you could take Tai on your way up to Sunset. - Yeah.
Tai avec Summer.
Tai, go with Summer. Cher, you'll come with me.
Elle était mignonne Tai, ce soir.
Didn't Tai look cute tonight?
Tai, tu veux dire.
Don't you mean Tai? - Tai?