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Translate.vc / Francês → Inglês / Tok

Tok tradutor Inglês

616 parallel translation
Et a dit : "voici Tokyo".
♪ Said, by golly, there's Tok-y-o
Votre cible secondaire sera ce dépôt de carburant à Tok-Tong.
Your secondary target will be this fuel dump at Tokch'on.
Vous venez, Dr Tok?
You coming, Dr. Tok?
Margaret Hoy, M. Glushkov et le Dr Tok.
Margaret Hoy, Mr. Glushkov and Dr. Tok.
Je suis Tic Tac, l'Armée royale d'Oz.
I am Tik-Tok, the Royal Army of Oz.
Si ça ne vous dérange pas M. Tac, je vais remonter vos mouvements.
If you don't mind, Mr Tok, I'll wind up your action.
Appelle-moi Tic Tac.
And you may call me Tik-Tok.
- Ça va, Tic Tac.
- All right, Tik-Tok.
Viens, Tic Tac.
Come on, Tik-Tok.
- Tic Tac, à l'aide!
- Tik-Tok, help me!
Il n'y a rien à faire, Tic Tac.
It can't be helped, Tik-Tok.
Que va devenir Tic Tac?
What will you do with Tik-Tok?
C'est lui, Tic Tac?
Is that Tik-Tok?
Tic Tac, tu m'entends?
Tik-Tok, are you listening?
Un balai, Tic Tac.
Here's a broom, Tik-Tok.
- Tic Tac perd la tête.
- Tik-Tok went berserk!
Aide Tic Tac à monter.
Jack, go help Tik-Tok get aboard.
- Monte, Tic Tac.
- Jump up, Tik-Tok!
Tic Tac, aide-moi à le remonter.
Tik-Tok, will you help me pull?
Bonne idée, Tic Tac.
Good idea, Tik-Tok.
Tic Tac, c'est toi le plus lourd.
Tik-Tok, you're the heaviest.
- Tic Tac!
- Tik-Tok!
Tic Tac, il faut faire plus attention.
Tik-Tok, you've got to be more careful.
Tic Tac, Jack et le Gump.
Tik-Tok, Jack and the Gump.
- J'arrive, Tic Tac.
- I'm coming, Tik-Tok.
Tic Tac n'est même pas vivant.
Tik-Tok's not even alive.
Tic Tac!
Tic Tac?
Tic Tac, tu es remonté.
Tik-Tok, you're all wound up.
Tic Tac.
Il manque encore Tic Tac, Jack et Billina.
We've still got Tik-Tok, Jack and Billina to find.
Où est Tic Tac?
Where's Tik-Tok?
- Tic Tac.
- Tik-Tok.
C'est un K'Tok.
That is a K'tok.
Commandant Na'Kai, croiseur interstellaire G'Tok.
This is Warleader Na'Kai of the star cruiser G'Tok.
- Le G'Tok est opérationnel à 100 %.
- The "G'Tok" is fully functional.
Seul le G'Tok pourrait remplir cette mission.
Only the "G'Tok" is capable of a mission of this nature.
Je ne suis pas à bord du G'Tok, commandant.
"Oh, I'm not on the" G'Tok ", captain. "
Et pourquoi pas le Dr Trag'tok?
What about Dr Trag'tok?
A 23h1 7, vous serez téléporté sur le cargo Par'tok.
Given the choice between us and them, there is no choice.
Bonne chance, même si c'est inutile de le dire.
At 2317, you will transport to the Cargo Vessel Par'tok.
Daro et Kulomani.
Mr. President. As you requested, Generals Na'Tok, Daro and Kulomani.
général Na'Tok?
Is this typical of their strategy, General Na'Tok?
C'est comme je l'ai dit.
It's as I told you, Na'Tok.
- Des nouvelles de Na'Tok?
- Any word from Na'Tok?
Capitaine, est-ce que vos souvenirs Tok'ra...
Captain, is there anything your Tok'ra memories...
Tu as entendu parler du Tok'ra.
You have heard of the Tok'ra.
Les Tok'ras existent, peu importe ce que raconte Apophis.
The Tok'ra are real, no matter what Apophis told you.
Ce groupe s'appelle Tok'ra.
This group is called the Tok'ra.
Dr Tok de l'agence spatiale?
Tell me... 1899? Dr. Tok from the U. N. Space Agency?
Et tu devrais parler à papa.
As you know, the Tok'Ra eventually removed the symbiote, but not before her people rebelled and tortured me, thinking we were one and the same.

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