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Treme tradutor Inglês

103 parallel translation
Préparez-vous à une aventure extrême.
( man ) Prepare foran x-treme adventure.
Wormhole X-treme.
Wormhole X-treme.
Je vous nomme consultant auprès de Wormhole X-treme.
Colonel, you're Wormhole X-treme's new air-force consultant.
Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur Wormhole X-treme, restez avec nous.
Stay tuned fora behind-the-scenes look at Wormhole X-treme!
- Wormhole X-treme, c'est du bidon?
- You saying Wormhole X-treme isn't real?
Vortex X-Treme.
Wormhole Extreme!
Pourquoi tu vas pas chercher à "x", comme X-trême carnage?
Why don't you file this under "x" for "x-treme beatdown"?
Vous savez qui est "Doc X-treme"?
Do you guys know who "Doc X-treme" is?
vous êtes à Treme, vous savez pas ce que ce veut dire.
You're in treme, y'all don't know nothing about that.
* hangin'in the treme * * watching people sashay * * past my steps * * by my porch * * in front of my door *
* hangin'in the treme * * watching people sashay * * past my steps * * by my porch * * in front of my door *
- * mmm-hmm * - * yeah * * down in the treme * * just me and my baby * * we re all going crazy * * while jamming and having fun *
- * mmm-hmm * - * yeah * * down in the treme * * just me and my baby * * we're all going crazy * * while jamming and having fun *
* down in the treme * * it s me and my baby * * we re all going crazy * * while jamming and having fun * * down in the treme * * it s me and my baby *
* down in the treme * * it's me and my baby * * we're all going crazy * * while jamming and having fun * * down in the treme * * it's me and my baby *
- le Treme?
- The treme?
* hangin'in the treme * * watching people sashay * * past my steps * * by my porch * * in front of my door *
♪ hangin'in the treme ♪ ♪ watching people sashay ♪ ♪ past my steps ♪
- * mmm-hmm * - * yeah * * down in the treme * * just me and my baby * * we re all going crazy * * while jamming and having fun *
- ♪ mmm-hmm ♪ - ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ down in the treme ♪ ♪ just me and my baby ♪
* down in the treme * * it s me and my baby * * we re all going crazy * * while jamming and having fun * * down in the treme * * it s me and my baby *
♪ down in the treme ♪ ♪ it's me and my baby ♪ ♪ we're all going crazy ♪
Hangin'in the Tremé
♪ hangin'in the treme ♪
Down in the Tremé
♪ down in the treme ♪
Adaptation et sous-titrage : KB
♪ down in the treme ♪
On joue comme ça à Treme.
That's how we do it in Treme.
Adaptation et sous-titrage :
♪ down in the treme ♪
On est au Tremé, mec.
This is the treme, dude,
- Je sais tout sur Tremé.
- I kn all about the treme.
Vous vivez à Tremé.
You live in the treme.
? hanging in the treme?
♪ hanging in the treme ♪
? down in the treme?
♪ down in the treme ♪
* hangin'in the treme * * watching people sashay * * past my steps * * by my porch * * in front of my door *
♪ hangin'in the treme ♪ ♪ watching people sashay ♪ ♪ past my steps ♪
- * mmm-hmm * - * Yeah * * down in the treme * * just me and my baby * * we re all going crazy * * while jamming and having fun *
- ♪ mmm-hmm ♪ - ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ down in the treme ♪ ♪ just me and my baby ♪
- Pas mal, et je me sentirai bien mieux si tu te rendais dans ma propriété de treme pour une soirée.
- I'm well and I'll be a lot better If you journey to my treme estate For a soiree.
Ceci est une soirée à Treme,
This is a party in the treme,
Tu as appelé les flics parce qu'on jouait trop fort dans Treme?
You called the cops For loud music in the treme?
Un numéro 4 avec du fromage dessus et deux racinettes light.
A number four with x-treme cheese tots And two diet root beers.
Vous vous souvenez du flic qui a tabassé un type à mort dans le Treme en plein jour, un mois avant l'ouragan devant des témoins?
You remember that cop that kicked that man to death in Treme in broad daylight about a month before the storm in front of witnesses?
Ceux qui se plaignent de la musique dans le Treme,
Anybody with complaints about music in Treme,
Alors vous me dites que vous n'avez aucune autre arrestation au cours du Treme memorial?
So you're telling me you have no record of any arrest for anyone else from the Treme memorial?
En hommage à ce qu'il s'est passé à Treme hier soir.
In honor of what happened in Treme last night.
Il s'est passé quoi?
What happened in Treme last night?
- Le Treme Two?
- The Treme two?
Glen, Derrick et les Fraziers, il seront dans le Treme demain soir et ils joueront encore pour Kerwin
Glen, Derrick, and the Fraziers? They're gonna be in the Treme tomorrow night and playing for Kerwin again.
C'est un programme de logements sociaux dans le treme.
- It's a public housing project in Tremé. - Yeah?
Ca coupe le Treme en deux.
That cuts it off from the rest of the Tremé.
Okay, le week-end prochain c'est notre démonstration X-treme.
All right, so next weekend is our X-treme Exhibition.
♪ Hanging in the treme ♪
♪ Hanging in the treme ♪
♪ down in the treme, just me and my baby ♪
♪ down in the treme, just me and my baby ♪
♪ down in the treme ♪
♪ down in the treme ♪
On pourrait peut être faire venir le cast de Treme.
Maybe we could get the cast of treme to come.
- Wormhole X-treme.
- Wormhole X-treme.
Craig across the street from treme * * rolling out of there when I was just about 15... * je vous offre un verre? * I went to Joseph a.
♪ I went to Joseph a.
Mes voisins.
You moved into the treme, you tart the place up,
Vous avez emménagé au Tremé, retapé la maison, mis vos cage à oiseaux et jardin d'agrément sans avoir la moindre putain d'idée d'où vous vivez.
Put in your birdcage, your flower gardens, And you don't have a fucking clue As to where the fuck you are living.
Reçu, terminé.
Copy, over. ♪ Hangin'in the Treme ♪

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